U.S History Semester 1

Spanish Maine

(transported gold and silver--->pirates)
- Americans accused Spain of sinking warship, the Maine
- Spanish didn't actually sink ship (it had technical issues)
- Maine was sunk in 1898
- started Spanish-American war (real cause was desire for new land by A

St. Augustine

(Pedro Menedez)
1st permanent settlement established by Europeans in U.S


governor of a country or province who rules as the representative of his or her king or sovereign


american born descendants of spanish settlers
not permitted high role in government, farmed
didnt have rights


a person of mixed spanish and native american ancestry
(small farmers/tradespeople)

French Government in America

in Canada (Quebec, farming, fur trading...)
in government - people had no voice, kings officials had complete control

French - Indian Relations

french had better relations with indians than english
french - didnt destroy nature or take over indian land
french - men married indian woman and had babies = metis

Jamestown - Southern Colonies

The first permanent successful settlement because of John Smith in the Virginia colony founded in May, 1607. Harsh conditions nearly destroyed the colony but in 1610 supplies arrived with a new wave of settlers. The settlement became part of the Virginia

Roanoke - southern colonies

lost Colony"
founded before Jamestown, failed-bad location, weather...ect

joint-stock companies - southern colonies

Companies that financed the settlement of America.

John Smith - southern colonies

Jamestown succesful because of him
forced farming
got injured, went back to england, colony deteriated by famine,
Helped found and govern Jamestown. His leadership and strict discipline helped the Virginia colony get through the difficult first winter.


A grant of land made by Spain to a settler in the Americas, including the right to use Native Americans as laborers on it
promise christianity

Bacons Rebellion - southern colonies

A rebellion lead by Nathaniel Bacon with backcountry farmers to attack Native Americans in an attemp to gain more land and wanted fair representation for frontier settlers

Virginia House of Burgesses - southern colonies

1619. First elected legilative assembly in the New World established in the Colony of Virginia. Served as an early model of elected government in the New World...2 representatives from each district

Mayflower Compact - southern colonies

1620 - The first agreement for self-government in America. It was signed by the 41 men on the Mayflower and set up a government for the Plymouth colony.

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut - southern colonies

first written constitution in America, extended voting rights, self government

Georgia - southern colonies

founded by James Ogelthorpe (1732)
purpose: to make haven for prison/debt

Maryland - southern colonies

founded by George Calvert
purpose: haven for Catholics
land north of Chesapeake bay given from king charles to george...named after charles wife

Puritans - new england colonies

want to "purify"/reform the church by eliminated all forms of Catholism
1678: Salem
1630: Boston (Massachucettes Bay Colony)
-main trading point
*John Winthrop - leader
*anne hutchinson - thougt you dont need priest to interpret bible
*rodger Williams

Pilgrims/Separtists - new england colonies

want to separate from english church
Mayflower Compact
1620: Plymoth Colony
2nd permanent English colony

King Phillips War - new england colonies

The War Between the Puritans(King Phillip) and the Pequot, Narragansett,Wampanog, and Nipmunk indians

middle colonies

new amsterdam (capital)
fertile coastal plain, slow flowing rivers link to coast, harbors (delaware, hudson rivers)
trade, farming "bread basket", staple crops

Quakers - middle colonies

came for religious freedom

merchantalism - middle colonies

export more than import

Navagation Acts - middle colonies

not supposed to produce certain goods
only import english goods

Power of the Purse - middle colonies

controled what was happening with tax money

New England Colonies

forest, prime fishing, fast moving streams and rivers, rocky soil, slow growing system
fishing, lumbering, shipbuilding, commerce "substance farming"- produce crops to feed themselves

Southern Colonies

fertile soil, warm climate, long growing season, broad slow rivers
cash crops (rice, tabacco, indigo), no industry

