Study guide for unit 1

After the Civil War, 3 groups of Americans settled in the West. Who were they

1. Ranchers
2. Miners
3. Farmers

How did mining in the West after the Civil War differ from mining before the Civil War

Mining moved beyond California, Colorado, and Nevada.
Used hydraulic mining techniques.

Which group of Western Americans most used the "open range" and was hurt by the introduction of barbed wire

Ranchers (cowboys)

What was the Homestead Act of 1862

This law gave away 160 acres of western land to farmers who promised to live on the land for 5 years

One group of western farmers was called the "exodusters". What is an exoduster

An African- American who moved from the Jim Crow South into the West, usually through the Homestead Act

Name two way railroads changed from the era before the Civil War to the Gilded Age

1. Railroads became transcontinental
2. Devolved time-zones
3. Refrigerated cars

The expansion of railroads after the Civil War was helped by two groups: the national government and immigrants. Explain how both groups helped.

The national government gave millions of acres of land grants to complete the transcontinental railroad in order to connect the East with the West
The Chinese and Irish built the Western and Eastern legs of the transcontinental railroad

Name 3 ways western expansion during the Gilded Age impacted Native Americans (plain Indians)

1. Killed buffalo
2. Pushed out of land onto small reservations
3. Assimilate to white culture

What was the final Indian battle in American History

The battle of Wounded Kneee

Western farmers faced serious problems during the Gilded Age, which led to the Populist movement. Name two problems faced by western farmers after the Civil War

1. Crop prices were falling due to overproducing
2. Banks charged high interest rates
3.railroads charged high fees
4. Gov. deflated currency by destroying greenbanks

Who were the Grangers

An early attempt by farmers trying to organize

One of the reforms proposed by the Populist Party was bi-metalism. What is bi-metalim and what is the advantage for Populists.

Using both gold and silver as money rather than just the gold standard. Bi-metalism would lead to inflation of the money supply which would help western farmers

Who were the Populist and name two things they demanded during the Gilded Age

Populist were a Political Party made up of mostly western farmers. Among their demands: government regulation of railroads and banks, a national income-tax, a direct election of senators, bi-metalism

Who was William Jennings Bryan

Presidential candidate for the Populist Party who supported bi-metalism

A: One of the reasons for the boom in industry during the Gilded Age was invention. Name two new invention of this era.
B: Which American was so famous for his inventions that he earned the nickname the "Wizard of Menlo Park

A: Electric light bulb, phonograph, audio recorder, cash registers, typewriters, telephone, Bessemer process, to make steel, assembly lines, the first plane, the first car
B: Thomas Edison

Four major industries helped push the USA into an Industrial Revolution during the Gilded Age. What were these four R.O.S.E. industries

Rose, Oil, Steel, Electricity

What industry was America's first big business and helped stimulate the coal, oil, steel, and glass industries during the Gilded Age

The rairoads

Monopolies began during the Gilded Age. What is a monopoly

A company that controls all or most of an industry

A: Which industries were Vanderbilt and
B: Carnegie involved in

A: Railroad
B: Steel

A: Which industries were Rockefeller and
B: JP Morgan each involved in

A: Oil
B: Banks

During the Gilded Age, businesses were changing. What is a "trust" and a
"holding company

A trust is a company run by a board of "trustees" which is a group of stockholders who help manage a company rather than the owner. (manager or workers)
Owns other companies and controls them through a common board of directors.

What is the difference between horizontal and vertical integration

Horizontal= Buy similar companies to reduce competition.
Vertical= allowed companies to buy companies that supply raw materials or transportation

Monopolists like Carnegie and Rockefeller justified their wealth and power using a number of arguments. Pick two of the following and explain them:
A: Gospel of Wealth
B: Social Darwinism
C: Laissez- Faire policies

A: The idea that God wants some people to make a lot of money so they can give back through charity to make the world a better place
B: Natural selection and evolution
C: The national government does not regulate companies and stays "hands off

During the Gilded Age, 23 million "new immigrants" came to America. What is a "new" immigrant

Immigrants from southern and eastern Europe

Immigrants coming to America came through which "processing center" in New York

Ellis Island

Name three ways cities changed during the Gilded Age

Skyscrapers, urbanization led to growth in cities, mass transit were adding because cities were to big to walk

What is a tenement

An apartment built for poor immigrant workers

Give one example of nativism in America during the Gilded Age

Chinese Exclusion Act

A: What is "labor"
B: What is a "union

A: Workers; typically factory workers
B: group of workers that organize to demand improvements

What is a "collective bargaining" and what tactic did unions to try to accomplish this

Collective bargaining means all members of a union demand better pay or the threaten to strike

How were the Knights of Labor different from the American Federation of Labor

Both were unions, Knights of Labor aloud any workers; the AFL only aloud skilled workers

During the Gilded Age, labor unions and business owners clashed in violent strikes

1. Haymarket
3. Homestead

What is a political machine

A well organized group of politicians in a city

A: Who was the most famous "boss" of a political machine
B: Why were machine bosses typically seen as corrupt

A: Boss Tweed of New York's Tammany Hall machine
B: Used fraud to win elections

What do Credit Mobilier and the Whiskey Ring have in common

Both political Scandals during President Grant's administration

A: What is a patronage
B: How did the Pendleton Act of 1883 try to end patronage

A: Appointed government workers in the civil service because they are loyal political party members
B: Created an exam that civil service employees had to pass before they could get their jobs

Describe the south during the Gilded Age

The south was experiencing Jim Crow laws that legally segregated the whites from the blacks

A: What is a poll tax
B: What is a literacy test
C: What is a grandfather clause

A: yearly taxes that must be paid in order to vote
B: voters must pass a reading test to vote
C: laws that poor whites from not having to pay a poll tax or pass a literacy test if their father or grandfather could vote prior

Which Supreme Court case said that segregation was legal as long as the options for African- Americans were equal ("separate but equal" doctrine)

Plessy vs. ferguson

How were workers exploited during the Gilded Age

Low Pay, long hours, dangerous conditions, lived in tenements and slums, little power to unionize.