Ch 27

Action Francaise

~~One of the right-wing fascist organizations that rose as a consequence of the Great Depression
Was one of the right wing groups that became active during the Depression in France. Were founded before WWI in the wake of the Dreyfus affair. Had more than

Agricultural collectivism

~~Was carried out by Stalin
~~Led to the following:
~~Widespread famine
~~Peasants moving from rural areas to cities
~~Increase in education in rural areas
~~A rise in rural literacy
~~The resistance of this by Russian peasants led to the government toler

Leon Blum

~~Led the Popular Front
Was leader of the French Socialists. Became prime minister in 1936. Worked to pursue socialism through democratic and parliamentary government. In order to prevent strikes in the French industry, reorganized labor management. Raise


~~eco policies of Benito Mussolini's Italian fascist party
~~A planned economy that otg'd major industries into syndicates reping both labor and management
~~1930 syndicates were re-orged into entitles called corporations
~~ did little to increase product

Croix de Feu (Cross of Fire)

~~One of the right-wing fascist organizations that rose as a consequence of the Great Depression
Was one of the right wing groups that became active during the Depression in France. Consisted of veterans. (See Action Francaise for more info, because I ref

Edouard Daladier

Radical French minister.

Dawes Plan (1924)

~~reorg administration and transfer of reparation [payments between various Euro countries as capital began to flow back into Europ
This reorganized the transfer of reparations among the European nations after the Great War, and smoothed debt payments to

Enabling Act (1933)

~~passed March 1933
~~allowed Hitler to rule by decree
~~essentially made him dictator
~took measures to consolidate his power w/n the Nazi party
~~ordered murder of top SA officers in Jule 1934
Allowed Hitler to rule by decree, making him the sole ruler

Final Solution

~~aka holocaust
~~The most horrific attack on the Jews
~~attempt to eliminate all Jews of Europe
~~led to lead of more than 6 million Jews mostly from Eastern Europe.

Five-year plans

~~Accomplished the goal to have the Soviet Union overtake the productive capacity of the capitalist nations
~~Emphasized the development of heavy industry
Was the vehicle for Stalin's rapid industrialization. Oversaw by the Gosplan. Ended the NEP and crea

General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money" (1936)

~~argued for active gov intervention in the economy
~~use of deficit spending to stimulate industrial production
Written by John Maynard Keynes. Was the first to set forth a body of economic thought as a result of the economic crisis.

Great Depression

~~Hit France later than Britain but lasted longer
~~ caused Right Wing facist organizations such as the Croix de Feu and Action Francaise
Was a result of the financial problems that emerged from the Great War, agricultural problems, especially a collapse

Great Purges

Stalin was paranoid that rival party leaders were plotting against him and launched this reign of terror, in which the Communist Prarty eliminated old Bolsheviks and other party members. "Show trials" in which Communist leaders (often falsely) confessed t

Heinrich Himmler

~~Commanded the SS
and became second in command to Hitler.

Adolph Hitler

~~Became chancellor of Germany in January 1933
~~When this happened, he immediately began to consolidate his control over the government
Became chancellor of Germany under legal means. Was supported strongly by farmers, war veterans, and the young. Once i

Hoover Moratorium (1931)

Suspends all debts for one year.
~~ done to give Germany a chance to recover economically
Was a blow to French economy; France only agreed to this because German economy was near collapse. Was a prelude to the end of reparations in Europe.

John Maynard Keynes

~~one result of the eco crisis of depression are the ideas of this man
Wrote "General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money". Advocated active government intervention in economy. Urged government spending to expand demand.
~~advocated use of deficit s

Sergei Kirov

Was Stalin's prot�g� and slight opponent, as well as the head of the Leningrad Party. His assassination in 1934 was used to start Great Purges on all political opponents of Stalin. Thousands were arrested and many expelled from the party and sent to labor

Kristallnacht (1938)

~~persecution of the Jews took a violent turn here
~~Nov 1938
~~Nazi party ordered destruction of the Jewish stores and synagogues throughout Austria and Germany
~~known as Crystal night because of the smashed glass that littered sidewalks and streets


were the prosperous peasants in the Soviet Union that were considered the enemy. The government had claimed that they were responsible for hoarding and for what they regarded as speculation (loss of investments) in the grain trade. Soviet Union tries to e

Lausanne Conference (1932)

Ended all reparations in Europe after World War I.

