US History Ch 6

ON November 11, 1918, the fighting stopped and the war ended because Germany finally signed an armistice, or


WWI resulted in the dissolution of 4 empires:

-Austro-Hungarian Empire
-Russian Empire
-Ottoman Empire
-German Empire

President Wilson called for the creation of a "general association of nations" known as the

League of Nations

Where did the American shatter German defenses and open a hole in their line with the most massive attack in American history?

St. Mihiel

Communist International

formed by the Soviet Union to coordinate the activities of Communist parties in other countries

general strike

involves all workers living in a certain location, not just workers in one particular industry


expelled from the country

cost of living

cost of food, clothing, shelter, and other essentials that people need to survive

General Intelligence Division

special division within the Justice Department that eventually became the FBI

One of the largest strikes in American history began when steel workers went of strike for _____, _____, and _____.

-shorter hours
-higher pay
-recognition of their union

as strikes erupted across the US in 1919, the fear that Communists, or "Reds" as they were called, might seize power led to a nationwide panic known as the

Red Scare

Americans often linked radicalism with


Who walked off the job in Boston in what was perhaps the most famous strike of 1919?

the police force

In addition to the soldiers returning from Europe who needed to find employment, many African Americans who had moved North were competing for jobs and housing, which resulted in

race riots

who overthrew Russia and established communism there?

Vladimir Lenin

when did Germany sign the armistice ending wwi

Nov 11 1918

Espionage Act of 1917

prison terms for anyone who aided the enemy

Schneck vs United States

can curb freedom of speech

what did Roosevelt want to establish in other countries?

democratic governments

who were the big 4


Zimmerman Telegram

intercepted by British
- said Mexico should ally itself with Germany. In reture, mexico would regain the land it lost to the US in the Mexican American war (TX, NM, AZ)

was wilson for or opposed to imperialism

opposed to


leader of mexico who had to flee the counrty


replaced Diaz


took mexico over and killed Madero

what did Wilson do to overthrow Huerta

sent marines

Pancho Villa

led a group of guerrillas to raid the US


unsuccessfully led troops into Mexico to capture Villa





where did WWI start


who ran the WIB

bernard baruch


information designed to influence opinion

Pancho Villa

led a group of Mexican guerrillas that burned Columbus, New Mexico

Central Powers

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria


German submarines

Triple Entente

Britain, France, and Russia

One reason the tension between the European powers was their intense pride in their homelands called ___.


What country made an offer to the Mexican government proposing that Mexico ally itself with them if the US entered the European war?


A major problem in Germany's plan to invade France was that its forces had to advance through the neutral country of ____.


President Wilson used the failure of the Mexicans to apologize for arresting American sailors as an opportunity to overthrow the Mexican leader, ____.

Victoriano Huerta

Since Germany didn't want to strengthen the Allies by drawing the US into the war, it agrees with certain conditions to sink no more merchant ships in a promise called the _______.

Sussex Pledge

Liberty Bonds and Victory Bonds

used to raise money to cover the costs of war

369th Infantry

African American unit that won the French decoration, Croix de Guerre, for gallantry

Sedition Act of 1918

made any public expression of opposition to the war illegal

Great Migration

when many African Americans left the South to settle in the Northern cities

War Industries Board

created to coordinate the production of war materials

Perhaps the most successful government agency during this time was the Food Administration run by

Herbert Hoover

To conserve energy, the Fuel Administration, run by Harry Garfield ________________, _____________, and ____________.

-shortened workweeks for factories
-didn't make war materials
-introduced daylight savings time

The fear of spies and emphasis on patriotism quickly led to the mistreatment and persecution of

German Americans

Realizing a draft was necessary, Congress, with Wilson's support, created a new system of conscription called

selective service

Early in 1917, what division of the military authorized the enlistment of women to meet its clerical needs?


General John J Pershing

commander of the American troops

Marshall Ferdinand Foch

supreme commander of the Allied forces

no-man's land

the space between opposing trenches


a group of communists


payments for war damages

Who overthrew the Russian government in November of 1917 and established a Communist government there?

Vladimir Lenin