
What was the Industrial Revolution?

Increased output of machine-made goods that began in England during the 18th century

What was the main cause of the process of urbanization that occurred in 19th century Britain and elsewhere in western Europe?


What happened as a result of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?

Europeans divided Africa into colonies without consulting African Leaders

A key characteristic of nationalism is___.

A shared culture

Which three nations belonged to the Triple Entente?

Russia, France, Great Britain

Which three nations belonged to the Triple Alliance?

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

Which nation annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908?


Which two non-Balkan anations compted for dominance of the Balkans?

Russia, Austria-Hungary

Which nation greatly regretted its loss of Alsace-Lorraine to Germany in 1870?


Which nation's heir to the throne was assassinated in 1914 by a Serbian nationalist?


Which nation was unified by Otto von Bismarck and later ruled by Kaiser Wilhelm II?


What is the policy of glorifying power and keeping an army prepared for war?


What region was referred to as the "poweder keg" of Europe?

The Balkan Peninsula

Which statement summarizes the Schlieffen Plan that Germany created to prepare for a two-front war?

Attack France first, then Russia

Why were Germany and Austria-Hungary known as Central Powers?

Because of their location in the heart of Europe

Which nation was the first to declare war in what would come to be called the Great War?


Which of the Great Powers did not have a large army by 1914?

Great Britain

In 1917, Germany returned to its policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, hoping to___.

Force Russia to withdraw from the war

The Zimmermann note, which pushed the United States to enter the war, exposed the German plan to____.

Help Mexico regain U.S. territory

The armistice signed near Paris in November 1918 brought an end to ____.

The Second Battle of the Marine

Which nation's actions caused the United Staes to fight in World War I?


What action on November 11, 1918, brought World War I to an end?

An armistice was signed

Who was forced to assume sole responsibility for the war under the Treaty of Versailles?


How many more troops did the Allied Powers have than the Central Powers?

23 million

Which nation lost the most troops?


Which countries lost more than a million troops from battlefield deaths?

Austria-Hungary, France, Russia, Germany

Which country lost the smallest number of troops from battlefield deaths?


How many troops did Russia lose, even though it pulled out of the war early?


Why did Bismark seek alliances that later became the Triple Alliance?

To isolate France

What did the Central Powers gain over Russia at the battle near Tannenberg?

Germany drovew the Russians into full retreat

What is the most probable link between militarism and imperialism?

As a country gains colonies, its military grows to protect them

What key factors led to the formation of the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente?

Bismark's fear of France's army and Britain's fear of Germany's Empire

What event in Sarajevo ignited the Great War?

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie

What was significant in the Allied Victory at the First Battle of the Marne?

It resulted in Germany's having to fight on two fronts

What was trench warfare intended to accomplish?

To protect solders from enemy gun fire on the front lines

What gamble did Germany make before the United Staes entered the war?

That their blockade would defeat Britain before U.S. troops arrived