Chapter 18

What was the social structure of the old regime in France?

France had 3 estates, which was the clergy as the first estate, the nobility made up the second estate, and the majority of the population made up the third estate.

What economic troubles did France face in 1789, and how did they lead to further unrest?

France's government was in debt. They called up the estates general which cause them to lead into further unrest.

What led to the storming of the Bastille, and therefore, to the start of the French Revolution?

The people from France rather die then to love free so they decided to fight for there freedom even if they could die in the process.

What were the differences among the social classes in pre-revolutionary France?

The first and second estate had all the power while most of the third estate were poor and barely had food.

According to the quote by Siey�s, why was the third estate ready to revolt?

According to Siey�s the third estate wanted be something in the government so they has to fight to stop being nothing. They just wanted to be noticed.

Why did Siey�s say the third estate was "nothing"?

Siey�s said that the third estate was nothing because they had no say in anything and the other estates treated them as if they were nothing.

Why did the poor attack the nobles' home?

They attacked the nobles' home because they wanted food.

How did the views of society differ between the nobles and peasants in 1789 in France?

The view of the nobles was good. They did not want to change anything because they had the good life but the peasants on the other had a bad view. They did not have anything to eat and were very poor. They wanted a change while the nobles did not.

Suppose that your are Jacques Necker. Write a paragraph that explains how your economic reform program will benefit france.

Well if we were to start taxing the first and second estates then the peasants would not fight us as much. Also of we reduced court spending that money could be used for something more useful perhaps some food for the poor. If we abolish tariffs on intern

What issues arose when Louis XVI called the estates-general in 1789?

There was an issue that the nobles might recover feudal powers that they had lost under absolute rule which is why the estates-General had not been called for 175 years.

What cause French peasants to revolt against nobles?

Peasants revolted against nobles because they could not afford food and were starving.

How did the National Assembly react to peasant uprisings?

They took action and agreed to give up their manorial dues, exclusive hunting, special legal status, and exemption from taxes. They created a law of the equality of all male citizens.

What were the provisions of the constitution of 1791?

It changed France from an absolute monarchy to a limited monarchy. They allowed tax-paying men over 25 to elect lawmakers.

How did the rest of Europe react to the French Revolution?

Rulers in Europe feared that the ideas in France would spread so they increased border patrol. Others were happy about the decisions that the National Assembly were making because it was the dawn of a new age for justice and equality.

What political and social reforms did the National Assembly institute in the first stage of the French Revolution?

They gave more rights to the poor and lessened then nobles rights.

How did the American revolution influence the French Revolution?

The French saw Thomas Paine's Common Sense which influenced the French to want a better government. Also Lafayette admired the American Declaration of Independence and american democratic ideals and he became one of the leading leaders for the revolution

Why did the French common people resent Marie Antoinette?

She had everything she wanted. She spent million on just her clothes and jewelry. She also owned what most queens did not, property. And she played milkmaid when in realty that was someone's daily life.

Why was Paris the revolutionary center in France?

Everything was located in France. Famous buildings, National Assembly, other things and the prisoners were too. Paris was in the middle of everything so it was perfect for the revolutions because everything was close together.

Why were European rulers against revolutionary ideas coming into their countries?

They did not want to loose power like the monarchs in France did.

How does the cartoonist portray the "plague"?

The cartoonist portrays it as if it were a bad thing but it would drive away the higher powers.

How was the French declaration of the rights of man and the citizen similar to the American Declaration of Independence?

The declarations of the rights of man and the citizen is similar to the American Declaration of Independence because both declare the rights of the people even the peasants.

What did the constitution of 1791 do, and how did it reflect enlightenment ideas?

Enlightenment ideas were all about change in government which the constitution of 1791 did, it changed the government from an absolute monarchy to a limited monarchy.

Describe what happened to France's constitutional monarchy because of the French Revolution

The monarchy did not exist anymore. All the power came from the people after the French Revolution.

What central idea does this declaration share with the American Declaration of Independence?

The central idea is for all citizens to have a say in government and for everyone to have equal rights.

What occurred after radicals took control of the assembly?

The radicals abolished monarchy completely and created the French Republic. They extended the right to vote to all men not just property owners. They also erased titles of nobility, the old order, and seized lands of nobles, They also beheaded the king an

Why did Robespierre think the terror was necessary to achieve the goals of the revolution?

They needed to be strict with criminals in order to have a secured liberty.

What changes occurred after the reign of terror came to an end?

Another constitution was produced. It set up a five man directory and a two house legislature elected by male citizens of property.

What changes occurred in France because of the French Revolution?

It changed the old social order, overthrew the monarchy completely, and the church did not have a lot control since it was under the states control. Nationalism also spread and revolutionaries set up state schools to replace religious ones. They also orga

What events occurred during the radical phase of the French Revolution?

The reign of terror occurred and the guillotine was the engine of terror during that time. It chopped off people's heads to kill them quickly.

Which of the two viewpoints makes a better case for or against the execution of king Louis XVI?

For the executions states a better point. It states all of the bad things he did. Like when he robbed the citizens good to subsidize their foes. They provided information that would make the reader understand why he should be executed.

How do you think Robespierre's early life might have influenced his political ideas?

His early life influenced his political ideas because when he was completely abandoned when he was younger he had to go with his general will and get through life with common sense. So he followed Rousseau's idea of the general will because he knew what i

What were the goals of the committee of public safety?

They wanted to keep the innocent people safe. Anybody could have been easily killed for no reason at all so they tried to avoid that.

How do you think life in France changed after the terror came to an end?

The people probably tried to keep peace and order since they did not want another reign of terror. They were also cleaning things up and giving everyone equal rights.

Summarize the goals and actions of the jacobins?

There goals were mostly to help advance the republican carouse. They used newspapers and pamphleteers to help spread it.

Why was the committee of public safety created?

It's was created to deal with the threats to France. Had 12 members.

How did the reign of terror cause the national convention to be replaced by the directory?

They replaced by making a third constitution, the constitution of 1795.

How do you think French nationalism affected the war between France and the powers of Europe?

Well the French probably felt proud cause they were now there own country without a king or queen. Which led to the people in other parts of Europe to question there monarchy or government and see if they had and pride in there country.