the russian empire

what ties linked kiev to byzantium?

1. trade - rivers(3) and sea routes
2. religion - olga converts to eoc

how did vladimir and his son yaroslav contribute to the power of kiev?

1. vladimir - expanded russia west to poland and expanded north to the baltic sea. converts all of kiev to eoc
2. yaroslav the wise - married off daughters/sisters to princes - to increase trade.
3. legal code to property/library, built church - similar t

what factors broight about kiev's decline?

1. the death of yaroslav the wise??
2. he does not appoint a successor. instead of giving control to his eldest son, he divided it among the 2, and does not appoint a successor
??they fought??
3. mongols??
4. crusadors - ?

how did the mongols treat the russian people?

1. they demanded 2 things from them: obedience and money
2. they allowed princes to rule, and they were tolerant to religion

what were some effects of mongol rule on russia?

1. isolated russia from western europe??no access to new ideas or inventions
2. kiev??moscow

what events marked the beginning of an independent russian empire?

1. ivan the 3rd - builder of russia, ivan the great
2. czar-bloodless standoff