Ramsay MacDonald

~~ reelected as prime minister until retirement 1935
~~labor party leader
~~was the first labour party prime minster
His Labour govt. took office. Was conservative and wanted to slash the budget, reduce govt. salaries, and cut unemployment benefits. Forme

Benito Mussolini

Fascist dictator of Italy. Tried to strengthen economy by undertaking public works, introducing tariffs, subsidizing the shipping industry, and expanding wheat farming in Italy, but could not keep Depression away.

National Government (Great Britain)

~~coalition of Labour, Conservative, and Liberal ministers
~~ Ramsay MacDonald reelected as prime minister
Formed by Ramsay MacDonald. Consisted of Labour, Conservative, and Liberal ministers. In order to attack the depression, raised taxes, cut in

Nazi Party (National Socialist German Workers' Party)

~~Were able to use the economic despair of the Great Depression to attract social groups that were experiencing economic instability and displacement
~~Their seats in Reichstag continues to grow
Gained power due to the circumstances of the financial crisi

Nuremberg Laws (1935)

~~the first specific legislative measures that were directed at the Jews
~~Took away German citizenship from Jews

Old Bolsheviks

~~Confessed to crimes against the state, even ones they didn't commit
~~Did this because they were frequently tortured
Were among one of the first targets of Stalin's Great Purge.

Popular Front

~~Led by Leon Blum
~~This is a coalition of all left-wing parties
~~Formed in 1935
~~This was done to deal with the growth of right-wing sentiment in France
Was a coalition of leftist groups in France, a brief socialist and communist cooperation made poss

Rapid Industrialization

Was a major part of Stalin's "Socialism in One Country". Was a big departure away from Lenin's NEP. To overtake the Soviet Union's enemies, this would require the rapid construction of heavy industries, such as iron, steel, etc. Created the first genuinel


~~A mentally ill Dutch communist set a fire in here
~~Led to the arrest and removal of all communist members of the Reichstag
~~Effectively gave control of the German legislative body to the Nazis
~~The Great Depression worsened when more Nazis held seats

SA (Sturmabteilung)

~~Hitler ordered the murder of them June 1934
~~ This action wasknown as "The Night of the Long Knives"
~~action was supp by the regular German military
~~Attacked by SS
AKA Storm Troopers. The unemployed begin to join this group that reached nearly one m

SS (Schutzstaffel)

~~eliete paramilitary organization that was under the command of Heinrich Himmler
AKA Protective Force. Was the chief vehicle for police surveillance. Commanded by Heinrich Himmler. Had originated as a bodyguard for Hitler and then became an elite paramil

Social Democrats

Governed alongside center parties as a coalition government after the depression destroyed the parliamentary government in Germany. Had refused to reduce social and unemployment insurance during the depression. The coalition later dissolved. Were one of t

Socialism in One Country

~~Stalin advocated "________" arguing that the Soviet Union could build socialism on its own
~~Stalin's goal was to overtake the productive capacity of the capitalist nations
Rapid industrialization was a big part of this. Stalin wanted to have the Soviet

Joseph Stalin

~~Advocated "Socialism in One Country"
~~Argued that the Soviet Union could build socialism on its own
~~His goal was to have the Soviet Union overtake the productive capacity of the capitalist nations
Worked toward Russian economic improvement with the u

Wall Street (Stock Market) Crash (1929)

~~NY stock market began to draw money away from Euro investments w/ this
Was the result of unregulated financial investments. All kinds of credit disappeared and many banks failed. Thereafter, little American capital flows into Europe.


Major industries were divided into these that represented labor and management. Settled with labor disputes and differences. The Fascists believed class conflict could be avoided with these. Were later organized into corporations, grouping industries by t

Weimar Republic

Became an authoritarian government because the Reichstag was too divided to override the emergency decrees of the chancellors.

