History Test #1


definition: The effort by Christian leaders to drive the Muslims out of Spain.

Age of Exploration

definition: Time period during the 15th and 16th centuries when Europeans searched for new sources of wealth and for easier trade routes to China and India.
significance: Resulted in the discovery of North and South America by the Europeans.

Las Casas

definition: famous contemporary resource who speaks out, showed the brutality and cruelty of spanish towards natives

Hernando Cortez

definition: A brash and determined Spanish adventurer, crossed the Hispaniola to mainland Mexico with six hundred men, seventeen horses and ten canons.
significance: Within three years, Cortez had taken captive the Aztec emperor Montezuma, conquered the r

What were the major patterns of Native American life in North America before Europeans arrived?

engaged in hunting and gathering, foundation of social structure-technology, introduction of trade and market place-economy.
North America was hardly an empty wilderness when Europeans arrived. It contained cities, roads, irrigation systems, extensive tra

How did Indian and Europeans ideas of freedom differ on the eve of contract?

Indians didn't have a system of laws like the Europeans, and there was no system of government/ rulers, Europeans believed that indians were savages and had no structure, Europeans had religious morals and were no free to choose the church.
European saw I

Hernando de Soto

definition: wanted to push out French into Florida, increased tension with natives
significance: now illegal to have native slaves

columbian exchange

definition: the exchange of plants and animals as well as people and their diseases
significance: Indians took horses which changed their way of life and made them more productive hunters. Disease killed majority of population

Christopher Columbus

definition: first to travel/ navigate and find the new world, from Italy, but Spain funded his expedition

black legend

definition: created about Spain about being cruel people, created from las Casas. Image of Spain as brutal

What impelled European explorers to look west across the atlantic?

looking for a passage to Asia, silk road, maritime system, looking for exchange of goods and people.
The European conquest of America began as an offshoot of the quest for a sea route to India, china, and the islands of the East Indies, the source of the

What happened when the peoples of the Americans came in contact with Europeans?

when people came in contact, the exchange of disease was very significant and killed 80 million people from the diseases that were brought over.
The Indian populations suffered a decline because of contact with Europeans and their wars, enslavement, and e

What were the chief features of the Spanish empire in America?

Spanish had a large empire, more resources and more power, they established a legal document that people had to agree to when coming into the empire.
The Spanish empire included the most populous parts of the New World and the regions riches in natural re

Samuel de Champlain

definition: french explorer
significance: looking for passageway for resources

Henry Hudson

definition: First Dutch explorer
significance: discovered New Amsterdam (NY)- the port (capital), name of Dutch colony- New Netherlands

New Amsterdam

definition: New york, the port
significance: trading port

Thomas Harriot

definition: publishes a brief and true report of the new found land of Virginia


definition: Called the Lost Colony. It was financed by Sir Walter Raleigh, and its leader in the New World was John White.
significance: All the settlers disappeared, and historians still don't know what became of them.

What were the chief features of the French and Dutch empires in North America?

French - emphasis on the fur trade rather than agricultural settlement, the viability of New France depended on friendly relations with local Indians. The French prided themselves on adopting a more humane policy than their imperial rivals.
Dutch -rapidly

What were the main contours (features) of English colonization in the 17th century?

Seventeenth-century North America was an unstable and dangerous environment. Diseases decimated Indian and settler populations alike. Colonies were racked by religious, political, and economic tensions and drawn into imperial wars and conflict with Indian

Jamestown Colony

definition: Virginia Company, First permanent English Colony in North America 1607
significance: founded for the purpose of finding gold. Gold was never found, however. Jamestown became successful because of their cash crop, tobacco. John Smith

John Smith

definition: delegated Jamestown colony
significance: introduced work ethic to Jamestown colony, sanitation, diplomat to local Native American tribes; had fought Spanish and Turks

starving time

definition: The winter of 1609 to 1610 was known as the "starving time" to the colonists of Virginia. Only sixty members of the original four-hundred colonists survived. The rest died of starvation because they did not possess the skills that were necessa

indentured servants

definition: contract between individual and land/ business owner, signed for 5- 7 years
significance: by signing this you had no say in how to live your live, you had no rights, and could be bought and sold


definition: chief of native population
significance: founded the Powhatan confederacy of tribes in eastern Virginia


definition: daughter of Powhatan
significance: Pocahontas' brave actions in saving an Englishman paved the way for many positive English and Native relations.


definition: wanted to reform/ improve the church of England
significance: wish to "purify" Anglican church, but still part of church


definition: separatists, separate from the church of England, and start new


definition: wrote plymouth plantation in response to Mass bay colony, 2nd gov. of plymouth, separatist

What obstacles did the English settlers in Chesapeake overcome?

The colony's (tobacco producing) leadership changed repeatedly, its inhabitants suffered an extraordinarily high death rate, and, with the company seeking a quick profit, supplies from England proved inadequate.

How did Virginia and Maryland develop in their early years?