John Peter Zenger

Colonial printer whose case helped begin freedom of the press

Zenger trial

importance: freedom of speech, and press
This 1735 trial of a New York newspaper editor for criticising a British-appointed governor. It resulted in a not guilty verdict, since the articles were based on fact, not slander. This acquittal was the first imp

French and Indian War

cause: fur trade, land
FRENCH (geurilla warefare - Indian allies, knew the land)
ENGLISH: (self-sufficiant, permanent settlement)
Colonist: unity, soldiers, more independent from mother country


movement during the 1700's that spread the idea that knowledge, reason, and science could improve society
people experimented, questioned

Great Awakening

It was a revival of religious importance in the 17th century. It undermined older clergy, created schisms, increased compositeness of churches, and encouraged missionary work, led to the founding new schools. It was first spontaneous movement of the Ameri

Navagation Acts

1. no goods could be shipped to or from any colony except on English Ships
2. certain articles produced in the colonies could be sold only to england
3. European goods going to colonies must first be shipped to England, then reshipped to colonies on Engli

Proclamation of 1763

A proclamation from the British government which forbade British colonists from settling west of the Appalacian Mountains, and which required any settlers already living west of the mountains to move back east, wanted to prevent indian problems...colonist

Sugar Act

halved the duty on foreign made molasses, placed duties on certain imports, and strenghtened the enforcement of the law allowing prosecutors to try smuggling cases in a vice-admiralty court...colonists smuggled goods from foreign nations

Stamp Act

A tax that the British Pariliament placed on newspapers and official documents sold in the American Colonies...this effected all people causing a "hornets nest", stamp collected mobbed and bullied, sons of liberty, people boycotted and the act was repeale

Critical Period

Term used by historians to describe the United States under the Articles of Confederation.

Shays Rebellion

this conflict in Massachusetts caused many to criticize the Articles of Confederation and admit the weak central government was not working; uprising led by Daniel Shays in an effort to prevent courts from foreclosing on the farms of those who could not p

Great Compromise

Compromise made by Constitutional Convention in which states would have equal representation in one house of the legislature and representation based on population in the other house


American colonists who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for independence


Colonists who wanted independence from Britain

Battle of Saratoga

Turning point of the American Revolution. It was very important because it convinced the French to give the U.S. military support. It lifted American spirits, ended the British threat in New England by taking control of the Hudson River, and, most importa

Treaty of Paris

Under this agreement, the British recognized the United States as an independent nation, the borders of the new nation extended from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River, and the southern border stopped at Florida, which was returned to Spain. The

Hamilton vs Jefferson

Hamiltion: (northerners, strong government, "Federalists", liberal constructionist)
strong governtment ruled by elite, wanted nation to pay off debt, national bank
Jefferson: (state government, southerners, "Democratic-Republicans", strict constructionist

protective tariff

tax on goods to encourage american production

Jays treaty

Was made up by John Jay. It said that Britain was to pay for Americans ships that were seized in 1793. It said that Americans had to pay British merchants debts owed from before the revolution and Britain had agreed to remove their troops from the Ohio Va

Alien and Sedation Acts

3 measures. alien acts raised the residence requirment for American citizenship from five years to 14 years and allowed the President to deport or jail any alien that was considered undesirable. The 4th measure, the sedation act sets ffines and jail terms


The doctrine that a state can declare null and void a federal law that, in the state's opinion, violates the Constitution.

Marbury v. Madison

, established concept of judicial review, first time supreme court declared something 'unconstitutional
makes the judicial branch more powerful, can declare law unconstitutional "Judicial Review

Louisiana Purchase

territory in western United States purchased from France in 1803 for $15 million
Napoleon, fear: french in America, Pickneys Treaty

Judicial Review

the power of the Supreme Court to declare laws and actions of local, state, or national governments unconstitutional

Consequences of War of 1812

1. led to end of Federalist party (members apposed to war)
2. encouraged growth of American industries to manufacture products no longer available from Britian because of war
3. confirmed the status of the US as a free and independent nation

