World History Ch.1


Human made objects, such as tools and jewelry


Jewelry, cave painting and pottery are examples.


Humans and other creatures that walk upright, such as australopithecines.

Hominid remains found in Ethiopia by Donald Johanson

Who was Lucy?


Unique way of life of a group of people


Ruler famous for a uniform code of laws


Trading goods and services without money


Pyramid shaped monument found in Ur, means "mountain of god

Fertile Crescent

Nickname for this region due to its curved shape and the richness of its land


a series of rulers from one family


brings together several peoples, nations, or previously independent states under the control of one ruler

iraq, syria, and turkey

Where is Mesopotamia today?

Tigres and Euphrates

What were the 2 rivers in Mesopotamia

unpredictable flooding, no natural protection, and limited natural resources

What were the 3 problems the Mesopotamian people faced in their environment?

caused there to be little water supply; to provide water, they dug irrigation ditches that carried river water to their crops

Why was unpredictable flooding a problem in Mesopotamia and how did they fix that problem?

they built city walls with mud bricks

How did the sumerians fix the problem of having little natural protection?

traded grain, cloth, and tools with others in exchange for raw materials.

How did the sumerians fix the problem of limited natural resources?


Did the Sumerians live in Mesopotamia?

temple priests

Who was at the top of the class structure in Ancient Mesopotamia?

polythesitic, temple was at the heart of the city, believed in the afterlife, and performed rituals.

Describe the religious beliefs of Sumerians/Mesopotamia


What were the first people to migrate to Mesopotamia called?

they were one of the first civilizations

What set Sumer apart from other ancient societies ?

advanced cities, specialized workers, complex institutions, record keeping, and advanced technologies

Characteristics of Civilizations

invented the wheel and plow; first to use bronze, arithmetic

What were some of the advanced technologies in Mesopotamia?


System of writing that Sumerian scribes created


Where did bartering develop?

had social classes, life revolved around temple and gods large scale irriagtion

Describe the life and agriculture in Ancient Ur


Ancient city found on the banks of the Euphrates River

Ur and sumer

What civilizations are included in Mesopotamia?


a marshy region formed by deposits of silt at the mouth of a river


a king of ancien Egypt, considered a god as well as a political and military leader


a government controlled by religious leaders

the nile

What was the major river in ancient egypt?

Nile river; deserts on both sides of the nile

describe the geography of Egypt

provided a system of transportation, gave irrigation for crops

Pros to the Nile River

considered gods, they were at the center of their religion, their responsibility was to watch over the kingdom

Describe the importance of pharaohs in Egypt

Egyptian rulers were gods and Mesopotamian were only able to communicate with the gods

Difference between Mesopotamian and Egyptian rulers

polytheistic, believed in afterlife, Pharaohs were considered gods, honored the dead,

Describe the Egyptians religious beliefs

Pharaohs were at the top, slaves were at the bottom, women had many of the same rights as men,

Describe the Class Structure in Egypt

rosetta stone

Stone inscribed with 3 different languages (hieroglyphics, simpler form of hieroglyphics, and greek)

hieroglyphics, rosetta stone, papyrus, and pyramids

Name some of Egypt's technological advancements


What type of government was Egypt?


Black fertile mud


Writing surface made from reeds found in the marshy delta


Who united Egypt?

2 rivers called the ganges and indus rivers, mountains and deserts, deccan plateau, many monsoons,

Describe the geography of the Indus Valley

deccan plateau

the high plateau in the center of the indus valley peninsula.


Where is the Indus Valley today?


What type of weather dominated the Indus Valley's climate?

unpredictable floods, rivers sometimes changed course, and wet/dry seasons were unpredicable

Environmental challenges of Indus Valley

First Indian civilization and largest of the ancient civilizations

Significance of the Indus Valley Civilization

Harappan civilzation

What is the Indus Valley Civilization also known as?

advanced city planning

What was one of the Indus Valley's most significant achievements?

cities were laid out on a tight grid system; had sophisticated plumbing sewage systems,

Describe the Indus Valley's cities

the indus people had a strong central government

What does the uniformity in the Harappan Civilizations cities' planning suggest?


What was the Harappan culture based on?


Did the Indus Valley have good trade?

strong central government; theocracy,

Describe the Indus Valley/Harappan government

Most fair class structure

Describe the Class structure in the Indus Valley

animals were extremely important, believed to be a precursor to hinduism

Describe the Religious Beliefs of the Harappan Civilization

language with over 400 symbols, advanced cities and plumbing systems, put stamps on traded goods

What were some technological advancements of the Indus Valley/ Harappan Civilization?

Indus and ganges

What rivers were in India?


Indus valley civilization is sometimes called this because many archaeological discoveries at this site.

deccan plateau

Center of the peninsula is a high plateau framed by low mountain ranges.

their language has never been deciphered

What is the reason why we know so little about the Indus Valley Civilization

tectonic plate shifts

Reason most historians believe the Indus River Valley civilization disappeared.

oracle bone

one of the animal bones or tortoise shells used by Ancient Chinese preists to communicate with the gods

mandate of heaven

the divine approval thought to be the basis of royal authority


political system in which nobles are granted the use of
lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty,
military service, and protection of the people who live on the land

Natural barriers separate them; 2/3 of landmass are mountains and deserts; 2 rivers named the yangtze and yellow river; only 10% of land is suitable for farming; isolated by mountains and prone to floods

Describe China's geography

yangtze and yellow river

What are the 2 rivers in China?

danger of floods, early settlers had to supply their own supplies rather than trade because of china's isolation, and invasions still occurred despite their natural barriers

China's environmental problems

women were at the bottom, centered around family, Shang dynasty was divided between Nobles and peasants

Describe China's class structure

family was closely linked to religion, Sacrifices were made to father's family ancestors, Shang dynasty was Polythesitic, they consulted the gods through oracle bones

Describe China's religious beliefs


What was the most important virtue in chinese culture?

no links between the written and spoken language; Major advantage was that all people in china could learn the same system of writing, even if their spoken languages were different. The disadvantage was there was an enormous amount of written characters t

Describe China's system of writing

Zhou dynasty

Dynasty that overthrew the Shang dynasty and introduced the ideas of Mandate of Heaven and Feudalism

Mandate of heaven

ruler had to have divine approval

mandate of heaven

Divine approval, that gave the rulers the authority to rule.


Political system in which nobles or lords are granted the use of lands that legally belong to the king

language, coin money, silk, road system

China's technological advancements

Neolithic revolution

Far reaching change in human life caused by the discovery of farming

homo erectus

Early species of hominids to first use fire, migrate, use tools and develop the beginning of spoken language.

pre history

Historians refer to the time before the invention of writing


Not the ancestors of modern humans
Powerfully built
Developed religious beliefs and rituals
Resourceful (survived Ice Age winters)

Old stone age

Invention of tools, mastery of fire, and development of language occurred then.
Occurred during the Ice Age

New stone age

Also called Neolithic Age
People learned to polish stone tools, make pottery, grow crops,

change in climate and as temperature grew, hunters felt pressure to find new food sources

Causes of Agricultural Revolution


studies fossils


Excavate and study early settlements


a member of a group that has no permanent home, wandering from place to place in search of food and water


Gods or Goddesses


The landmass that includes India, Pakistan, and Bangledesh

no inscriptions are bilingual

Why has it been impossible for linguists to decipher the Harappan language?


gods or goddesses