AP Euro Chapter 21 FLASHCARDS


freedom from governmental control


having the same conditions and opportunities as everyone else

classical liberalism

a term given to the philosophy of John Locke and other 17th and 18th century advocates of the protection of individual rights and liberties by limiting government power.


educated, middle class of france;


provided force behind the revolution

representative government

Power is held by the people and exercised through the efforts of representatives elected by the people.

thomas paine

In England he published The Rights of Man

thomas paine

Revolutionary leader who wrote the pamphlet Common Sense (1776) arguing for American independence from Britain.

declaration of independence

the document recording the proclamation of the Second Continental Congress (4 July 1776) asserting the independence of the colonies from Great Britain

marquis de lafayette

French soldier who joined General Washington's staff and became a general in the Continental Army.

treaty of paris of 1783

Treaty Between England and the Colonies , formally ended the American Revolutionary War

constitutional convention

meeting of delegates in 1787 to revise the Articles of Confederation, which produced the new U.S. Constitution

bill of rights

written list of freedoms the government promises to protect

manorial rights

privileges of lordship that allowed them to tax the peasantry for their own profit

louis xvi and marie antoinette

king and queen of France were spending much of france's money on themselves not on helping the citizens= citizens uprising= death of king and queen by guillotine.

abbe sieyes

Argued that lower classes were more important than the nobles and the government should be responsible to the people.

abbe sieyes

Wrote an essay called "What is the 3rd estate

national assembly

French Revolutionary assembly (1789-1791).

oath of the tennis court

National Assembly is locked out of meeting place for estates-general and meets in tennis court where they pledged to not leave until a constitution was made.


The political prison and armory stormed on July 14, 1789, by Partisian city workers alarmed by the king's concentration of troops at Versailles

great fear

A wave of senseless panic that spread through the French countryside after the storming of the Bastille in 1789

declaration of the rights of man

Statement of fundamental political rights adopted by the French National Assembly at the beginning of the French Revolution.


French provinces that were more "naturally organized

civil constitution of the clergy

passed July 12, 1790 during the French Revolution, subordinated the Roman Catholic Church in France to the French government.

maximilien robespierre

The Jacobin leader who seized control of France in 1793 and eventually went crazy.

edmund burke

In Reflections of the Revolution in France, he forecast problems as those without political experience attempted to govern

mary wollstonecraft

English writer and early feminist who denied male supremacy and advocated equal education for women

declaration of pilnitz

the statment made by Austria and Prussia that they would attack France if anything happened to the King or Queen. empty threat gone wrong

legislative assembly

replaced National Assembly; took away most of king's power


Radical republicans during the French Revolution. They were led by Maximilien Robespierre from 1793 to 1794.

september massacres

revolutionaries break into prisons across france and massacre thousands of people for fear that political prisoners will aid the austrian-prussian army

national convention

french formed governing body that abolished the constitutional monarchy, declared france a republic and executed louis xvi

battle of valmy

victory for france which stopped invading armies, national convention abolishes the monarchy and declares france a republic


in the French Revolution, a radical group made up of Parisian wage-earners, and small shopkeepers who wanted a greater voice in government, lower prices, and an end of food shortages

committee of public safety

The leaders under Robespierre who organized the defenses of France, conducted foreign policy, and centralized authority during the period 1792-1795.

total war

the channeling of a nation's entire resources into a war effort

planned economy

an economy in which government directs the use of national resources and regulates the economy to achieve both goals and stability.


believing in the social and economic equality of all people

reign of terror

This was the period in France where Robespierre ruled and used revolutionary terror to solidify the home front. He tried rebels and they were all judged severely and most were executed


a strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country

thermidorian reaction

it was the result of widespread opinion that the Revolution had become too radical, it was a return to more traditional spheres for men and women, caused by the fall of Robespierre, price control and regulations were removed. People suffered, risings brok

the directory

National Convention drafted a new Constitution which called for a 2 house legislature and an executive body of 5 men, known as this

napoleon bonaparte

Army general who rose to become Emperor of France and conquered more the half of Europe. Established a Consulate, Concordat with the church, and Civil Code. Defeated 1815 at Waterloo.

first consul

Napoleon named this after ousting the Directory; remained this until proclaiming himself emperor; first of three


A popular vote;

civil code

Napoleonic Code; this code preserved most of the gains of the revolution by recognizing the principle of the equality of all citizens before the law, and ect.

