RWH 1400-1800 Early Modern Era

cultural diffusion

The spread of ideas, customs, and technologies from one people to another

The Atlantic Circuit (Triangular Trade)

A three way system of trade during 1600-1800s Africa sent slaves to America, America sent Raw Materials to Europe, and Europe sent Guns and Rum to Africa

forced labor systems

In slavery, labor can be bought and sold.
In serfdom, labor is attached to a plot of land.

The Fur Trade

Growth of the _______ during the "little ice age" encouraged the exploration and expansion of Russia and North America. Both regions supply the growing European demand for this commodity.


Complete control of a product or business by one person or group.
In this era, the British founded the Hudson Bay Company. It soon controlled all the fur trade in the lands around the Hudson Bay. In order to trade with the various Indian nations, the Huds

Expansion of Russia 1462-1689

Peter the Great

Became the ruler of Russia and known for westernizing the country in order to be successful. He made Russia come out of their isolation and created the first navy. He soon moved his capital to St. Petersburg, where he expanded the size of Russia.

St Petersburg

Capitol city of Russia built by Peter the Great. It was on the coast of the Baltic Sea and considered Russia's window to the West and is a symbol of Peter's desire to westernize.

Russian Empire

This empire came into existence in the 15th century, when the Russian people established independence from the Mongols. The Russian Empire relied on a strong centralized government headed by an absolute monarch called a tsar (czar). The Russian Empire las

Westernization under Peter the Great #1

Military reform - Peter built the size of his army by drafting peasants to serve as professional soldiers and increasing pay. He encouraged the use of western technology, including the training of troops in the use of cannons and firearms. He ordered the

Westernization under Peter the Great #2

Social reform - Peter ordered Russian nobles to dress like Europeans, which meant they had to abandon their bearskin capes and beards. By tradition, Wealthy Russian landowners grew their beards without shaving, giving them a very un-western appearance, so


Usually around 2-5% of population, but own majority of the land. These are the people who are born rich because they inherit wealth and land from their families.

Russian serfs

Tied to the Land"; they worked and tended the land in exchange for food. Russian Nobles (landowners) had almost complete power over them., They were poor, tax-paying peasants who comprised approximately 90% of the Russian population.

Romanov Dynasty

Ruling family of Russia, including Peter the Great and Catherine the Great, this dynasty favored the nobles, reduced military obligations, expanded the Russian empire further east, and fought several unsuccessful wars, yet they lasted from 1613 to 1917.

Ivan the Great

(1462-1505) The Slavic Grand Duke of Moscow, he ended nearly 200 years of Mongol domination of his dukedom. From then on he worked at extending his territories, subduing the nobles, and attaining absolute power.

The Size of Africa

Remember the size of Africa makes it impossible for one empire to politically control the entire continent. That is why we study Africa regionally.

5 regions of Africa

The majority of the slave trade took place between the Portuguese and the African Kingdoms in West and Central Africa.

Atlantic Slave Trade

The forced migration of Africans across the Atlantic for slave labor on plantations and in other industries; the trade reached its peak in the eighteenth century and ultimately involved close to 15 millions Africans.

middle passage

A voyage that brought enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to North America and the West Indies.
A voyage that brought enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to North America and the West Indies., This is the term used to describe the part of

African Diaspora

The separation of Africans from their homeland through centuries of forced removal to serve as slaves in the Americas and elsewhere.


A movement from one country or region to another

largest forced major migration in world history.

Close to 15 million Africans were captured and sold into slavery during this era. Therefore the African slave trade is considered the _______________________.

the Great Dying

killed around 90% of native Americans . was caused by diseases brought over by Europeans to which Natives didn't have an immunity. Many died of smallpox, measles, influenza, yellow fever, malaria and typhus while others died of starvation because they wer

Why did European Powers encourage their people to migrate to America?

Permanent European presence in the Americas
depended on continuous immigration. There were two reasons for this:
First, death rates among the early settlers were very high. Scarce, unreliable, and unfamiliar food supply; heavy work under often brutal cond

indentured servitude

Some Europeans who arrived in the Americas were convicts, their passage forced. Many British and French immigrants arrived as ________, meaning they were bound by a legal contract to serve their employer without pay for a number of years, typically four t

How were Africans enslaved and forced to migrate to the Americas?

