US History I: Chapter 17 Test Assessment

What were the four goals that various progressive reform movements struggled to achieve?

1. Protecting social welfare.
2. Economic reforms.
3. Economic efficiency.
4. Promoting moral improvement.

What kind of state labor laws resulted from progressives' lobbying to protect workers?

Workers Compensation Laws

How did government change during the Progressive Era? How were these changes important?

-Prior to the Progressive Movement, cities ran under corrupt governments led by bosses who rewarded their supporters with rewards and bribes.
-Locally, power of mayors and town administrators/managers was re-allotted.
-On the state level, laws were passed

In the late 1890s, what job opportunities were available to uneducated women without industrial skills?

Domestic unskilled jobs like cleaning homes. Irish women filled these jobs in the North and African American filled the jobs in the South.

Give two examples of national women's organizations committed to social activism. Briefly describe their progressive missions.

NACW-National Association of Colored Women, they managed nurseries and kindergartens. Their mission was for colored people to become educated.
NAWSA-National American Women's Suffrage Association, their mission was to get women the right to vote.

What scandalous practices did Upton Sinclair expose in his novel "The Jungle"? How did the American public, Roosevelt, and Congress respond?

It exposed the food administration and hoe the food was disgusting. Americans were upset so Wilson and Congress created the Meat inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act.

How did Roosevelt earn his reputation as a trustbuster?

-He filed suits under the Sherman AntiTrust Act
-He made newspaper headlines with 44 antitrust suits, winning a number of them and breaking up some of the trusts

As a progressive, how did Taft compare with Roosevelt?

Taft appeared to enter his term as a president with every intention of carrying the policies introduced by Roosevelt , Taft broke up nearly twice as many trusts as Roosevelt had . Tafts lack of ideological passion interpretation of presidential power woul

Why did the Republican Party split during Taft's administration?

Taft signed a bill (the Payne Aldridge) which upsets the Progressives, so this formed a power-struggle within the party. So, Roosevelt ran against Taft, but lost. So Roosevelt formed his own party (Progressives) and they take votes from each other.

How did the Clayton Antitrust Act benefit labor?

Strikes, peaceful picketing, boycotts, and the collection of strike benefits became legal.

Cite two examples of social welfare legislation that Wilson opposed during his presidency and the arguments he used to defend his position.

Antilynching laws-Wilson argued that these crimes fell under state jurisdiction.
Segregation-Wilson felt that it was just, and he had only promised justice to African Americans.

What social, political, and economic trends in American life do you think caused the reform impulse during the Progressive Era?

The continent was peopled; the frontier was disappearing. A small, former struggling republic had become a world power.

In the passage, Winston Churchill attempts to explain what prompted Progressive Era reformers. The passage explains the actions of which of the following labor reform leaders?


The muckrakers served Progressivism by -


In the presidential election of 1912, three candidates attempted to win the liberal, progressive vote. Which candidate for president in 1912 ran on a conservative platform?