Although it began under very different sponsorship and remained much smaller than Virginia during the seventeenth century, the second Chesapeake colony, Maryland, followed a similar course of development. As in Virginia, tobacco came to dominate the econo

What made the English settlement of New England distinctive?

A different social order emerged in New England, a religious movement known as "Puritanism." A term was initially coined by opponents to ridicule those not satisfied with the progress of the Protestant Reformation in England, who called themselves not Pur

Anne Hutchinson

definition: preached doctrine of good works to women in her home
significance: claimed divine inspiration was the source of her power and knowledge
criticized the colony's ministers for preaching a covenant of works as opposed to the covenant of grace


Gov. of mass bay colony? chartered, made profit through trade with Indians
Natural v. mural liberty
Submission to authority as basis for freedom and success
Social hierarchy is part of gods plan

Roger Williams

definition: minister, did not follow the strict religious structure proposed by Winthrop and Puritan leaders
significance: stability of community does not depend on uniformity of belief
challenged Winthrop's view that the colony was not a separatist movem

Mass Bay Colony

definition: Created by charter
significance:Winthrop had visions that it can become a society

Puritan Dilemma

definition: visions of social order.
The Puritans preached that everyone is corrupt but how can corrupt people such as Puritans levy the truth when they are equally corrupted as everyone else. By preaching this, they are only setting themselves for failur


definition: "Against or opposed to the law"
represented a challenge to Winthrop's leadership
significance:emphasized the individualistic nature of a person's covenant with god
represented a challenge to Winthrop's leadership

English Civil War

definition: between Parliament and Stuart monarchs
England's debate over freedom and to what degree the Church should distance itself from catholicism
significance: victors established a commonwealth and free state ruled by cromwell


definition: recognized New World under him
significance: under him, England adopted aggressive policies to expand its colonies and promote Protestantism, and empower commerce in the British Isles and New World

Navigation Act of 1651

definition: intended to wrest control over world trade from the Dutch
required valuable good to be shipped and traded in English ship and ports
significance: enabled gov. to collect revenues and allowed English merchants, manufacturers, shipbuilders, and

The Pequot War

definition: A powerful tribe in southern New England that controlled the fur trade. turning point when fur trader was killed by pequots.
significance: this reopened the Connecticut river valley to rapid white settlements and also made other indians fear e

What were the main sources of discord in early New England?

The main sources discord in early New England was disruptive religious controversies, relations with Native Americans. The languages and the constant wars between the Natives and Puritans, and the language differences caused them to have a bad relationshi

How did the English Civil War affect the colonies in America?

It caused a division between loyalists of English Parliament and free English colonies.

How did the English Empire in America expand in the mid- 17th century?

In the mid seventeenth century it became apparent to the European countries that American Colonies would become an important source of wealth. European mother countries expanded in America through mercantilism (government should regulate economic activity

holy experiment

definition: equality of all person under God and the primacy of the individual conscience
significance: serve everyone and provide freedom for all

new colonies of 17th century


Bacon's Rebellion

definition: land and labor in Virginia. Williams Berkely gave the wealthy good land and lower classes were given what was left. Bacon a farmer leads rebellion and raids Jamestown.
Virginia's shift from white indentured servants to African slaves as main p

Salem Witch Trials

definition: widespread believe in supernatural spirits, people accusing each other of witchcraft

Williams Penn

definition: advocate of religious toleration and spiritual freedom.
encouraged Quaker settlement and helped frame the colony's liberal gov
significance: intended the colony as a space for social harmony between European migrants escaping religious persecu

Glorious Revolution

definition: bloodless, A reference to the political events of 1688-1689, when James II abdicated his throne and was replaced by his daughter Mary and her husband, Prince William of Orange.

How was slavery est. in the western Atlantic world?

Englishmen created slave trade and brought Africans over to Brazil--> needed them for sugar fields.
Slavery was established in the Western Atlantic world
during the seventeenth century. It occurred when race and racism were not fully developed terms or co

What were the major social and political crises rocked the colonies in the 17th century?

The right to vote was restricted more, increase in resistance by alarmed Indians, and the formation of Charles II's national rule are all social and political issues in the colonies in the 17th century.

John Locke

definition: wrote letter concerning toleration, says pope is supreme overall and Catholics shouldn't be tolerated because they are unable to tolerate, same with atheist

Samuel Parris

definition: failed business owner, daughter and niece first to show signs of witchcraft
significance: tried to fix it

republicanism" vs. "liberalism

definition: republicanism- belief that property-owning individuals possessed virtue or interest in the pursuit of the public good

What were the meanings of British liberty in the 18the century?

An empire of freedom, wars helped develop a sense of national identity. British Const. rights of freedom, different views of liberty emerged- language of liberty, republican liberty, liberty freedom

What were the directions of social and economic change in the 18th century?

