The Height of Imperialism

Old Imperialism

15-1700s; European Competition for GOLD/silver (and goods/spices, but MOSTLY GOLD)
Spanish Conquistadors

New Imperialism

When one country takes over another country for resources; "Taking" (stealing) the raw/natural resources of another country
"Europeans sought nothing less than direct control over vast territories, mainly in Africa." (336)
Europeans KNOW it's morally wron

Berlin Conference

1884-1885 14 European nations MEET TO DIVIDE AFRICA (so Europe won't go to war over land) + NO Africans @ meeting = Ethnic Strife (conflict) among natives

Shaka (Zulu)

Leader of Zulu (kingdom/people in South Africa)
Battled w/ Boers and defeated by British


Dutch farmers in South Africa (347); AKA Afrikaners

Great Trek

Boers "disgusted with British rule... moved north", putting many natives onto reservations

Boer War

British/Boers fight for South Africa (b/c DIAMONDS discovered)
British: TOTAL WAR, no one's safe, DETENTION CAMPS (women/children)
British win = South Africa British colony

Muhammad Ali

Officer of Ottoman Empire who took power/est. a separate Egyptian state (343)
Brought reforms to modernize Egypt (army, public schools, textiles, munitions, ships)
Economic growth/ importance leads to Europe building the SUEZ CANAL

Benito Juarez

Mexican National Hero; Prez after Santa Anna; brought liberal reforms - separation of church/state, land distribution to poor, education system for all of Mexico (366)

Toussaint L'overture

Freed Haiti from French rule (was successful b/c did it while Europe had problems of it's own like Napoleon)
Haiti independence INSPIRES South America uprisings

White Man's Burden" (337)

A poem that spread the idea in Europe that the Europeans had a burden to bring civilization to non-whites

Indian National Congress (INC)

formed by a small group of Indians who met in Bombay (aka Mumbai) in 1885 that called for a share in the governing process (358)

Rabindranath Tagore

Life mission: promote Indian Nationalism
Indian author who was also a social reformer, spiritual leader, educator, philosopher, singer, and painter (359)

Mohandas Ghandi

used NONVIOLENCE to protest against British and IT WORKS- force British to help the poor/give India independence

Emiliano Zapata

lead peasant movement in Mexico for agrarian (agricultural/land) reform = Mexican revolution = new constitution/ patriotism


European born (mostly Spain); overseers of American colonies/dominated Latin America + drain Americas of wealth
Top of the Hierarchy


European descent born in the Americas; Middle of the Hierarchy (resent Peninsulares)
Controlled land and business, but seen as second class citizens


Mixed Bloods; In the Spanish colonies, persons of mixed European and Indian descent; Lowest in Hierarchy
Servants and laborers

Cecil Rhodes

Founder of De Beers Mining Co.; Diamonds in Africa
Rhodes wanted to make train running from South Africa to North Africa to get stuff from all of Africa, easily to Europe. "from the Cape to Cairo" (347)


Strong leaders of Mexico; ruled mainly by military force/ supported by the landed elites (366)
Some brought reforms and good/others destructive
"When died/lost power, civil wars for control erupted" (366)

King Mongkut

And Son- King Chulalongkorn- protected Thailand from colonial rule (British/French)
"Both promoted Western learning and maintained friendly relations with the major European powers." (338)

David Livingstone

Missionary who trekked through Central Africa for 30 years
He "disappeared" for a while and HENRY STANLEY (journalist) found him


France and Vietnam; "A political unit that depends on another government for its protection." (338)
Country with its own government but under the control of an outside power

indirect rule

colonial government in which "local rulers are allowed to maintain their positions of authority and status" (339)
cheap way of rule + maintain local customs/culture + convenient + no need for force

direct rule

System of colonial government in which the imperialist power controlled all levels of government and appointed its own officials to govern the colony (339)
Forceful, used soldiers, cause: resistance of natives

Ottoman Empire

The Sick Man of Europe"
Decline: corruption (sons/kings kill each other = chaos), weak leaders, needed modernization


Interest in taking land for location/products (tactical decision)
British takes Egypt; SUEZ CANAL "Lifeline to India" (connects Mediterranean/Arabic Sea)


Successful Resistance: Ethiopia was Christian

Henry Stanley

Journalist who found Livingstone
Went on to explore the CONGO and encouraged King Leopald II of Belgium to send settlers


Indian soldiers trained by British army

Sepoy Rebellion (355)

Bacon/Beef fat Bullets
Rebellion effect: indirect rule of India to direct rule

The sun never sets on the British Empire

Because has colonies all around the world

Impact of Colonialism (356-357)

PROS: Modernization (technology), MEDECINE!!!, Ended rival wars among rulers
CONS: British held political/Economic power, Famines b/c of colonial work (Ex. grow cotton v. food), Destroyed some traditional life/culture

viceroy (356)

a governor who ruled as a representative of a monarch

Unsuccessful Resistance

Maji-maji (water) Rebellion = Spiritual defense
Maxim Guns

Antonio de Santa Anna

corrupt, misuses $, stopped reforms
Texas (Alamo) revolt = Mexican American War = Treaty of Guadalupe (US gets territory from Mexico)

Sim�n Bol�var and Jos� de San Mart�n

Liberators of South America" Destroyed Spanish Colonization in South America
San Martin=South/ Bolivar=North

Miguel Hidalgo

Mexican priest and revolutionary who led a revolt that started the Mexican war of independence
Revolt makes Elites afraid, so they overthrow Spanish rule (to keep power) and make Augustin de Iturbide the leader

Monroe Doctrine

Congress of Vienna threatens to take back colonies in the Americas - President James Monroe proclamation that threat Europe not to interfere w/ Americas or else will go to war
Britain upholds claim + has strong navy to back it up
MOTIVE: Brit. has large i

New Imperialism (south america)

Western country buys raw resources from developing country- processes resources- takes it back and sells it to country for more $
= Huge profits for Euro/Debt+Poverty in colonies b/c too much imports and not enough exports (to this day)

Latin American governments

Led by large landowners, while masses=poverty
Later wrote constitutions (similar to US/democracies)

US in Latin America

Spanish-American War= Cuba/Puerto Rico; Support Panama = Panama Canal, sent in military to protect investments (ex. Haiti/Nicaragua)
US= "big bully" to the north (368)


Euro v. Euro or Euro v. Africa


Racism: Belief that one racial group is superior to another, Social Darwinism: "Survival of the fittest" but used with race, Euro v. Euro rivalry, "White Man's Burden

Singapore ("city of the lion")

first British Colony, founded by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles; to get close to China for trade/Sphere of influence

Burma (myanmar)

to protect India from the French (Vietnam aka Indochina) and gain land access to China

Vietnam (Indochina)

French protectorate; expands control to Cambodia, Annam, Tonkin, and Laos = to protect colonies from British

Emilio Aguinaldo

US navy take Philippines in Spanish American War under Commodore George Dewey theeeen...... Emilio steps in
leader of independence movement (revolt) in the Philippines, first against the Spanish then US until defeated by US


Geopolitical for US = 1/2 way from Asia to US
Queen Liliuokalani taken from power by Dole


Due to Euro ignoring local customs = REVOLTS (ex. Sepoy rebellion)
Burma- violent against British, put down w/ force (advanced weapons)
Natives w/ western education = leaders of independence using DEMOCRACY


local tax collecting officials in rural India (collected from peasants); took advantage of power, raised taxes/forced peasants to lose land = peasants unhappy.....