The author of Utopia, a satire on European government and society, was...

Thomas More

Popular religion in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance was marked by...

greater popular belief in the spiritual utility of relics and indulgences

In his "philosophy of Christ," Erasmus emphasized...

inner piety

The northern Christian humanists...

championed the study of classical and early Christian texts to reform the Catholic Church.

The reforming religious organization of the late fifteenth century that included both clergy and laymen was...

Oratory of Divine Love

The religious reformer who "laid the egg that Luther hatched" was...

Desiderius Erasmus

Luther's religious crisis came to a head over his growing belief that...

no amount of good works could satisfy God's righteousness

Though Luther was condemned at the Diet of Worms, he survived because he was protected by...

Ulrich Zwingli

At its outset, the Reformation in Germany was...

largely an urban phenomenon

Concerning the sacraments of the Catholic Church, Luther...

rejected all of them except baptism and communion, or the Lord's Supper

The Edict of Worms...

made Luther an outlaw within the Holy Roman Empire

The Religious Peace of Augsburg settled the Lutheran problem by adopting the principle that...

the ruler of each territory determined the religion there

In the Eastern part of his empire, Charles V faced a threat to his power from...

the Ottoman Empire

The Peasants' War of 1524-1525...

was strongly opposed by Luther who saw it as a social revolution from below against God's divine order

The early fifteenth century religious reformer who was burned at the stake was...

John Hus

For Luther, the only sure source of truth and the only reliable path of faith, other than justification, was...

the Bible

Although Charles V had many adversaries, his chief concern during his reign was...

Francis I of France

Which of the following are among the chief characteristics of John Calvin's reform movement?

predestination and the absolute sovereignty of God

The Anabaptists...

advocated adult baptism, and if they had been baptized as children, a second baptism

In Geneva, the Calvinists...

imposed strict penalties for blasphemy and immoral behavior

The Reformation in England under Henry VIII...

was triggered by Henry's desire to annul his marriage

Zwingli's interpretation of the Lord's Supper differed from Luther's in that...

Zwingli said the ceremony was only symbolic and that no real transformation in the bread and wine occurred

England's break with the Roman Church became official with the passage of the...

Act of Supremacy

Mary I Tudor earned her nickname "Bloody Mary" by persecuting...


In the sixteenth century, Switzerland...

was made up of thirteen cantons, under the leadership of wealthy bourgeoisie

The Reformation changed conceptions of the family by...

extolling the superior state of marriage over celibacy

Loyola was the founder of...

the Society of Jesus

The Reformation affected the development of education in Europe by...

expanding public access to primary schooling and improving secondary schooling through gymnasiums and ministerial training

The Reformation successfully abolished all of the following from the lives of Europe's Protestant community EXCEPT for...


The Council of Trent...

reaffirmed traditional Catholic beliefs against the Reformation

The Jesuit missionary who propagated Christianity in India, Malacca and the Moluccas, and Japan, and who died just before reaching China was...

Francis Xavier

The Catholic Reformation's ultimate refusal to compromise with Protestantism was exemplified by...

the Roman inquisition and the creation of the Index

The greatest advocate of militant Catholicism was...

Philip II of Spain

The importation of silver from the New World to Spain resulted in...


In France, the politiques were...

those who placed politics ahead of religion in an attempt to end the wars of religion

In France, the Protestants minority was known as...


Philip II and Spain was ultimately unable to defeat...

the Dutch Republic

Victory over the Spanish Armada at the end of the sixteenth century was achieved by...


The Edict of Nantes was all of the following EXCEPT it...

expelled the Huguenots from France

What led to Luther's break with the church?

Because of a widespread selling of indulgences by preaching monks

What was the purpose of the pamphlet entitled: The Babylonian Captivity of the Church?

Attacked the sacramental system of the church

How were Luther's ideas spread (primarily)?

Sermons and music

What war did the Peace of Augsburg bring an end to?

The Schmalkaldic War in Germany

Where were Luther's ideas most widely accepted?


Who established the Protestant Reformation in Zurich?

Ulrich Zwingli

What is Millenarianism?

Believed the end of the world was imminent

Why was Anne Boleyn executed?

Beheaded for adultery

Which Queen is best described as a "moderate Protestant"?

Queen Elizabeth

According to Calvin, how would one prove that they had been chosen to go to heaven?

By leading a godly life would be evident that they had been chosen to go to heaven

The author of Utopia, a satire on European government and society, was...