concordat of 1801

This is the agreement between Pope Pius VII and Napoleon that healed the religious division in France by giving the French Catholics free practice of their religion and Napoleon political power "the majority of frenchmen are catholic

family monarchy

The idea that the father was the head of the household and ruled with absolute authority.
-aim of Napoleon Bonaparte
-set back women's rights gained from French Revo.

joseph fouche

head of Napoleons secret police

battle of trafalgar

an 1805 naval battle in which Napoleon's forces were defeated by a British fleet under the command of Horatio Nelson

battle of austerlitz

An important battle when Napoloen defeated the Third Coalition and all the countries had to sign treaties

confederation of the rhine

League of German States organized by Napoleon in 1813 after defeating the Austrians at Austerlitz. The league collapsed after Napoleon's defeat in Russia.

grand empire

built by Napoleon and composed of three parts: an ever-expanding France, a number of dependent satellite kingdoms, and the largely independent but allied states of Austria, Prussia, and Russia

satellite kingdoms

kingdoms basically under Napleon's control with a relative or a dummy ruler in place.

guerilla warfare

This tactic was used by both the Spanish and the Russians to defeat Napoleon's troops.

continental system

Napoleon's efforts to block foreign trade with England by forbidding Importation of British goods Into Europe.

alexander i

He was the Russian tsar during the Napoleonic Wars; he broke the continental system to trade with England, causing Napoleon to send troops to Russia even though he was involved in the Penninsular Wars

quadruple alliance

G.B., Austria, Prussia, and Russia united to defeat France and their Bonapartism, and also to ensure peace after war. After Napoleon, they resotred the Bourbon monarchy to France.

louis xviii

French monarch who was restored to the throne by the allies after Napoleon was defeated.

constitutional charter

issued by Louis XVIII, accepted many of France's revolution changes and guaranteed civil liberties

hundred days

The brief period during 1815 when Napoleon made his last bid for power, deposing the French King and again becoming Emperor of France

battle of waterloo

Famous battle put end to Napoleon's Hundred Days. Nap defeated in June of 1815 by British under Duke of Wellington. A Prussian force under General Blucher arrived late in the day to tip the balance against Napoleon.

national assembly

Called first as the Estates General, the three estates came together and demanded radical change.

national assembly

It passed the Declaration of the Rights of Man in 1789.


led the mountain


in this case it made Napoleon the First Consul of France and legalized his power.

1. France 2. Russia, Prussia, Austria 3. satellite countries

3 parts of Napoleon's empire

100 days

time that Napoleon returned to try to regain rule

1. equality of all men before the law 2. security of private property

two points reinforced by the civil code

Edmund Burke

had a conservative response to the revolution

Louis XIV abolishment

beginning of radical phase

interest on debt

50% of France's budget was focused on this

Great fear

time where peasants went on a rage for rights and freedoms-> destroying noble property

1. planned economy 2. nationalism 3. reign of terror

3 reasons why the French were successful in their fight against the first coalition

COntinental system

blockade of Britain created so that the country couldn't trade with Europe


first great revolt against napoleon

1. constitutional monarchy 2. economic reform 3. guarenteed liberty by law 4. reforms to help parish priests

4 common demands by all classes in the french revolution

Austria and Prussia

countries involved in the Dec. of Philnitz


first estate


2nd estate

bourgoise, peasents, sans clouttes

3 groups of the 3rd Estate

believed world was advancing with america as the leader

Europe's reaction to the revolutionary war

new idea

the bourgoise and nobles developed two parrallel social ladders that were increasingly linked

old theory

growing middle class made the bourgoise unite and destroy feudal priveledges

meeting of the Estates general

first sign that the absolute monarchy is collapsing


class that represented the 3rd estate in politics

the people

Sieyes thought that they should run the government

National Assembly

established at the Tennis COurt Oath


commander of the cities' armed forces

duke of aiguillon

issued the august 4th reforms

Declaration of the rights of man

guarenteed natural rights, freedom of speech and press, liberal revolutionary ideal

liberal revolutionary ideal

guarenteed equality before the law, representation for sovereign people, and individual freedom

right to divorce, inherit property, and obtain financial support from male counterpart

women's rights

National Assembly

government body that granted religious freedom

nationalizing church

most important failure of the National Assembly

Legislative Assembly

made up of the Jacobins, young radicals, dealt with first coalition

attack on tuileries

-> king imprisoned. event that led to the creation of the National assembly


sat on the lefthand sides led by robespierre and danton

national COnvention

convicted Louis XIV of treason and sentenced him to death

1. collaborated with sans culottes to make things more fair 2. used to produce arms

2 ways robsipierre made his planned economy