Unit 4 Test -- AP EURO

As a result of the new astronomy coming from Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo and Newton, what new religious idea was adopted by many of the educated elites of society?


What were 18th century philosophes primarily concerned about?

critical and inquiring approaches to knowledge

As a result of the scientific discoveries of the 16th and 17th centuries, how did the universe operate according to scholars?

Like a big machine or mechanical clock

Besides nobles and unfair absolute monarchs, what group did Voltaire criticize for creating a culture of superstition?

the Roman Catholic clergy

Who was the astronomer-mathematician who first provided the formulas to support the Copernican theory and planetary motion?

Johannes Kepler

How did 18th century philosophes believe society could progress?

A rational and secular education for its people, and scientific empiricism

What did Galileo discover about the moon's surface?

It has craters and different elevations

How are Frederick the Great, Catherine the Great, and Joseph II different in leadership style than Peter the Great, Louis XIV and England's James I?

All believed in enlightened absolute power; benefitted the people to a certain extent, but still kept their power.

During the Enlightenment, how did philosophes who were banned from printing their books get their ideas out into society?

Rich women would host salons for the philosophes to discuss their thoughts

What philosophe wrote about the separation of powers and having checks and balances in government?


What book did Montesquieu write hoping that France would adopt England's system of government?

the Spirit of the Laws

what territory did Prussia's Frederick the Great acquire as a result of the War of Austrian Succession?


What was the purpose of an enlightened monarch?

To help their country get better by improving the conditions of the people

What did 18th century Diests believe about the operation of the universe?

God created the universe, but would not change how it works (i.e. interfere)

Isaac Newton wrote about the science of mechanics, the law of universe gravitation, and the operation of the universe in this book.


Who edited or put together the Encyclopedia?


Why was the Encyclopedia such an important work?

Diderot was able to get all of his scientist/philosophe friends to contribute to the encyclopedia, explaining the natural laws of the universe and of the human condition and societies

What did Rousseau's general will represent?

The common interests of the people in society

What did deists believe?

God created the universe and left it alone for rational humans to figure it out

What happened to Galileo after he recanted his beliefs to the Roman Inquisition?

He was put under house arrest for the rest of his life.

Define "enlightened" thought

It is reasonable or rational

What ancient Greek philosopher put forth the idea of geocentrism that was adopted by the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages


Why did philosophes admire Great Britain?

England's constitutional government, religious toleration, and overall stability

Name the European monarchs who were considered "enlightened

Prussia's Frederick the Great, Russia's Catherine the Great, and Austria's Joseph II and Maria Theresa

What leader ascended to the throne of Austria as a result of Charles VI's Pragmatic Sanction?

Maria Theresa

What did Copernicus and Ptolemy both believe about the orbits of the planets?

Planet orbits were circular, not elliptical

Voltaire's book that mocked nobility, religion and the positive outlook on life.


Why did witchcraft trials and executions decline by the end of the 17th century?

The educated citizens of society stopped believing in witches

Why did the philosophes not like Louis XIV's Edict of Fontainebleau

His insistence on France being an all-Catholic nation went against their beliefs regarding religious toleration

Why was the scientific revolution important to enlightened philosophes?

Some of the intellectuals believed that the new scientific discoveries warranted new approaches to social and cultural issues

How did scientific discoveries related to exploration and explorers accounts of their interactions with native populations affect Enlightenment intellectuals roughly 200 years later?

It gave European intellectuals a deeper awareness of the world's cultural diversity

How did most Italian artists earn a living during the Renaissance?

They were supported by patrons who would pay them (Catholic Church, wealthy people)

There were several reasons for the artistic explosion during the Renaissance in Italy. Give a couple reasons.

1. the desire to glorify individuals
2. rediscovery of ancient texts/scriptures
3. economic growth in the middle class

What scientist finalized the idea that the universe was orderly and operated according to fixed rules in his book Principia?

Isaac Newton

What is the correct way of defining the era of the Enlightenment?

It was a time defined by rational thought, scientific inquiry, and that humans and society can continue to progress to be better than yesterday

When Spain and Portugal created colonies throughout the world in the 14th and 15th centuries and required that their colonies traded exclusively with the mother country this was a prime example of what kind of economic system?


When the Portuguese and Spain established colonies in the Caribbean and off the coast of Africa they enslaved the local population and imported slaves to work. The encomienda system was established and the slaves worked in mines and these plots of land. W


What did England, France, and the Netherlands eventually do when faced with the fact that Spain and Portugal had established such large holdings worldwide?

They established rival trading posts, colonies, and took over some of the Portuguese establishments down the coast of Africa and in India

How were England's King Henry VIII, Spain's King Philip II and France's King Louis XIV similar regarding religion?

They all believed that their countries would operate best if their countries were of one single religion

What recent invention did Protestants use to spread their message of reform and new interpretations of Christianity during the Reformation?

Printing press

Even though intellectuals were involved in the Renaissance, Scientific Revolution, and Enlightenment what did the majority of Europeans believe?

The common person in Europe from the 15th - 18th century still believed in the power of traditional faiths and that the world was still governed by supernatural forces

What is a main point of the economic theory of mercantilism?

The government tries to build a strong, self-sufficient economy by directing what needs to be made and limiting imports and expanding exports.

Give the years that Europe was engulfed in the Thirty Years War

1618 - 1648

How was empiricism used during the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment?

Scientists and philosophers collected as much data as possible to draw conclusions that could determine a natural law

How was the Thirty Years War a turning point in history?

It was the last war that was fought primarily for religious reasons