Chapter 23: Ideologies and Upheavals, 1815-1850

Congress of Vienna

This was the meeting between the Quadruple Alliance in order to formulate a peace agreement and to balance the victories of the Napoleonic wars

At the Congress of Vienna (1815) Britain, Prussia, Russia, and Austria attempted to

establish a balance of power in Europe

Who dealt with France moderately in the Congress of Vienna?

Quadruple Alliance

What Countries make up the Quadruple Alliance?

Britain, Prussia, Russia, and Austria

Who formed the Holy Alliance in 1815?

Austria, Russia, and Prussia

Who organized the intervention of Austrian and French troops to destroy revolutionary governments in Spain and Sicily?

Klemens von Metternich

Klemens von Metternich

Austrian foreign minister and leader of the Congress of Vienna

What did Metternich's Carlsbad Decrees require the members of the German Confederation?

to root out subversive ideas in their newspapers and universities

Where was Metternich born?

the landed nobility of the Rhineland

What did Metternich came to symbolize?

the conservative reaction to the French Revolution

As a leader of the Austrian Empire, which included many different nationalities, Metternich could only fear ?

the rise of nationalism in Europe

Whom was Metternich was supported by iIn his efforts to hold back liberalism and nationalism?

the Russian Empire and, to a lesser extent, by the Ottoman Empire.

The principle ideas of liberalism:

liberty and equality (not defeated by the settlement of 1815)

Liberalism faced more _________in the early nineteenth century

radical ideological competitors

After 1815, liberalism came to be identified with

the class interests of the capitalists

What did nationalist agrue?

each people had their own mission and cultural unity

Who sought to turn cultural unity into political unity and national independence?


The rise of industrial and urban society required :

common culture and common language, leading to standardization in these areas

Much of _______national culture was actually invented by nationalists.


In the early 1800s, nationalism was generally linked to _______

liberal republican ideology

Most early nationalists believed that every nation had the right to exist in

freedom and develop its character and spirit

Early nationalist stressed

the differences among people

French Utopian Socialism generally included the ideas of:

government planning of the economy (the Jacobin example), greater economic equality, and state regulation of property

Important early socialists include:

Henri St. Simon, Charles Fourier,Louis Blanc,and Pierre Joseph Proudhon


Marx's term for the exploited class, the mass of workers who do not own the means of production

Karl Marx

the last of the classical economists," influenced strongly by David Ricardo and his "iron law of wages" ; thinking built on the philosophy of Hegel

Karl Marx (1818-1883) predicted the proletariat (workers) would

overthrow capitalists in a violent revolution

The Romantics

focused on the spiritual and emotional life of the individual; were drawn to nature; broke with classicism's rationality and order in favor of emotion

Romantic historical studies promoted

the growth of national aspirations

Who was the first country where romanticism emerged fully in literature?


Who encouraged the repudiation of classical models?

French romantics

Where did romanticism and nationalism reinforced each other?

Central and Eastern Europe

Eug�ne Delacroix

French painter and master of dramatic, colorful scenes that stirred emotions; cosmopolitan, wen to remote and exotic areas to paint; supported revolutions. "the greatest French romantic painter".

Holy Alliance

This was the alliance between Austria Prussia and Russia on the crusade against the ideas and politics of the dual revolution.

Turkish refusal led to

armed conflict and the declaration of Greece's independence by the Great Powers in 1830

In 1827, the Great Powers tried to force Turkey to

accept an armistice with the Greeks

In 1815, Tories passed Corn Laws to

protect big landholding aristocracy from imports of foreign grain

In the face of resulting protests, Tories suspended ________ and ________

habeas corpus; right of assembly

Battle of Peterloo

demonstrated the government's determination to repress dissent

Reform Bill of 1832 enfranchised

many more voters

The Chartists pushed for

universal male suffrage

Tories competed for working-class support with Whigs by?

passing factory reform bills

What factors led to famine in Ireland between 1845 and 1851?

dependence on the potato for food, a potato blight, and gross exploitation of the peasants by absentee Protestant landlords

Who took little action to save the starving in Ireland?

the government

_________ emigrants fled the famine between 1845 and 1851

at least a million

The Great Famine intensified

anti-British feeling and promoted Irish nationalism

Louis XVIII's Constitutional Charter of 1814

basically a liberal constitution, but it was not democratic

Charles X

wanted to repudiate the Charter and, in 1830, used a military adventure in Algeria to rally support for his position. took steps to reestablish the old order

Popular reaction forced the collapse of the government and Charles ______.


Louis Philippe

claimed the throne, accepted the Charter, and ruled much as his cousin had

Carlsbad Decrees

extremely repressive laws adopted in 1819 in Prussia and the German Confederation. The decrees were meant to discourage liberal views and movements.

Lord Byron

was an important British Romantic poet. His works include "She walks in Beauty" and the unfinished "Don Juan." Many consider him to embody the spirit of Romanticism. He died from an illness contracted while in Greece, where he was supporting their indepen

After the fall of Louis Philippe, Prussian liberals pressed for

the creation of liberal constitutional monarchy

Urban workers wanted a more radical revolution and the Prussian aristocracy wanted

no revolution at all

A self-appointed group of liberals met in May in Frankfurt to

write a federal constitution for a unified German state

The Assembly was absorbed with

the issue of Schleswig and Holstein

In March 1849, the Assembly completed its draft constitution . Who did they elect for the new emperor of the German national state?

Frederick William of Prussia

Who rejected the Assembly and retook control of the state?

Frederick William