Absolute Monarchs AP Euro

divine right

Absolute monarchs justified their rule by saying that God created the monarchy and the monarchy served as God's representative

absolute leader

When a one leader governs a nation single-handedly

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella

Encouraged and funded many voyages of exploration and built up a substantial naval fleet to protect their new colonies and trade routes.

Charles V

Left Spain in a lot of debt.

Philip II

Gained a lot of money for Spain by taking advantage of the Spanish colonies.

Bourbon Dynasty

The dynasty in France at the time

Cardinal Richelieu

Catholic minister to the Bourbons who wanted to strengthen the French monarchy

Cardinal Mazarin

Catholic minister

Queen Elizabeth

promoted great exploration and expansion

James I

fought with Parliament over money

Charles I

started the English Civil War. Was captured, put on trial for treason, and executed

Hapsburg family

ruled over the Holy Roman Empire

Louis XIV

built Palace of Versailles

War of Spanish Succession

A war fought by England, Austria, the Dutch Republic, Portugal and several German and Italian states to prevent France from receiving the Spanish Throne left by Charles II. Britain won and acquired territory and power from the war.

Thirty Years War

A 30-year long war between the various ruling European families. It was between the Catholic Hapsburgs (Austria and Spain) and the Protestants (Protestant German Princes, France and the Czechs). The Hapsburgs were defeated.

Peace of Westphalia

Treaty that ended the 30 years war.

Maria Theresa

Austrian Queen; defended Austria and Silesia during War of Austrian Succession

Frederick the Great

Prussian King; Enlightened Despot; started War of Austrian Succession by occupying Silesia.

Seven Years' War

A War between Austria, France, Russia against Great Britain and Prussia. Fought mostly in the colonies. Britain won: they gained control of North America and gained total domination of India.

Ivan the Terrible

Russian Absolute Ruler

Peter the Great

Russian Monarch; helped westernize Russia through his many reforms, built St. Petersburg

Glorious Revolution

Overthrow of King James II. Brought William of Orange and Queen Mary to power. King James was overthrown because England did not want Catholic Kings.

King Charles II

The ruler during the Restoration, restored monarchy to England.

Petition of Rights

Limited the power of Charles I of England. However, Charles ignored this document after he signed it

Pragmatic Sanction

document that allowed the only daughter, Maria Theresa, of Charles VI to come to power