AP Euro Chapter 22

Alexander II (Russia)

Abolished serfdom, formed zemstevos, reformed military, repressed and "russify" Poland, "Tsar Liberator", never popular.

Alexander III (Russia)

Sought to roll back Alexander II's reforms; strengthened secret police and imposed censorship of press; autocratic.

Austro-Prussian War/ Seven Weeks' War (1866)

Austria lost Venetia (given to Italy); excluded Austria from all German affairs (Treaty of Prague).

Ballot Act of 1872

Introduced voting by secret ballot in England.

Otto von Bismark (Germany)

Led Prussia to unify all German states; defeated Denmark, Austria, then France; conservative, led monarchy and army to be most popular in Prussia.

General Georges Boulanger (France)

Challenged Third Republic; would have imposed stronger executive authority in France.


A house of the legislature in Prussia, a federal council composed of members appointed by governments of states.


Most famous of the secret republican societies founded throughout Italy after the Congress of Vienna. "Charcoal Burners

Count Camillo Cavour (Italy)

Prime Minister of Piedmont; used alliance with France and military interventions to unify Italy under King Victer Emmanuel II.

Concert of Europe

A means of dealing with international relations on the Continent; shattered by Crimean War.

Crimean War (1853-1856)

Russia's desire to extend influence over Ottomans; France and Britain and Ottoman and Sardinia vs. Russia (who lost) shattered Concert of Europe.

Danish War (1864)

2 large states (Scheswig and Holstein) defeated Denmark; strengthened Bismark's politics; led him to maneuver Austria into war with Prussia.

Benjamin Disraeli (Great Britain)

Focused on social reforms of paternalistic legislation.

Captain Alfred Dreyfus (France)

Found guilty of passing information to the Germans; "Dreyfus Affair"; sent to Devil's Island; evidence was forged.

Dreyfus Affair

Greatest trauma of the Third Republic; Captain Dreyfus found guilty when he was innocent of passing secrets to the Germans.

Dual Monarchy (Austria-Hungary)

Compromise of 1867 gave Magyars of Hungary recognition and became a separate state with Francis Joseph crowned their king.

Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871)

French defeated, Paris besieged, Napoleon III captured; Prussian victory led to proclamation of German Empire.

German Confederation

Original political structure of German-speaking lands; 39 states meet at Frankfurt, strongest were Austria and Prussia.

Giuseppe Garibaldi (Italy)

Led the campaign in Italy for control of Sicily and Southern Italy.

William Gladstone (Great Britain)

His ministry in England witnessed the culmination of classical British liberalism; individualism, free trade, and competition to solve social problems.

Hatt-i Sharif of Gulhane" (1839)

Published newspaper that set forth reformist positions; inspired the populism movement.

J'Accuse" 1898

Newspaper article by Emile Zola that contended that the army denied due process to Dreyfus and had suppressed or forged evidence.

Emperor Francis Joseph (Habsburg Empire)

Crowned King of Hungary after the Compromise of 1867 and the new dual monarchy.

Land and Freedom Society

The chief radical society, young Russians sought social revolution, split into 2 groups; one killed Alexander II.

Marshal Patrice Macmohan (France)

Elected president of the new Third Republic, expected to prepare for monarchist restoration, resigned and gave government to republicans.


In the Compromise of 1867, they achieved the dual monarchy and separate Hungarian state they wanted.

Giuseppe Manzini (Italy)

Led romantic republic nationalism in Italy; most important nationalist leader in Europe and brought favor to the cause.

Napoleon III (France)

Allied with Italy to defeat Austria; captured at Battle of Sedan, his regime ended with a new republic.

National Assembly of 1871 (France)

Dominated by monarchists; resulted in a simple republican system, suppressed the Parisian revolts.

North German Confederation

Its president was King of Prussia; legislative, Bundesrat and Reichstag; chancellor proposed all laws; all Germany north of Main River; constitution made for empire.

Ottoman Empire

After Crimean War, it strived for reforms; gave rights to non-Muslims; Tanzimat period.

Paris Commune (1871)

Dominated by petty bourgeois members; intended to administer Paris separately from the rest of France.

Charles Stewart Parnell (Ireland)

Leader of the Irish movement for a just land settlement and for home rule in Ireland.

Populism Movement (Russia)

A revolutionary movement with students in Russia inspired by Alexander Herzen.


Lower house of the Prussian legislature; members were chosen by universal male suffrage; didn't propose laws; little power.


The most independent state on the Italian peninsula; supported French and British in Crimean War to gain support in Italian Unification.

Schleswig-Holstein Problem/Question (1864)

Both duchies Schleswig and Holstein defeated Denmark; predominated by Germans.

Battle of Sedan (1870)

Brought the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War and the collapse of Louis Napoleon's regime in France (he was captured).


The period of reform in the Ottoman Empire that lasted 1839-1876; opened by the Hatt-i Sharif decree.

Third Republic (France)

(1870-1940) Created after fall of Louis Napoleon's regime in France; Macmohan was elected president.

Treaty of Frankfurt (1871)

Ended Franco-Prussian War; negotiated by Adolphe Thiers; Germany annexed Alsase and part of Lorraine; France had to pay large indemnity.


Czechs in Bohemia favored a triple monarchy, wanted a separate state like Hungary.


Provincial/county councils that were part of the local administration as part of reforms by Alexander II.

Emile Zola

Published the newspaper "J'accuse" that defended Dreyfus and attacked the army of denying due process

The Reading: "The Arrival of the Penny Postage

New form of administration was development of postal system; British government took the lead; Rowland Hill proposed new postage procedure "Uniform Procedure Post"; prices lowered, would be uniform, and prepaid by sender; Universal Postal Union in 1874.