SMCHS World History Final: Semester 1

what is an indirect democracy?

subset of elected representatives that makes most of the political descions

what is an example of an indirect democracy?

Roman empire

what is direct democracy?

people vote directly, there are no representatives

what is an example of direct democracy?


how is indirect democracy different from direct democracy?

in indirect democracy people elect people to vote for them, in direct democracy, people vote directly

what is a republic?

elect the officials that are going to pass the laws and make the laws. the roman republic was the closest to our government

who is Pericles?

famous ruler in athens who strengthened Greek democracy by increasing the number of paid public officials and paid jurors

how did Pericles expand democracy?

he supported democratic reform and wanted to change balance of power between rich and poor and allowed poor citizens to participate in government

who is Justinian?

Justinian, ruled the Byzantine Empire and reconquered the western half of the historical Roman Empire and created a law code

what did Justinian contribute to the written law?

he contributed the code of Justinian which was a set of laws that governed the people

what is the heliocentric theory?

the sun is the center of the universe and the planets are orbiting around it

who proposed the heliocentric theory?

Nicholas Copernicus

who was Francis Bacon?

An english philosopher, scientist and author who promoted inductive reasoning and scientific method

what is the law of the universal gravitation?

states that any two bodies in the universe attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of distance between them

what is the scientific revolution?

emergence of modern science in the 1600s during the beginning of the modern period when developments in mathematics physics, astronomy, biology and chemistry transformed the views of society and nature


idea of science and progress science & religion are secular


-admired english constitutionalism and seperation of powers, checks and balances
- wrote spirit of the law: used scientific inquiry to understand the evolution of state

John Locke

believed that human nature were generally good, he wanted people to have power over government, there are certain rights you are born with

Thomas Hobbes

believed that people are born evil and selfish, believed in absolute monarchy, believed that people had to give up rights to keep order in society, believed government contained all the power
-wrote "Leviathan

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

believed that civilization was corrupted
- a loner who quarreled with other philosophers
-"men are born free yet everywhere are in chains


supported enlightened despotism, waned strong minded powerful leader, against church, wants freedom of speech

declaration of independence

written by Thomas Jefferson
-stated our rights, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness

bill of rights

first ten amendments to the US Constitution which protect citizens' basic rights and freedoms
- freedom of speech, limited government
-major philosophers supported the bill of rights

old regime

old society in France before the revolution ruled by monarchs= king and queen

first estate

-roman catholic clergy
-owned 10% of the land but paid few taxes
-scorned Enlightement ideas

second estate

rulers paid little to no taxes,

third esate

-paid the majority of taxes


working class

the peasants

unfair treatment, paid most of the taxes

Louis XVI

weak leader, absolute monarch

Marie Antoinette

Queen of France, wife of Louis XVI who was unpopular her extravagance and opposition to reform contributed to the overthrow of the monarchy; she was guillotined along with her husband (1755-1793)

estates general

met to talk after 75 years to talk about the national assembly and the revolution and the potential threat

national assembly

does not involve the catholic church, took away 10% of the land which upset the peasants of France

who formed the national assembly and what did it cause?

second and third estate
-caused the revolution

tennis court oath

solemn promise of national assembly, would not leave until king signed a promise to write constitution

bastille day

storming of the bastille prison
first violent attack

great fear

-peasants attack nobles
- time of panic
-forced the nobles to flee into hiding

declaration of the rights of man

sums up all values of the enlightenment, individual rights, no taxes without consent, protection of property, men are born free

what is the slogan of the revolution?

liberty, equality and perpetuity for enternity

who organized reign of terror?

Robes Pierre

reign of terror

targeted to those who are considered disloyal to revolution, committe of public safety carried this out, no one was considered safe

who killed Robes Pierre?

other revolutionaries

the Guillotine

method of execution


defends revolution, seizes the government, rose to power, becomes the emperor of France

what did Napoleon do?

known for the Napoleonic code, code of laws he developed

coup d' etat

seizing power


popular vote, popular election


second level of schooling


the agreement between Napoleon and the church (Pope) so that the church can continue to practice their religion
- churches are open again

Napoleonic code

most famous achievement of Napoleon that was brought to Louisiana territory

louisiana terrritory

selling the land to Thomas Jefferson

battle of Trafalgar

naval battle in 1805 between the French navy and the British navy

what were the consequences of the battle?

could no longer conquer France

continental system

tarde embargo against britain, britain will be forced to negotiate

what were the results of the continental system?

britain puts up its own embargo, fails a victory for the British

peninsular war

war in Spain, Napoleon went into Spain because Portugal is not accepting the agreement of continental changes, Portugal was still trading with Britain, weakens the French and losses a ton of people

Napoleon's invasion of russia

lose of power, Russians were smuggling good to Great Britain, he lost most of his army

where was Napoleon exiled to?

the island of Elba

scorched-earth policy

burned the land so the army didnt have supplies


napoleon is defeated by the British

hundred days

Napoleon was at large for 100 days and then was exiled

congress of vienna

goal is to maintain balance of power
-defeat of Napoleon
-France was isolated

Klemons von Metternich

had most influence at Vienna and is very considerate, wanted to return the princess and hierarchy, hated the French revolution

balance of power

balancing and equalizing the powers


bring back of kings and queens

industrial revolution

great increase in manufacturing, new inventions, agriculture, enclosure, land labor capital

factors of production

land, labor and capital

first country to industrialize

Great Britain

what were industrial consequences?

child labor, bad environment, bad living conditions

Adam Smith

father of capitalist ideas

what were the concepts that Adam Smith associated with?

compete with other buisnesses

what political philosophy is Karl Marx associated with?



let it be, capitalism should not interfere


organization of workers, purpose to improve way of life

collective bargaining

workers working together

what reforms did chartists want?

universal male suffrage

what was Queen's victoria's relationship with parliament?

she had no political power but more symbolic then powerful

Alfred Dreyfus

french military officer

what was Alfred Dreyfus accused of?

selling military secrets to the Germans, an example shows anti semitism


countries who industrialized, powerful, wealthy, and dominate imperialism

who invented the assembly line?

Henry Ford

Louis Pasteur

began pasteurization of milk through boil

what was Louis Pastur's contribution to medicine?

discovered bacteria


charles darwin said that everything evolves over a life time

natural selection

those who can adapt better in nature succeed

what was the Sepoy mutiny

indians attacked, britian takes command in India

Ram Mohun Roy

famous nationalist, favored getting rid of old customs
-"we have to reform and modernize

Great Trek

A migration of Dutch colonists out of British-controlled territory in South Africa during the 1830s.

who went on the Great Trek?

Boers moving inland

Berlin conference

great conference led by Bismark,

what was the result of the Berlin conference

africa will be divided in a rational way


british government in India


dutch settlers


building armies

total war

everyone is involved

what was the powder keg of Europe?

the Balkans

what was the Schlieffen plan?

battle of the marne, war was going to be a stablemate

what was trench warfare meant to accomplish?

prevent from injury, goal was to not get shot

agriculture revolution

greater production, new wealthy land owners, people moved into cities