AP Euro Chapter 12

the italian renaissance was primarily

a recovery or rebirth of antiquity and greco-roman culture

the work "renaissance" means


economic developments in the renaissance included

a revival in trade

according to jacob Burckhard, the renaissance in italy represented

a distinct break from the middle ages

the Medici controleed the finaces of the Italian city-state of


what was the commercial and military league set up off the north coast of Germany?

Hanseatic League

two key ares of renaissance technological innovation were

mining and metal working, including manufacture of firearms

the most backward and reactionary state in italy during the renaissance was

Kingdom of Naples

castiglione's The Courtier was a

very popular handbook laying out the new skills in politics, the arts, and personal comportment expected of Renaissance aristocrats

the achievements of the italian renaissance were the products of

an elite movement movement, involving small numbers of wealthy patrons, artists, and intellectuals

the aristocracy of the 16th century was

to dominate society as it had done in the middle ages

banquets during the renaissance

were used to express wealth and power of an aristocratic family

the third estate of the 15th century was

overwhelmingly made up of peasants

western europe in the renaissance saw

a decline in serfdom

slavery in renaissance italy

saw slaves form Africa and eastern Mediterranean used mostly as courtly domestic servants and as skilled workers

the reintroduction of slavery in the 14th century occurred largely as a result of

the shortage of labor created by the black death

which of the following statements best describes marriage in Renaissance italy?

marriages were usually arranged, to strengthen family alliances

marriages in renaissance italy

were an economic necessity of life involving complicated family negotiations

by the 15th century, italy was

dominated by 5 major regional independent powers

perhaps the most famous of italian ruling women was

isabella d'Este

Federigo da Montefeltro of Urbino was

an example of a skilled, intelligent, independent Italian warrior prince

the Peace of Lodi in 1454 exemplifies what key Italian Renaissance political concept?

a balance of power between competing territorial states

Machiavelli's ideas as expressed in The Prince achieve amodel for

a modern secular concept of power politics

Italian renaissance humanism in the early fifteenth century

was based on the study of the Greco-Roman classics

in the late 15th century, italy became a battleground for the competing interests of

spain and france

neoplatonism was based on two primary ideas:

a hierarchy of substances and a theory of spiritual love

the Corpus Hermeticum

contained writings on the occult as well as theological and philosophical speculations

Pico della Mirandola's Oration on the Dignity of Man stated that humans

could be whatever they chose or willed

a subject of particular interest to 15th century humanists was

the Greek language

the liberal education taught by Vittorino da Feltre

contained as its primary goal the creation of well-rounded, virtuous citizens

liberal education in the renaissance included all of the following EXCEPT

the mastery of engineering and mechanics

humanism's main effect on the writing of history was

the secularization of historiography and the explanation of change over time

who played a leading role in perfecting the movable type for printing?

Johannes Gutenberg

The development of printing in the 15th century

ensured that literacy and new knowledge would spread rapidly in European society

Italian artists int he 15th century began to

experiment in the areas of perspective

The major practitioner of the new architecture of the Renaissance as exemplified by the dome of the Cathedral of Florence and the city's church of San Lorenzo was


which of the following groups of italian artists dominated the high renaissance

de Vinci, Raphael, and Michelangelo

the painter of Rome's Sistine Chapel ceiling was


What was the name of the Renaissance painter who was noted for painting, "The School of Athens"?


which of the following is NOT true of Northern Renaissance artists?

they valued secular human form as the primary subject of painting

the "new monarchs" of the late 15th century in Europe

were focused upon the acquisition of expansion and power

the results of the Hundred year's war

all of the above
a) reinvigorated and strengthened the French monarchy
b)caused economic turmoil in England
c) temporarily strengthened the nobility in England

under Ferdiand and Isabella, Spain

saw Muslim power vanish from the peninsula

all of the following monarchs were successful in continuing the centralization of their "new monarchies" EXCEPT

Maximilian I of the Holy Roman Empire

The Tudor dynasty ruled in


The Byzantine empire was finally destroyed in 1453 by the

Ottoman Turks

The Ottoman Turkish sultan who captured Constantinople in 1453 was

Mehmet II

John Wyclif condemned the Catholic Church for all of the following EXCEPT

the pope should be given greater power to eliminate hearsay and unbelief

the renaissance popes did all of the following EXCEPT

attempt to return to the papacy to more humble times

the renaissance papacy

was often seen as corrupt and debauched, as evidenced by Alexander VI