The slaves carried to the Americas were taken from many different sub-Saharan societies. Most of them were prisoners of war (fought for reasons having nothing directly to do with the slave trade), or they were caught in raids made expressly to acquire sla

The reason the slave trade expanded in the 15th to 17th century was ...

European powers with colonies in the Americas (Spain, England, etc.) needed labor for their sugar plantations, silver mines, etc. The native Amerindians perished in the Great Dying so new workers were necessary. Also the average life-span for slaves on a

African Slave Trade: 2 Effects on Population

Population Decline: Sub-Saharan population in 1850 about one-half of what it would have been without the trade.
Gender Imbalance: The women and children not exported skewed the balance of the sexes in African-enslaving societies. The gender imbalance led

African Slave Trade: 2 Effects on African Kingdoms

1. Rise of regional African kingdoms: legitimacy and power comes from European firearms
2. Inter-regional violence: the slave trade stimulated arguments that increased tensions among the many tribes and kingdoms of Africa. Violence escalated with access t


the landmass made up of Africa and Eurasia together. This geographical expression serves as a helpful tool in discussing large-scale historical developments that cut across the traditionally-defined continental divisions of Africa, Asia, and Europe.


____ is the landmass made up of Asia & Europe. The idea that Europe and Asia are separate continents goes back many centuries, but scholars who accept the definition of a continent as "a large landmass surrounded, or nearly surrounded, by water" know that


The ______ are made up of the continents of North America and South America, including neighboring islands, notably the islands of the Caribbean Sea. Until the twentieth century, most geography books classified North and South America together as a single

Mercator Map v. Peters Projection

Mercator Map

shows directions accurately; sizes and distances are distorted

Peters Projection

a cylindrical map projection that attempts to retain the accurate sizes of all the world's landmasses


the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world.

Protestant Reformation

1517 Martin Luther's 95 Thesis condemned many Catholic practices including use of indulgences, preached people could be saved only by grace, downplayed the role of the clergy as mediators, look to the Bible, not church officials or doctrine, as ultimate a

Martin Luther

16th century German monk and professor who is considered to be the person who started the Protestant Reformation; he began by criticizing Church practices (mainly indulgences) and ultimately broke with the Catholic Church to form his own new religious fai


the domination of one state or group over its allies. In this era of World History Western Europe has hegemony.


A form of government, usually hereditary monarchy, in which the ruler has no legal limits on his or her power.


This action occurs when a country explores, conquers, and settles an area. Extensive European colonization of the Americas was a defining feature of the era of European exploration. Colonization affected nearly every aspect of life in both the Eastern and


Was an architect during the Renaissance. Created majestic domes and used the architecture of this time which consisted of columns, arches, and domes that had been used by the Greeks and Romans.

Russia and Western Europe

While western Europe basked in the glow of the Renaissance, explored and expanded its influence across oceans, and debated about religion, science, and government in a series of movements, Russia remained isolated from the west and pushed eastward instead


A system of thought that focuses on the nature, ideals, and achievements of human beings, rather than on the divine (religious)


__________ stressed personality, uniqueness, genius, and the fullest development of capabilities and talents during the Renaissance


The view that the present well-being of mankind should predominate over religious considerations in civil or public affairs.

single point perspective

A technique for achieving a sense of depth by establishing a single vanishing point and painting or building all objects to diminish to it.

Renaissance Europe

Printing Press

15th century invention, invented by Johann Gutenberg, which revolutionized the ability to print information which in turn affected the speed of the spread of information itself

Japanese isolationism

Japanese feared European influence after Spain conquered the Philippines. So they issued a series of edicts during the 1630s to isolate themselves.

Isaac Newton

A scientist who used the scientific method to discover the law of Gravity; it proved that the scientific method actually worked


Northeast Asian peoples who defeated the Ming Dynasty and founded the Qing Dynasty in 1644, which was the last of China's imperial dynasties.

Qing Dynasty

(1644-1911 CE), the last imperial dynasty of China which was overthrown by revolutionaries; was ruled by the Manchu people: began to isolate themselves from Western culture


Believing in the superiority of one's own ethnic and cultural group, and having a corresponding disdain for all other groups

Tokugawa Shogunate

Japanese ruling dynasty that strove to isolate it from foreign influences


A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.


a former Chinese custom of touching the ground with the forehead as a sign of respect or submission