History Notes : China

This philosophy of government believes that people are evil, and that the only way to achieve order os to impose strict laws and harsh punishments


What is not an accomplishment of Shi Huangdi, emperor of the Qin Dynasty

Daoism became the primary religion

What was the civil service exam

it was required in order to get a job in the government

What is a Major achievement of the Han dynasty

Accupuncture/ Paper Making/ The invention of Suspension Bridges

What is not true about the Huang River in China

It is called the River of Fortune becasue of the abundance of crops it brings

What was an influencial aspect of life in early China

Filial Piety & Feudalism

This person believed that harmony resulted when people accepted their place in society and in relationships


The Zhou overthrew the Shang dynasty and claimed they could do so because of...

The Mandate of Heaven

The Chinese are credited with all of the following achievements except...

Innovation in the field of dentistry

Where did the Huang River get its name

loess - means find windblown yellow soil. also had a nickname "River of Sorrows.

In what ways did people live differently in ancient China

Learned to farm/ depended on rivers/ fertile farming regions suported the pop.

Shang kings probably controlled only a small area. Loyal princes and local nobles goverend most of the land

Shang kings probably controlled only a small area. Loyal princes and local nobles goverend most of the land

What did early Chinese communtites do to ensure good harvests

The prayers of the rulers and nobles to their ancestors were thought to serve the community as a whole ensuring such benefits as good harvests or victory in war

why did writing begin in China

Because it fostered unity in early China

What kind of government did legalists favor


The rise and fall of Chinese dynasties is called..

The dynastic cycle

What means the respect for ones parents

Filial piety

Summarize the roles of the Mandate of Heaven and the dynastic cycle in China

The Mandate of heaven is similar to the divine right to rule. The gods passed the Mandate of Heaven to the Zhou, who "treated the multitudes of people well. The Chinese later expanded the idea of the Mandate of Heaven to the Dynastic cycle. The dynastic cycle is the rise and fall of dynasties