TPR Values_VM7523 Toxicology

Horse Normal Temperature Range

99 - 100.5 F

Cow Normal Temperature Range

100 - 102.5 F

Pig Normal Temperature Range

100.5 - 104 F

Sheep Normal Temperature Range

102 - 104 F

Dog Normal Temperature Range

99.5 - 102.5 F

Cat Normal Temperature Range

100 0- 102.5 F

Horse Normal Respiratory Rate

8 to 16

Cow Normal Respiratory Rate

10 to 30

Pig Normal Respiratory Rate

10 to 20

Sheep Normal Respiratory Rate

10 to 20

Dog Normal Respiratory Rate

10 to 30

Cat Normal Respiratory Rate

20 to 30

Horse Normal Pulse

28 to 40 bpm

Cow Normal Pulse

40 to 80 bpm

Pig Normal Pulse

60 to 80 bpm

Sheep Normal Pulse

70 to 80 bpm

Dog Normal Pulse

60 to 120 bpm

Cat Normal Pulse

110 to 130 bpm