Young Plan

~~replaced Dawes plan
~~further reduced German reparation payemtns
~~put a limit on how long they had to be made
A continuation of the Dawes plan, it lowered German reparations to 26 billion and limited how long they had to be paid (58.5 years). After the

Great Depression

Causes of the ________________:
1. financial panic in the US (1929 Stock Market Crash)
2. absence of world financial leadership
3. reduction of national spending
4. decline in world agricultural prices

Great Depression

European governments dealt with the _____________ by doing the following:
1. protective tariffs and bilateral trade agreements
2. deflationary fiscal and monetary policies(low budget rules)
3. reducing expenditures in order to balance their budgets

National Government

Actions the British ____________________ took to deal with the depression:
1. raised government taxes
2. cut insurance benefits to the unemployed and elderly
3. lowered government salaries
4. took Britain off the gold standard
5. Parliament passed the Imp

Adolph Hitler

Factors contributing to the rise of _______________ in power:
1. German anger over the "unfairness" of the Treaty of Versailles
2. failure of the Weimar Republic to solve the economic problems confronting Germany
3. struggle between Social Democrats and C

Adolph Hitler

_________________ used all of the following to gain and maintain power:
1. ritual spectacles
2. campaigning by airplane
3. films
4. radio

Adolph Hitler

__________________'s popularity was based on the following:
1. German economic recovery
2. perception of greater equality and social mobility for all Germans
3. successes in foreign policy

Joseph Stalin

The goal of _______________ was to have the Soviet Union overtake the productive capacity of the capitalist nations. This would be accomplished through five-year plans that emphasized the development of heavy industry.

Joseph Stalin

All of the following were factors in the success of __________'s industrialization drive:
1. sharp decrease in domestic consumption
2. extensive labor discipline (meaning no labor unions)
3. use of foreign exports


The ________________ program carried out by Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union:
1. led to widespread famine in 1932-3.
2. led to peasants moving from rural areas to cities
3. led to an increase in education in rural areas
4. led to a rise in rural literacy


The resistance of Russian peasants to ____________ led the government to tolerate small family plots (gardens) by the mid-1930s.

Rapid industrialization

_____________________ in the Soviet Union was accompanied by a fall in the standard of living because factories were not making consumer goods.


The targets of Stalin's ________ and the public "show trials" that followed included the following:
1. senior military leadership
2. rivals for leadership
3. veteran Bolsheviks (aka "Old Bolsheviks")
4. ordinary workers

Western liberalism

Nazi Germany, fascist Italy and the Stalinist Soviet Union all shared a profound hatred of _______________.


As the Great Depression continued to worsen, the number of seats held by the _______ in the Reichstag continued to grow, reaching a high of 288 in March 1933.


____ were singled out for particular abuse by the Nazis based on biological racial theories from the late 19th century.


The "Final Solution" would result in the death of more than __ million Jews before World War II ended in Europe in May 1945.

corporatism, corporations

The economic policies of Benito Mussolini's Italian fascist party were known as ___________, a planned economy that organized industries into syndicates representing both labor and management. After 1930, the syndicates were reorganized into entities call


The Great Depression in France led to the rise of _______ fascist organizations such as Croix de Feu and Action Francaise.

Stavisky Affair

~~The activities and propaganda of the right-wing organizations led to this
~~This scandal dealt with fraudulent bond schemes, gangsters, and a suspicious suicide
~~It was a reminder of the overall corruption if the Third Republic
~~Led to the violent con


The fire of the _____________ building in 1933 by a mentally ill Dutch communist provided Hitler with an excuse to consolidate his power. The Nazis claimed that the fire represented a communist threat to the government and allowed Hitler to issue a decree


The Nazi anti-Semitism was based on ____________ superiority rather then religious superiority.

Nazi Party (National Socialist German Workers' Party)

By July 14, 1933, the _______________ was the only legal party in Germany.


Soviet industrial production rose approximately ___ percent between 1928-1940.