The growth of colonial America, diverse population and religious diversity. Religion becomes present and most people coming are slaves.
The direction of social and economic change in the 18th century was becoming a melting pot for religious diversity, Nat

Consumer Revolution

definition: time period during which the desire for exotic imports increased dramatically due to economic expansion and population growth

Robert Carter

definition: aristocrat--> owned large plantation, important individual, believed in abolition of slavery
significance: free's all of his slaves on his plantation- problematic from authorities

Middle Passage

definition: experience of passing the Atlantic for slaves/ voyage across the Atlantic horrific
significance: diseases emerged on ships, 1 out of 5 died


definition: more english than American
significance: protestants who belonged to a denomination other than the official Anglican church

letter concerning toleration

definition: didn't intent to be published, wrote it in exile

How did African American slavery differ regionally in 18th century North American? and what factors led to distinct African American cultures in the 18th century?

African slavery was largely regionalized in the 18th century North America. Slavery was largely rejected by the North and was eventually banned but the South favored it because of its cheap labor.
The harsh living conditions, low birth rate, and seldom co

Great Awakening

definition: religious revival moment, spread throughout colonies by ministers, individual covenant with god- bad, concentrated in New England, involved "emotive" worship and religious enthusiasm, establishment of "congregational" churches were spiritually

George Whitefield

definition: led first great awakening, evangelist
significance:Stressed that God was all powerful and would save only those who openly professed faith in Christ Jesus.

print culture

definition: effects of print technology and availability on the public. Newspapers, pamphlets, posters, and books
significance: gave people like Franklin a voice


definition: born in Boston, quaker, rejected puritan emphasis on innate wickedness, equality before God, self-restraint, reform
significance: created American identity in print. emphasis on individual, power of written word

salutary neglect

definition: as long as money's coming in, it doesn't matter.
An English policy of not strictly enforcing laws in its colonies


definition: natural religion
significance: believers in God, but believed God has left earth and left it in charge with the people on earth.
American enlightenment

What concepts and institutions dominated colonial politics in the 18th century?

right to vote, dependents (wives and children) could vote, only people who owned land could vote. Colonies were there to make England richer. right to assembly, right to press, religious freedom, politics in public and colonial government

Seven Years War

definition: British pushed out French, French turned over the land to the British w/o the say of the natives. British and natives then has rivalry

Stamp Act

definition: if you wanted to publish anything, you had to acquire a stamp and pay to get a stamp of approval
significance: led to a censorship of what was published

Pontiac's Rebellion

definition: named after native american who led natives into the land. Indians of launched a revolt against British rule
significance: people began to panic and thought natives would come at any moment

Boston Masacre

definition: 5 people died from British
significance: effect of propaganda -> power of language

Sons of Liberty

definition: secret society who took out frustrations on taxings
significance: emerges through all the colonies

Boston Tea Party

definition: dressed up as indians and dumped tea into the Boston harbor, in response, they closed the harbor and imposed intolerable Acts- took away representation
significance: virtue of American resistance

Common Sense

definition: Thomas Paine's published pamphlet, presented ideas of Locke so that people could understand it
significance: independence can be achieved

What was the impact of the seven years war on imperial and indian-white relations?

relations between empires, fighting over power. imperial rivalries, battle for the continent. middle ground between European empires and indian sovereignty, place where they could coexist peacefully.
Britain's victory fundamentally reshaped the world bala

What were the roots and significance of the stamp act controversy?

Wanted to tax the colonies to bring money to England (the mother land). These taxes affected everyone. The stamp act led to taxation without representation which meant the taxers created a censorship on what was published. British overturned the stamp act

What key events sharpened the divisions between the British and the colonists in the late 176os and 1770s?

Townshend crisis, Homespun virtue, the Boston Massacre, the Tea Act and the Intolerable Acts all played a role.

What key events marked the move towards American Independence?

The Townshend crisis, Homespun virtue, the Boston Massacre, the Tea Act and the Intolerable Acts all played a role.

Even though European colonies were different from one another, they had certain things in common. All of the following statements are correct except
a. Most European colonies were outposts in a global economy.
b. They were intended to return a profit at t

c. Success meant establishing peaceful relations with their native neighbors.

The French found the "gold" they were looking for in North America in
a. fish in the north Atlantic.
b. animal furs.
c. lumber from Canadian forests.
d. All of the above.

b. animal furs.

The Dutch colony known as New Netherland was shaped by
a. commerce.
b. religious zeal to convert the Indians to Christianity.
c. a desire by the company to locate salves for its other locations.
d. All of the above.

a. commerce.

By the 1660s New Netherland was in serious economic trouble because
a. the Dutch and Mohawks had abandoned their former trade alliances.
b. the Dutch had restricted the trade goods offered the Indians for their furs.
c. there was an oversupply of wampum b

c. there was an oversupply of wampum beads.

Which of the following statements about England's colonization experiences in North America and later in Africa is not accurate?
a. Tropical African diseases threatened the very existence of English colonies in Africa.
b. The English had realized that in

b. The English had realized that in order to be successful in Africa they must allow the African nations to determine the rules of trade and cooperation.

Which of the following statements about the English colonization efforts at Roanoke is accurate?
a. The English launched a number of expeditions to find the lost colonists.
b. Sir Walter Raleigh was concerned about the fate of the colonists.
c. Friendly r

d. The colonists of Roanoke were abandoned by their government.