Monroe Doctrine

-Spain and Portugal wanted teritories
-Russia in Alaska ----> drifting into california
-Spain was going to take back land
"foundsation for future" a policy by president James Maonroe of US opposition to any European indiference in the affairs of t

spoils system

jobs to friends and political allies

Jackson Democracy

Jacksons political philosophy based on the belief that common people are the source of American Strength

Indian Removal Act

treaty forced indian to move back west
*Trail of Tears - US drive Cheorke to west camps

Calhoun theory of nullification

state could declare nullified soverign, states have right not to pay

Embargo Act

Act that forbade the export of goods from the U.S. in order to hurt the economies of the warring nations of France and Britain. The act slowed the economy of New England and the south. The act was seen as one of many precursors to war.

Missouri Compromise

missouri (slave state)
Maine (free state)

Compromise of 1850

Includes California admitted as a free state, the Fugitive Slave Act, Made popular sovereignty in most other states from Mexican- American War
North- california free state
south - more effective fugitive slave law

popular sovereignty

The concept that a States people should vote whether to be a slave state or Free

Fugitive slave act

-slaves not permitted to trial by jury
-anyone helping slaves fined 1,000$ and prision for 6 months
"vigilance committes" - send slaves to canada

Uncle Toms Cabin

expressed a hatred for slavery written by Harriet Breecher Stowe
stirred protests about Fugitive Slave Act

Kansas - Nebraska Act

1854 - Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty.
Stephen Douglas
two territories: popular soveregnity
violece broke out- "bleeding Kansas

political party of 1850

democrats (divied on the issue) + Whigs (north anit slavery and south pro salvery) =
Republican Party

Dred Scott Decision

slave livied in a free stae with owner dead, can be free
not a citizen, cant sue
being in a free territory, didnt make a slave free (slaves=property)
North: anger because there is no way you can stop slavery from spreading
South: allow extention

Radical Republicans

leaders: Gladius Ceasar, Charles Summner
, Political party that favored harsh punishment of Southern states after civil war

Freedmens Bureau

gave food and clothing and education to former slaves and children in South, an organization started by Congress in 1865 to help newly freed African American citizens in the South


took everything in a bag"
can down from the north during the reconstruction period


southern whites who supported republican policy throught reconstruction
(union members, small farmers)

Factors that contributed to industrial growth

-abundant natural resources
-increasing number of inventions
-expanding uraban population

Edwin Drake

created first oil in Titusville Pennsylvania, oil used as lubracant to make machines run smoothly
used steam engine to drill oil--->gasoline--->cars

Bessemer Process

used for steel, removes impurities....widley used as strong steel metal (construction-Brooklyn Bridge...)


linked areas together
*standard gage track
*standard time zones
harsh working conditions, injuries, abuse, indian attack


thomas edison - light bulb
george westinghouse - electricity
christopher sholes - typewriter
Alaxander Bell - telephone

Pullman/Pullman Illinois

George Pullman - controled environment
lived in nice conditions, shops, doctors
cut pay, didnt lower taxes--->strike

Credit Mobilier

"pocket profits" (contract to lay tracks 3x actual costs)
formed by Union Pacific Railroad

Interstate Commerce Act

a law that made a federal Interstate Commerce Commission to regulate unfair railroad practices

vertical integration

process in which Carnegie bought out his suppliers in order to control the raw materials and transportation systems

horizontal integration

the merging of companies that make similar products

Social Darwinism

The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion.