The Soviet Union urbanization arose directly from the ________ the government inflicted on the countryside.

Great Depression

The most important factor in Hitler's rise to power was the __________

Labor and Management

Italian fasciist eco policies provided 4 major industries to be org into syndicates representing ______ and _______.


The era of reparations came to an end in 1932 as a result of the:
a. Young Conference
b. Dawes Conference
c. Lausanne Conference
d. Kellogg-Briand Conference
e. Hoover Plan


John Maynard Keynes advocated:
a. active government intervention in the economy
b. complete government control of the economy
c. pure laissez-faire capitalism
d. government management of currency fluctuations
e. Government focus on consumer debt


France's Popular Front was a:
a. coalition of right-wing parties
b. coalition of left-wing parties
c. coalition of fascists and religious conservatives
d. coalition of communists and anarchists
e. coalition of women's groups


The Nazi storm troopers were known also known as the:
a. SS
b. NE
c. Gestapo
d. Wehrmacht
e. SA


Hitler's support came from:
a. the poorest of the poor
b. the lower-middle class
c. the upper-middle class
d. wealthy elites
e. across the social spectrum


The Enabling Act:
a. formally repealed the Weimar constitution
b. authorized German remilitarization
c. stripped Jews of their civil rights
d. permitted Hitler to rule by decree
e.gave Germany the right to govern in Poland


Nazi ideology gave German women the task of:
a. contributing more to the economy than women anywhere else in the world
b. supplementing the industrial workforce
c. producing as many children as possible
d. producing racially pure children
e. participating


Nazi economic policy included all of the following EXCEPT:
a. emphasis on the needs of the state
b. de-emphasis of consumer satisfaction
c. limits on the private exercise of capital
d. sacrifice of political and civil liberties
e. support of the free trad


The economic policy of Italian fascists was known as:
a. communalism
b. national socialism
c. national austerity
d. corporatism
e. new prosperity


Gosplan oversaw:
a. the purges of Stalin's enemies
b. all Soviet military efforts
c. the entire Soviet economy
d. the expansion of the Soviet bureaucracy
e. the Soviet secret police


A kulak came to be defined as:
a. any person who resisted the dictates of Gosplan
b. a rural supporter of Stalin
c. any peasant who resisted collectivization
d. a person with pro-Western attitudes
e. any veteran of the Russian civil war


? Most of the peasants who left their villages to move to Soviet cities in the early 1930s were:
a. young women
b. older women
c. young families
d. older men
e. young man


Internal oppositions to Stalin was generated by all of the following EXCEPT:
a. his decision to industrialize rapidly
b. his reversal of Comintern policy
c. his decision to move against peasants
d. his decision to prolong the NEP
e. his policy of collecti


The pretext for the onset of Stalin's purges was:
a. the assassination of Sergei Kirov
b. anti-collectivization riots in the countryside
c. the discovery of pro-German agents in the government
d. an attempt on Stalin's life
e. the failure of the second fi


Britain's national Government was repudiated by the bulk of the:
a. Conservative Party
b. Liberal Party
c. Labour Party
d. Christian Democratic Party
e. British population


Thr British National Government took all of the following steps to combat the depression EXCEPT:
a. raise taxes
b. cut insurance benefits to the unemployed and elderly
c. take Britain off the gold standard
d. pass an import duties bill
e. take steps to en


? Hitler's efforts included all of the following EXCEPT:
a. building a coalition with other right-wing parties
b. capturing full legal authority
c. crushing alternative political groups
d. purging rivals within the Nazi party
e. passing the Enabling act


The Nuremberg Laws:
a. gave Hitler unlimited authority
b. stripped German Jews of their citizenship
c. repudiated reparations
d. nullified all of Germany's international treaties
e. were strongly opposed by the Nazis


The Nazis believed that all of the following occupations were "natural" for women EXCEPT:
a. farming
b. teaching
c. nursing
d. factory work
e. social service


The inhabitants of Soviet cities in the 1930s faced shortages of all of the following EXCEPT:
a. housing
b. food
c. clothing
d. jobs
e. public transportation