AP Euro Chapter 9 Facts and Terms

Estates General

The French parliment made up of clergy, nobility, and commoners. Met up until 1789 revolt

John Ball

Was a priest and died in 1381 b/c he was thought as a helper in the peasant revolt of the same year.

Wat Tyler

Rebel, leader of the Peasant's revolt. Died the same year as John Ball, 1381

Black Death

Name of the bubonic plague, which killed millions of people in Europe in the 1300's. Carried by fleas on rats along the trade routes.


A book written by Baccaccio in 1353 in which many tales are written, one of which describes the symptoms of the plague.

Lollards and Hussites

Lollards-followers of John Wycliff who questioned the supremacy and privileges of the pope and church.
Hussites- followers of John Huss who questioned the Catholic teachings about the Eucharists.


A Sponsor of the Conciliar Movement (established an ecclesastical council as head of Church). Movement ended quickly

Petrine Supremacy

The belief that the bishops of Rome were granted special privileges given by Jesus, therefore a higher rank in the Church. (http://www.2ad.com/history/node152.html)

Holy Roman Empire

The revival of the old Roman Empire. Lasted from 807 AD to 1806 AD.


The direct involvement of the ruler in religious doctrine and practice as if he were the head of the church as well as the state.

What were the political and economic causes of the 100 years war?

The political causes were that the King Edward IV was a vassal to France, they wanted more land, and the king of England wanted to rule the french throne.

What were the economic, social and political consequences of the Black Death for each of the following: Peasants? Upper Classes? Royal Government?

Peasants: Some peasants moved up the social ladder as the need for artisans increased. They also lost wages until an act was passed, raising the wages to what they were.
Upper classes: Many died, either from famine or the plague. Some moved up the politic

Describe the events of the Babylonian Captivity and Great Schism. What were the consequences of these events on the Pope vs. State conflict?

(note: also called the Avignon Papacy)
When a french pope was elected, he moved the church to Avignon, France. A conclave was called and a roman pope was chosen (great schism). Then, a pope from piza was elected. Finally, the king sat them down and ended