John Rockefeller

robber barons"
-payed employies very low
-sold oil lower than it takes to produce it
-when controlled market, hike up the price

Sherman Antitrust Act

an 1890 law that banned the formation of trusts and monopolies in the United States
not successful:
didnt define "trusts"
firms felt pressure from government (single corporations)

Samuel Gompers

United States labor leader (born in England) who was president of the American Federation of Labor Union from 1886 to 1924 (1850-1924)


American Federation of Labor. A union of skilled workers from one or more trades which focused on collective bargaining (negotiation between labor and management) to reach written agreements on wages hours and working conditions. The AFL used strikes as a


(Industrial Workers of the World) A labor organization for unskilled workers, formed by a group of radical unionists and socialists in 1905.


people in small companies turn over control to a board---->control of stock


complete control of industry

holding company

a company whose primary business is owning a controlling share of stock in other companies

captains of industry

companie owners such as Carnegie and Rockefeller who some followers thought had a positive impact on the country in terms of businesses

New immigration after 1890

eastern /southern europe, caribean, mexico, japan, china
most spoke little or no english
looking for religious freedom, jobs, land, better way of life
*ellis island, angel island
*melting pot - mixed people in America
*Nativism - favortism

Gentlemans agreement

an informal agreement between the United States and the Empire of Japan whereby the U.S. would not impose restriction on Japanese immigration or students, and Japan would not allow further immigration to the U.S.

Americanization Movement

A movement designed to assimilate people of wide ranging cultures into the dominate culture. This social movement was sponsored by the government and concerned citizens. Schools and voluntary associations taught immigrants skills need for citizenship, suc

Social Gospel Movement

applying Christian principles to social problems

Jane Adams (Hull House)

Social reformer who worked to improve the lives of the working class. In 1889 she founded Hull House in Chicago, the first private social welfare agency in the U.S., to assist the poor, combat juvenile delinquency and help immigrants learn to speak Englis


the illegal use of political influence for personal gain (fraud, bribes---->votes, money)
"kick backs

urban problems

housing, transportation, water, sanitation, crime, fire

Boss Tweed

William Tweed, head of Tammany Hall, NYC's powerful democratic political machine in 1868. Between 1868 and 1869 he led the Tweed Reign, a group of corrupt politicians in defrauding the city. Example: Responsible for the construction of the NY court house;

Thomas Nast

Newspaper cartoonist who produced satirical cartoons, he invented "Uncle Sam" and came up with the elephant and the donkey for the political parties. He nearly brought down Boss Tweed.

Pendleton Act

It made compulsory campaign contributions from federal employees illegal, and established the Civil Service Commission to make appointments to federal jobs on the basis of examination rather than cronyism

Booker T. Washington

Prominent black American, born into slavery, who believed that racism would end once blacks acquired useful labor skills and proved their economic value to society, was head of the Tuskegee Institute in 1881. His book "Up from Slavery."
"Cast down your bu

W. E. B. Du Bois

fought for African American rights. Helped to found Niagra Movement in 1905 to fight for and establish equal rights. This movement later led to the establishment of the NAACP

poll tax

a tax of a fixed amount per person and payable as a requirement for the right to vote
(blacks and poor whites couldnt pay tax---->grandfather clause so poor whites could vote)

Literacy test

A test given to persons to prove they can read and write before being allowed to register to vote

Grandfather clause

A clause in registration laws allowing people who do not meet registration requirements to vote if they or their ancestors had voted before 1867.
(inteded for poor whites to vote)


the separation or isolation of a race, class, or group

Jim Crow Laws

law separating blacks and whites in public and private places
(effect: racial segregation in schools, hospitals, parks, and transportation areas throughout south especially)

Plessy v. Ferguson

sumpreme court ruled that segregation public places facilities were legal as long as the facilites were equal
"seprate but equal

Progressive Movement

reform effort, generally centered in urban areas and begun in the early 1900s, whose aims included returning control of the government to the people, restoring economic opportunities, and correcting injustices in American life.
Four Goal of Progressive:

Social Welfare

reformers worked to soften harsh working conditions
(YMCA, Salvation Army)
*Florence Kelley - advocate for woman and children and passed Illinois Factory Act: no child labor/limited hours for women

Moral Improvement

wanted to help poor immigrants
"Temperance Movement" ~Prohibition - bann of alchoholic drinks
Alchohol---> domestic abuse--->organizations against alchohol (WTC) and Frances WIllard

Economic Reform

Americans embraced socialism (Eugene V. Debs)
organized a socilalist party (capitalism=evil)
*Ida Tarbell--->target: a muckraker for standard oil company
*Lincoln Steffans---> muckraker "shame of Cities" (corruption of government)
***Muckrakers - magazine


This term applies to newspaper reporters and other writers who pointed out the social problems of the era of big business. The term was first given to them by Theodore Roosevelt.

