American colonization

What year was jamestown founded?


What century was Jamestown founded?


What product brought economic stability to the early Virginia colony?


What three continents were involved in the triangular trade ?

Europe, Africa, North America.

Why were the French interested in North America?

They wanted to explore and get more resources

What was the difference between the French and the English in regards to exploration and colonization ?

French- colonized in the northern part of the new world.
British- colonized in the current day east coast of USA.

What was the house of burgesses?

A legislative assembly

What colony was the house of burgesses in ?

Jamestown Virginia

What made the mayflower compact unique ?

It was the first governing document in the Plymouth colony

What was the main difference between the governments set up in the mayflower compact compared to the house of burgesses??

The mayflower compact was one of the first to have a declaration of democracy to permanent settlement
House of burgesses was the first to legislate and make laws

What Main idea is reflected in both the mayflower compact and the house of burgesses ?

Early democracy in colonies

What was the Powhatans attitude towards the settlers of Jamestown ?


Describe what the relationship ended up being like between Powhatan and Indian settlers ?


What was the main principle of mercantilism?

To benefit the mother country

Describe how mercantilism worked between the British colonies ?

They used mercantilism to grow.

List 4 things about the puritans?

Strict, theocracy, hypocritical, religious freedom.

Which of the colonial regions is most associated with the "Protestant work ethic"?

New England colonies

What did Anne Hutchinson believe about the religion and government?

Outcast from the church and government.

Why was Rhode Island founded?

Principles of complete religious toleration and separation of church and political democracy.

Why were the articles of confederation of the United colonies of New England created?

To give colonies some sense of unified government.

Why did groups like the Puritans, pilgrims , Huguenots and Catholics come to early British colonies?

Religious prosecution

What colonies made a mid Atlantic and middle colonies?

Pennsylvania, New-York ,New Jersey,Delaware.

What was life like for the people of the middle colonies?

They had to Endure more.

Why did William Penn found Pennsylvania ?

A place of refuge for Quakers

What mainly led to differences in the economic development of the different regions of colonies?

Class systems

What happened during the Salem witch trials?

People were accused of being witches and 19 of them ended up dead

List three reasons why England encouraged people to migrate to America?

Expand trade routes, Claim more land,and spread beliefs.

What led king Philip to attack English settlements?

Abuse of tribes

What was the middle passage?

Slaves came from Africa to America.
( oral tradition )

Where were slaves most likely to live during the colonial era urban or rural places?


How do we know about the culture of the African slaves since they weren't allowed to learn how to write?


Why were African slaves brought to the southern colonies?

To work

What did your get in return from trading slaves to the America's?


What role did warfare in Africa Play in slave trade?

tempted by money Africans would sell their own to the Europeans for profit.

What part of North America did the French control around 1700?

North America,the Caribbean and India

What part of North America did the Spanish control around 1700?


What part of North America did Great Britain controlled around 1700?

Eastern colonies

What part of North America was not held by any European power around 1700s

Western America

Why were America's first university's buillt?

So people can have an education

What led to Bacons rebellion?

Governor William Berkeley's refusal to retaliate for a series of Native American attacks.

Why was the halfway covenant created?

To extend membership for Puritans and remind them where they came from

Why were the navigation acts passed in 1651?

Actually designed to tie in the governments control over trade