Chapter 16 Vocab (World History)

Hapsburg empire

Central European empire that lasted from the 1400s to the 1900s and at its height included the lands of the Holy Roman Empire and the Netherlands

Charles V

King of Spain. Heir to the Hapsburg Empire which included the Holy Roman Empire and the Netherlands. The two empires were in constant warfare forcing him to allow the German princes to choose their own religion.

Phillip II

Had a 42-year reign that expanded Spanish influence, strengthened the Catholic Church, and made his own power absolute.

Absolute monarch

Ruler with complete authority over the government and lives of the people he or she governs.

Divine right

Belief that a rulers authority comes directly from God


Fleet of ships

El Greco

A famous painter that lived during Spain's Golden Age (1550-1650)

Miguel de Cervantes

One of the most important writers during the Golden Age


French Protestants of the 1500s and 1600s

Henry IV

A Huguenot Prince who inherited the French Throne in 1589. Converted to Catholicism to end conflict

Edict of Nantes

Law issued by French King Henry IV in 1598 giving more religious freedom to French Protestants

Cardinal Richelieu

Was appointed chief minister In 1624. Devoted 18 years to strengthening the central government.

Louis XIV

Inherited the throne in 1643 (5 years old). Was part of the Fronde, an uprising that noble, merchants, peasants, and the urban poor each rebelled in order to protest royal power.


Official appointed by French King Louis XIV to govern the provinces, collect taxes, and recruit soldiers.

Jean-Baptiote Colbert

Louis's finance minister. Impose mercantilist policies to bolster the economy


Royal French residence and seat of government established by King Louis XIV


Morning ritual during which nobles would wait upon French King Louis XIV

Balance of power

Distribution of military and economic power that prevents any one nation from becoming too strong

James I

The first Stuart monarch, agreed to rule according to English laws and customs


Protestant whose views and opinions differed from those of the Church of England


Members of an English Protestant group who wanted to "purify" the Church of England by making it simpler and more morally strict

Charles I

Inherited the throne in 1625. Behaved like an absolute monarch. Imprisoned foes and squeezed the nation for money.

Oliver Cromwell

A leader of the Roundheads. A Puritan member of the lesser gentry. Proved himself to be a skilled general.

English bill of rights

Series of acts passed by the English parliament in 1689 that limited the rights of the monarchy and ensured the superiority of parliament.

Limited monarchy

Government in which a constitution or legislative body limits the monarchs powers

Constitutional government

Government whose power is defined and limited by law


Parliamentary advisors to the king who originally met in a small room


Government in which ruling power belongs to a few people


One of seven German princes who would choose the Holy Roman emperor


The catholic Hapsburg king of Bohemia. Sought to suppress Protestants and to assert royal power over nobles.


Soldier serving in a foreign army for pay


Reduction in the number of people in an area

Peace of Westphalia

Series of treaties that ended the Seven Years' war

Maria Theresa

The daughter of Charles VI

War of the Austrian succession

Series of wars in which various European nations competed for power in Central Europe after the death of Hapsburg emperor Charles VI


A strong military state in Central Europe that emerged in the late 1600s

Frederick William I

A Prussian ruler who came to power upon the death of his father in 1713. Gained the loyalty of the Prussian nobles by giving them positions in the army and government

Frederick II

Seized the rich Hapsburg province of Silesia. Preferred playing the flute and writing poetry

Peter the Great

Used his power to put Russia on the road to becoming a great modern power


Adoption of western ideas, technology, and culture


Having unlimited power


Landowning noble in Russia under the tsar

Warm-water port

A port that is free of ice year-round

St. Petersburg

Capital city and major port that Peter the Great established in 1703

Catherine the Great

A monarch that took the reins of power into her hands for the Russian empire


A division into pieces