Ida Tarbell

A leading muckraker and magazine editor, she exposed the corruption of the oil industry with her 1904 work A History of Standard Oil.

Lincoln Steffens

United States journalist who exposes in 1906 started an era of muckraking journalism (1866-1936), Writing for McClure's Magazine, he criticized the trend of urbanization with a series of articles under the title Shame of the Cities.

Fostering Efficiancy

Brandis Breif" - argued he saw working woman for long hours detremental
*scientific managment - study to see how quickly a task can be preformed (higher pay-more work)

Upton Sinclair

muckraker who shocked the nation when he published The Jungle, a novel that revealed gruesome details about the meat packing industry in Chicago. The book was fiction but based on the things Sinclair had seen.

Seventeenth Amendment

an amendment to the US constitution provides for the election of US senetors by the people rather than by state legislatures,
1913 constitutional amendment allowing American voters to directly elect US senators


ECONOMIC ( Roosevelt establishes Square Deal and breaks up trusts, new tax system is insituted)
POLITICAL (electons are reformed, citizens given greater voice in government: recall -removing person form public office by vote, initiative - legislative meas

Clayton Antitrust Act

Corrected the problems of the Sherman Antitrust Act; outlawed certain practices that restricted competition; unions on strike could no longer be considered violating the antitrust acts
no monopoly could be created

Roosevelt Square Deal

Roosevelt ran for president in his own rights in 1904. During the campaign, he promised Americans this. By this, he meant that everyone from farmers to consumers to workers to owners would have the same opportunity to succeed. That promise helped Roosevel


A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries poitically, socially, and economically.

3 Factors that fueled the New American Imperialsim

- desire for military strength
-thirst for new markets
-belief in cultural superiority

Alfred T. Mahan

urged US government to build up naval power...believed in large army

Spanish American War

-human rights (unfair treatment of Cubans)
-yellow journalism (writing that exeraterates news to elure readers)
-De Lome Letter (secret letter from Spain critisizing President Mckinley and was found)

de Lome letter

Spanish Ambassador's letter that was illegally removed from the U.S. Mail and published by American newspapers. It criticized President McKinley in insulting terms. Used by war hawks as a pretext for war in 1898.

Spanish American War treaty term

Treaty of Paris 1898
-Cuba independent
-Guam, Puerto Rico
-20 million paid by US for the Phillippines

Teller Amendement

US declared Cuba free from Spain, but disclaimed any American intention to annex Cuba

Platt Amendment

a series of provisions the US insisted Cuba to add to the Constitution
-Cuba couldnt make treaties that might limit independence or permit a foriegn power to control any part of its territory
-the US reserved the right to intervene in Cuba
-Cuba was not a

Anti-Imperialist League

objected to the annexation of the Philippines and the building of an American empire. Idealism, self-interest, racism, constitutionalism, and other reasons motivated them, but they failed to make their case; the Philippines were annexed in 1900

Panamal Canal


Roosevelt Corollary

Roosevelt's 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the United States has the right to protect its economic interests in South And Central America by using military force

Roosevelt foreign policy philosophy

missionary diplomacy" - US has moral responsibility to deny recognition to any Latin American governement it viewed as oppresive, undemocratic, or hostle to US interest
*taft policy - "dollar dipolmacy" - nations economy power to exert influence over oth

Zimmerman Note

Written by Arthur Zimmerman, a german foreign secretary. In this note he had secretly proposed a German- Mexican alliance. He tempted Mexico with the ideas of recovering Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. The note was intercepted on March 1, 1917 by the U.S.

