

A non binding agreement to follow common policies


Glorification of the military

Alsace and Lorraine

Provinces on the border of Germany and France lost by France to Germany in 1871 regained by France after WWI


Final set of demands


Prepare military forces for war


Policy of supporting neither side in a war

Central Powers

Germany and Austria-Hungary and ottoman empire


France, Russia , Britain


Pride in ones nation


All Salvic people shared a common nationality; Russia felt it had to lead the Slavs


Capital of Bosnia ruled by Austria Hungary

Black Hand

Serbian terrorist group; viewed Austria as foreign oppressors

Blank Check

A promise of unconditional support no matter what the cost

The Schleiffen Plan

Germany's military strategy for fighting France and Russia

Arch-Duke Francis Ferdinand

Nephew of Francis Joseph and heir to the Austrian throne

Francis Joseph

Austrian emperor; started WWI by declaring war on Serbia following the assassination of Francis Ferdinand

Gavrilo Princip

Conspirator who killed the archduke and his wife; member of black hand

Kaiser William II

Emperor of Germany issued the blank check to Austria

Czar Nicholas II

Emperor of Russia


Bismarck signed a treaties with other powers forming triple alliance


France and Russia formed an alliance


France and Britain signs an entente


Several Balkan states attacked turkey and succeeded in taking a large area of kand

June 28, 1914

Archduke Ferdinand and his wife was assassinated

July 28, 1914

Austria declared war on Serbia starting WWI

Aug. 1, 1914

Germany declared war on Russia

Aug. 3, 1914

Germany invaded Belgium

Aug. 4, 1914

Britain declared war on Germany

Why would Germany worry about the alliance between France and Russia

Germany did not want to fight a 2 front war

Based on the information on the map, which alliance do you think had the greater military alliance in 1914? Why

The Allies have the advantage because they have more troop strength and they surround the central powers

What did France and Germany compete over that increased tension between the two?

Colonies in Africa
France wanted revenge for the Franco Prussian war
Germany's new pride in its empire

What did Great Britain and Germany compete over ?

Naval strength

Where was the power keg of Europe and why was it called that?

Serbian ; 2 bloody wars already had broken out

What role did geography play in the outbreak of World War I?

Germany's location between France and Russia led the invasion of Belgium which drew GB into war