History Alive 7th Grade - Ch 28: The Renaissance - Quiz

How was Renaissance art similar to classical art?

Renaissance art had similar features to classical art, such as realistic figures in paintings and sculpture, nude people in paintings, and real-life actions being portrayed in art

How did the growth of trade influence the growth of art and learning in the Renaissance?

The Europeans traded with faraway places who brought old Byzantine Empire ideas back to Europe. Trade also brought wealth, which allowed people to start using their money on buying art and luxury goods

How did city-states influence the growth of art and learning in the Renaissance?

Trade made the city-states wealthy which led rich families to purchase states, paintings, and other artistic works. This boom in purchasing allowed for more creation of art in Europe

How did Humanism develop?

It developed as a renewed interest in classical culture from trade

What ways did Greek and Roman ideas get enhanced by Humanists?

Humanists studied ruins of the Greeks and Romans and used those designs for new architectural designs. They also taught new ways of experimentation and proposed new astronomical ideas

Why did conflict arise between humanists and the Catholic church?

Some ideas of humanists conflicted with religious ideas such as god creating all laws, and not obeying them is sinful. Humanists taught about questioning everything, including these religious ideas.

What was reborn in the Renaissance?

Art, learning, and culture

The Crusades produced an unexpected result for the Europeans. What was it?

It strengthen trade contacts between Muslims, Byzantines, and Europeans

List 3 factors that led to the Renaissance.

Growth of Trade, Influence of City-states, and Growth of Humanism

What kind of economy developed during the Renaissance?

Governed state, or a trading economy

What geographical feature led to Italy's power as a city state?


What political unit led to the Renaissance?


If you were a rich family, what would you do in the Renaissance with your money?

Pay for statues, paintings, and other culture-related art


the appearance of things relative to one another as determined by their distance from the viewer


person who financially supports the arts


an independent state consisting of a city and surrounding territory


A form of government in which citizens choose their leaders by voting


studies intended to provide general knowledge and intellectual skills (rather than occupational or professional skills)