Euro Ch. 19

Estates General

By order (33%) or by head (50%+)?
The First Estate~100,000 Catholic clergy owned 10% of the land and collected a tithe from peasants
The Second Estate~400,000 noblemen and -women owned 25% of land, had tax exemptions, and collected rents and seignurial du

National Assembly

formed July 17, 1789 by 3rd estate deputies who had wanted to vote by head, not order. took the "tennis court oath": they swore to write France a constitution. WHAT THEY DID~decided nobles should give up their tax exemption and seignurial dues; abolished

Tennis Court Oath

on June 20, 1789, members of the National Assembly were denied access to their meeting hall, and thus met on a nearby tennis court, where they swore not to disband until they had given France a consitution.

Storming the Bastille

July 11, 1789~Louis fired Jacques Necker, Swiss Protestant finance minister and prominently popular deputy of the National Assembly, inciting the common people to arm themselves and steal arms and grain. July 14, 1789~prison officials at the Bastille, a f

Great Fear

peasants feared that the vagrants on the roads were part of a plot to steal and ruin their food supply, leading to peasant attacks in the countryside on aristocrats and refusal to pay their lords. resulting in the abolishment of serfdom and seignurial due

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

Men are born and remain free and equal in rights." granted freedom of religion and the press, equality of taxation, and equality before the law. established national sovereignty.

Olympe de Gouges

wrote "Declaration of the Rights of Women" in 1791. advocated equal rights to property and public office and equal responsibilties in taxes and criminal punishment for women. was guillotined in 1793.

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

passed in July 1790. set pay scales for the clergy and required that voters elect their parish priests and bishops.

Legislative Assembly

elected in 1791. WHAT THEY DID~declared war on Austria on April 21, 1792; protected the king from an insurrection; ordered elections for a new legislature; and instituted universal male suffrage.

National Convention

abolished the monarchy on September 22, 1792. mainly members of the extremely Republican Jacobin Club. TO KILL THE KING~The Girondins wanted clemency, exile, or a popular referendum, while the Mountain wanted execution as a traitor. created the infamous C

September Massacres

in 1792, as the Prussians approached Paris, mobs murdered 1100 supposedly traitorous prisoners and mutilated and murdered the princess of Lamballe.


the more conservative members of the Jacobin Club. advocated clemency, exile, or a popular referendum in the trial of the king.

The Mountain

the more radical and powerful members of the Jacobin Club. wanted execution as a traitor for the king.

Maximilien Robespierre

(1758-1794) a lawyer from northern France who laid out the principles of a republic of virtue and of the Terror. "lead the people by reason and the people's enemies by terror."
His contradictions: 1) opposed the death penalty and war, BUT advocated the us

Committee of Public Safety

THEIR GOALS: purge unreliable officials, set up tribunals and courts in Paris and provincial areas to try political suspects, and guillotine and cofiscate the property of Girondin leaders and other dissenters. DE-CHRISTIANIZATION: