Ap Euro Chapter 14 Test

Who fought in the Crimean war, and why?

Russia vs. The Ottoman Empire, Sardinia, France, Britain. Russia wanted influence and control of Crimea, and invaded under the guise of protecting Orthodox Christians, France and Britain fought the Russians to limit its power, and Sardinia joined to gain

How did the Ottoman Empire reform itself?

By making the economy more liberal, eliminating a lot of corruption, granting religious freedom, and by reorganizing the administration and military

How did Italy achieve unification?

Through a mix of nationalism, common enemies, and conquest. Many northern states joined Piedmont-Sardinia initially, the southern and papal states were conquested by Garibaldi. Venetia, Trieste, and Trent were taken from Austria through warfare.

How did Bismark use war as a tool for achieving German unification?

Bismark lead Prussia to war with Austria, weakening its influence over the German states. He also led the French to declare war on the North German Federation, making France seem like the aggressor and Prussia seem like the defender of the German states (

What led to the establishment of a Third Republic in France?

Napoleon III implemented several liberal concessions in the second part of his reign (free trade with Britain, relaxed press censorship, lifted restrictions on unions, allowed for Liberal constitution), so when he was captured in the Franco-Prussian war,

Why was nationalism such a threat to the Habsburg Empire?

The Habsburg Empire was multi-ethnic, so the popularity of the idea that each ethnicity should have its own autonomous state undermined the power of the Habsburg government

Why did reform in Russia fail to produce political stability?

Russian reforms often didn't raise standard of living or education, trials were still government-operated, the nobility still wanted power in the government, and the economy was not improved

What forces led to the expansion of democracy in Great Britain?

The middle class was expanding, Conservative Benjamin Disraeli proposed a reform bill that was amended by liberals to double the voter count (to about 2.4 mil)- which Conservatives took credit for

Why did the Ottoman Empire attempt to reform itself between 1839 and 1914?

The Ottoman Empire sought to emulate European legal and military institutions and the secular values flowing from liberalism.

What was the result of the Ottoman Empire's reforms?

The reforms were difficult to implement due to the Empire's poor organization and declining power

Why was it so difficult to unify Italy and what groups wanted unification?

Italian lands consisted of several independent states, many of them with powerful regionalist movements, and many of them under Habsburg control

Why did Cavour succeed in unifying Italy, and what did Garibaldi contribute to unification?

Cavour convinced the major states of Europe that Italy was efficient and economically progressive, as well as his natural ability in diplomacy

How and why did Bismark unify Germany? Why had earlier attempts failed?

Bismark used war (to unite the people against a common enemy and decrease foreign power in Germany) and the power+influence of Prussia to unite Germany under the conservative Prussians.
Germany was made up of 39 autonomous states, all of which with establ

What effect on Europe did German unification have?

Germany became an economic, military, and industrial powerhouse, the balance of power was shattered which led in part to world war I

What events lead to the establishment of the Third Republic in France?

The Second Empire came to an end with the Battle of Sedan in September 1870. Shortly after news reached Paris, a republic was proclaimed and a government of national defense established.

What problems did Austria share with other eastern European empires, and how were they solved?

Eastern European nations had ethnically diverse lands. Many of these problems of ethnicity were unsolved because it was undesirable for people to give up their unique customs and try to become a single nation.

Why did the Habsburgs agree to the Compromise of 1867? Was it a success?

They wanted to become a stronger nation state. It was cumbersome politically for both Austria and Hungary.

Why did the abolition of serfdom in Russia not satisfy the peasants, and what were the goals of "The People's Will

Once the peasants were freed, they could not afford to own the land they had once worked on. The People's Will was a group dedicated to overthrow the autocracy. It succeeded when it assassinated Alexander II in 1881

How did the policies of the British Liberal and Conservative parties differ between 1860 and 1890?

The Liberal Party of Britain favored social reform, reducing powers of the Church of England, and expanding the voting electorate.
The conservatives favored paternalistic legislation and government that would protect the weak.

What were some of Russia's reforms after its defeat in the Crimean war?

Serfdom was abolished, local governments were organized and standardized, the military was relaxed to be less forceful on the Russian population

Why was Irish home rule such a divisive issue in British politics?


What were the objectives of the Paris Commune?

The Commune intended to administer Paris separately from the rest of France.

How did the Dreyfus affair affect the Third Republic?

The institutions of the republic allowed new ministers to replace those whose corruption was exposed without revolution.

What was the compromise of 1867?

The establishment to turn the government of the Austrian Empire into a dual monarchy, making it into Austria-Hungary

Who was Napoleon III

(1852-1870) French emperor who thought an activist foreign policy would shore up domestic support for his regime

What was "Tanzimat

Reorganization" Era of the Ottoman Empire from 1839 to 1876; liberalized the economy, ended the practice of tax farming, and sought to eliminate corruption

What was Hatt-i Humayun

(1856) A reform decree that spelled out the rights of non-Muslims more explicitly, giving them equal obligations with Muslims for military service and equal opportunity for state employment and admission to state schools

Who was Guiseppe Mazzini?

(1805-1872) Italian nationalist leader who unsuccessfully attempted unity through revolutions and rid Austria from Italian land

Who was Guiseppe Garibaldi?

(1807-1882) Italian insurrectionist, involved in the ill-fated Roman Republic of 1849, and continued to conduct what amounted to guerrilla warfare

Who was Count Camillo Cavour?

(1810-1861) The prime minister of Piedmont who transformed the Italian peninsula into a nation-state under a constitutional monarchy through diplomacy and nationalist fervor

Who was William I?

(1861-1888) King of Prussia whose first concern was to strengthen the Prussian army, appointed Bismark

Who was Otto von Bismark?

(1815-1898) The prime minister of Prussia who united Germany under Prussia through warfare and pseudo-nationalism

What was the Franco-Prussian war?

(1870) Conflict between France and Prussia; the southern German states joined Prussia against France and won, creating unity between the north Federation and the southern states

What was Treaty of Prague?

(1866) Ended the Austro-Prussian War and was lenient towards russia

What was/is the Reichstag?

The lower house of Germany, which was then chosen by male suffrage

What was the Battle of Sedan?

(1866) Battle where unified German forces beat the French and captured Napoleon III

What was the Paris Commune?

(1871) A new municipal government which intended to administer Paris separately from the rest of France

What was the Third Republic of France?

This political structure proved to be much stronger than many citizens suspected at the time

Who was Patrice MacMahon?

(1808-1893) A conservative army officer who was elected president and expected to prepare for a monarchist restoration

What was the Dreyfus Affair?

(1894) A French military court found Captain Alfred Dreyfus guilty of passing secret information to the German army; the evidence was forged but it suited the army investigators to accuse Dreyfus, who was Jewish

Who was Francis Joseph?

(1848-1916) Emperor of the Hapsburg Empire who was honest, conscientious, and hardworking, but unimaginative and deeply committed to dynastic tradition

What was Trialism?

A triple monarchy in which the Czechs would have a position similar to that of the Hungarians

Who was Alexander II?

(1855-1881) Russian Tsar who instituted the most extensive restructuring of Russian society and administration since Peter the Great

What was Populism?

A revolutionary movement that sought a social revolution based on the communal life of the Russian peasants

What was "The People's Will"?

(1879) A group that split off from Land and Freedom (other groups of a similar cause); it was dedicated to overthrowing the autocracy and the assassinating the tsar, which it did

What was the Second Reform Act?

(1867) Increased the number of voters in Britain from approximately 1,430,000 to 2,470,000

Who was Benjamin Disraeli?

(1804-1881) Led the House of Commons and introduced the Second Reform Act

Who was William Gladstone?

(1809-1898) Prime minister of Britain; he supported Robert Peel, free trade, repeal of the Corn Laws, and efficient administration

What was the Public Health Act of 1875?

Consolidated previous legislation on sanitation and reaffirmed the duty of the state to interfere with private property to protect health and physical well-being

What was the Artisan Dwelling Act of 1875?

The government became actively involved in providing housing for the working class

What was Home rule?

The advocacy of a large measure of administrative autonomy for Ireland within the British Empire between the 1880s and 1914

Why did Britain and France object Russian expansion into the Ottoman Empire?

They had extensive naval and commercial interests in the eastern Mediterranean

What ended the Concert of Europe? Why was this significant?

The Crimean War shattered the Concert of Europe. As a result, for about 25 years after the Crimean War, European affairs were unstable