Four Causes of WWI

-alliance system

US enters war

1. submarine warefare
2. Zimmerman note

Selective Service Act

law requiring men to register for military service

John Pershing


Eddie Rickenbacker

the most decorated United States combat pilot in World War I (1890-1973)

Herbert Hoover

head of the Food Administration
"gospel of a clean plate"
helped conserve and ration for WWI

Bernard Bauch

prosperous businessman and leader of war Industries Board

George Creel

head of CPI (comittee of Public Information) and former muckraker journalist----> posters, cartoons, minute men

Espionage and Sedition Acts

laws that enacted harsh punishments against anyone who opposed participation in the war\
violated first amendment

gains for women during WWI

-jobs (for war support)
-19th amendment (vote)
-women helped outcome of war

Red Scare

Intense fear of communism and other politically radical ideas

Palmer Raids

a series a government attacks on suspected radicals in the United States led by the U.S. attorney general A. Mitchell Palmer

Emergancy Quota Act

established a maximum number of people who could enter the US from each foreign country

John L. Lewis

leader of the United Mine Workers and declared strike that resulted in wage increase

Kellogg-Briand Pact

renounced war as a national policy but provided no means of enforcement

Fordney-McCumber tariff

This tariff rose the rates on imported goods in the hopes that domestic manufacturing would prosper. This prevented foreign trade, which hampered the economy since Europe could not pay its debts if it could not trade.

Charles Hughs

President Harding's secretary of state

Herbert Hoover

gained experience as director of the Food Admisnistration to serve as Secretary of Commerce

Teapot Dome scandal

governement set aside oil-rich public lands at Teapot Dome and Elk Hills for use by the US navy
Albert Fall transferred these reserves to the Interior Department and secretly leased the land to two private oil companies
despite the claims by Fall that thi

Albert Fall

Secretary of Interior and part of teapot dome scandal
convicted of bribery

Andrew Mellon

Seccretary of Treasury, he sent about cutting taxes and reducing national debt

the automobile

created an urban sprawl

the one industry that didnt prosper in 1920s

farming industry
indusry that prospered

Causes of the Great Depression

1. Failure of Industry: overproduction, competition with new technology, loss of business
*when indusrty falls--->cut jobs/cut wages
2. Farmers: overproduction (surplus)--->price drop--->debt--->foreclosures--->banks lose money---> rural banks fail


The process of selecting investments with higher risk in order to profit from an anticipated price movement.

margin buying

paying part of the cost and borrowing the rest from brokers

Black Tuesday

October 29, 1929; the day the stock market crashed. Lead to the Panic of 1929


Unplanned slum development on the margins of cities, dominated by crude dwellings and shelters made mostly of scrap wood, iron, and even pieces of cardboard.

Depression in rural areas

-some farmers able to grow own food
-werent able to grow crops- Dust Bowl
-farmers ran into debt, lost land--->tenant farming

Dust Bowl

western Kansas and Oklahoma, northern Texas, and eastern Colorado and New Mexico; long periods of drought and destructive farming methods ruined farming in the region during the Great Depression

Federal Home Loan Act

lowered mortgage rates for homeowners and allowed farmers to refinance their farm loans and avoid foreclosure

Social and Phsychological Effects

Social effetcs:
-people didnt go to dentist, doctor
-gave up dreams
-people didnt get married, have kids
Physchological effects:
-mental hospitals
-people never wanted to be poor again

Philosophy of Herbert Hoover

Rugged Individualism" - the idea that people should suceed through their own efforts

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

an independant agency of the United States government. It granted over 2 billion dollars to the local and state governments. It was charted under the Herbert Hoover administration.

Bonus Army

Group of WWI vets. that marched to D.C. in 1932 to demand the immediate payment of their goverment war bonuses in cash