History 23.2 Assessment....

Legislative Assembly

A legislative body that had the power to create laws and approve or reject declarations of war. However, the king still held the power to enforce laws.


Nobles and others who had fled France and hoped to undo the revolution and restore the Old Regime.


Parisian workers and small shopkeepers who wanted the Revolution to bring even greater changes to France.


Members of radical or political or specific organization.


A machine that beheaded people in a quick and humane manner.

Maximilien Robespierre

A dictator who's rule was known as the Reign Of Terror and believed all problems could be solved by beheading people. Many people became afraid of him.

Reign Of Terror

The period of time when Robespierre ruled.

Do you think this chain of events could have been changed in any way?

Yes, if certain people had not gotten involved. Such as Robespierre, he was a dictator who had many people beheaded, even those who were supporters of the revolution. He thought that any problem could be solved by having a few people killed.

What major reforms did the National Assembly introduce?

They made a new constitution in 1791 and it took away a lot of the kings power and made the legislative assembly have more power. It made significant changes in France. They created three groups, radical, moderate and conservative.

What did the divisions in the Legislative Assembly say about the differences in French society?

People had mixed views about society. There were people who wanted new change, people who wanted things to go back to the way they were, and people in the middle.

How did the Reign Of Terror come to an end?

When the National Assembly eventually became frightened by Robespierre and he was guillotined.

How did the slogan "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" sum up the goals of the Revolution?

The goal of the revolution was to make everyone equal and the same and the slogan is three things that the revolution hoped would happen as an outcome.

What similarities and differences do you see between these political factions in the Legislative Assembly and those in the U.S. government today?

The Legislative Assembly represented different points of view (conservatives, moderates....) Today, our government represents different points of views such as republicans and democrats.

What factors led to Robespierre becoming a dictator?

He believed that all problems could be solved by chopping peoples heads off. He had many people guillotined including enemies of the revolution and supporters of the revolution who questioned him.