Thomas More

Popular religion in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance was marked by...

greater popular belief in the spiritual utility of relics and indulgences

In his "philosophy of Christ," Erasmus emphasized...

inner piety

The northern Christian humanists...

championed the study of classical and early Christian texts to reform the Catholic Church.

The reforming religious organization of the late fifteenth century that included both clergy and laymen was...

Oratory of Divine Love

The religious reformer who "laid the egg that Luther hatched" was...

Desiderius Erasmus

Luther's religious crisis came to a head over his growing belief that...

no amount of good works could satisfy God's righteousness

Though Luther was condemned at the Diet of Worms, he survived because he was protected by...

Ulrich Zwingli

At its outset, the Reformation in Germany was...

largely an urban phenomenon

Concerning the sacraments of the Catholic Church, Luther...

rejected all of them except baptism and communion, or the Lord's Supper

The Edict of Worms...

made Luther an outlaw within the Holy Roman Empire

The Religious Peace of Augsburg settled the Lutheran problem by adopting the principle that...

the ruler of each territory determined the religion there

In the Eastern part of his empire, Charles V faced a threat to his power from...

the Ottoman Empire

The Peasants' War of 1524-1525...

was strongly opposed by Luther who saw it as a social revolution from below against God's divine order

The early fifteenth century religious reformer who was burned at the stake was...

John Hus

For Luther, the only sure source of truth and the only reliable path of faith, other than justification, was...

the Bible

Although Charles V had many adversaries, his chief concern during his reign was...

Francis I of France

Which of the following are among the chief characteristics of John Calvin's reform movement?

predestination and the absolute sovereignty of God

The Anabaptists...

advocated adult baptism, and if they had been baptized as children, a second baptism

In Geneva, the Calvinists...

imposed strict penalties for blasphemy and immoral behavior

The Reformation in England under Henry VIII...

was triggered by Henry's desire to annul his marriage

Zwingli's interpretation of the Lord's Supper differed from Luther's in that...

Zwingli said the ceremony was only symbolic and that no real transformation in the bread and wine occurred

England's break with the Roman Church became official with the passage of the...

Act of Supremacy

Mary I Tudor earned her nickname "Bloody Mary" by persecuting...


In the sixteenth century, Switzerland...

was made up of thirteen cantons, under the leadership of wealthy bourgeoisie

The Reformation changed conceptions of the family by...

extolling the superior state of marriage over celibacy

Loyola was the founder of...

the Society of Jesus

The Reformation affected the development of education in Europe by...

expanding public access to primary schooling and improving secondary schooling through gymnasiums and ministerial training

The Reformation successfully abolished all of the following from the lives of Europe's Protestant community EXCEPT for...


The Council of Trent...

reaffirmed traditional Catholic beliefs against the Reformation

The Jesuit missionary who propagated Christianity in India, Malacca and the Moluccas, and Japan, and who died just before reaching China was...

Francis Xavier

The Catholic Reformation's ultimate refusal to compromise with Protestantism was exemplified by...

the Roman inquisition and the creation of the Index

The greatest advocate of militant Catholicism was...

Philip II of Spain

The importation of silver from the New World to Spain resulted in...


In France, the politiques were...

those who placed politics ahead of religion in an attempt to end the wars of religion

In France, the Protestants minority was known as...


Philip II and Spain was ultimately unable to defeat...

the Dutch Republic

Victory over the Spanish Armada at the end of the sixteenth century was achieved by...


The Edict of Nantes was all of the following EXCEPT it...

expelled the Huguenots from France

What led to Luther's break with the church?

Because of a widespread selling of indulgences by preaching monks

What was the purpose of the pamphlet entitled: The Babylonian Captivity of the Church?

Attacked the sacramental system of the church

How were Luther's ideas spread (primarily)?

Sermons and music

What war did the Peace of Augsburg bring an end to?

The Schmalkaldic War in Germany

Where were Luther's ideas most widely accepted?


Who established the Protestant Reformation in Zurich?

Ulrich Zwingli

What is Millenarianism?

Believed the end of the world was imminent

Why was Anne Boleyn executed?

Beheaded for adultery

Which Queen is best described as a "moderate Protestant"?

Queen Elizabeth

According to Calvin, how would one prove that they had been chosen to go to heaven?

By leading a godly life would be evident that they had been chosen to go to heaven