Chapter 11

On what two conditions did Monroe agree to accept the presidential nomination?

Monroe agreed to do the election on to conditions.
1. That Monroe would not be tied to a single political party.
2. That Monroe would not wage an active campaign. He would run on his own as he had for an earlier seat in Congress and for governor of Virgin

Why had many voters lost interest in the election process?

Voters had lost interest in the Election process because the voters had little influence in choosing the national and state candidates.

How did Monroe choose members of his cabinet?

James Monroe was inclined to pick the best men in the country, regardless of their political beliefs.

What two groups of people were using Florida as a haven to avoid capture and possible punishment?

Southern slaves and Seminole Indians. Florida also became a haven for smugglers of European goods.

When Spain did not solve Florida's problems, what American was given authority to take action?

When the problem was not fixed Andrew Jackson was given the authorization to invade Florida.

Why did many people in Spain's Latin American colonies resent Spanish control?

Many people in Spain's Latin American colonies resented Spanish control because Spain got profits that the colonists believed they should have received. Also, the colonists felt no loyalty to their new king (Joseph Bonaparte), who was French, not Spanish.

What two Creoles led revolutions in South America?

Jose de San Martin (southern areas) and Simon Bolivar (northern areas) lead the revolution.

What two countries approved and recognized the new republics in Latin America?

Britain and America recognized the new republics.

Why did many western banks collapse in 1896?

Many western banks collapsed because the state banks had grown in number and began to issue their own bank notes even when they did not have the gold and silver to back them up. When the National bank called in loans from western banks, the state banks co

Why did states tax branches of the national bank?

The states taxed branches of the national bank hoping that the increased costs would cause people not to use them.

What issue was brought up by Missouri's request to join the Union?

When Missouri asked to be admitted into the union, an issue was brought up because Missouri's admittance would cause an imbalance between slave and free states currently in the union.

What were the terms of the Missouri Compromise?

Maine's admission into the union as a free state would be tied to Missouri's admission as a slave state - keeping a balance of slave and free states. Slavery would be forbidden north of Missouri's southern boundary. Slavery would be permitted south of the

Why did Jackson not win the election of 1824 even though he had the largest number of votes?

Even though Jackson won more votes than anyone else in both the electoral and popular vote, since their were so many candidates no man got the majority of the Electoral vote (131 votes), so the House of Representatives had to pick one of the candidates. S

Why did John Quincy Adams choose Henry Clay to be his secretary of state, and how did Jackson's followers interpret this action?

John Quincy Adams picked Henry Clay as his Secretary of state because of his experience and qualifications. Jackson's followers thought that Clay and Adams had made a "corrupt bargain" that Clay would pick Adams as president and in return Adams would make

What did Southerners call the tariff of 1828? What had Adams hoped to accomplish with the monies from a tariff?

Southerners called the tariff of 1828 "the tariff of abominations" and threatened to leave the union. With the monies from the tariff, Adams hoped to build roads and canals to aid the communication between distant regions and multitudes of men. He also wa

Name two aspects of the election of 1828 that made a difference from other elections?

This election was unique because mass campaigning appeared such as posters, banners, editorials, testimonies, barbecues, banquets, and torchlight parades. (2) there was a change in voting requirements. Some states had lifted the requirement that voters ow

For what two reasons did the number of voters more that double between 1824 and 1828?

(1) The expansion of suffrage in some states and (2) the addition of new states into the Union.

James Monroe's presidency has often been called the______. During that time the U.S. purchased_____. It also issued a warning to European nations interested in American Lands. This warning, called the_______, was written largely by________, who followed M

1. Era of good feelings
2. Florida
3. Monroe Doctrine
4. John Quincy Adams
5. Missouri Compromise

What is a meeting of political party leaders who choose a candidate called?


Who defeated the Indians at the battle of Horseshoe Bend?

Andrew Jackson

Who were the two men who led much of South America to Independence?

Jose de San Martin and Simon Bolivar

When did the U.S. buy Florida?

In 1819 the U.S. bought Florida for $5 million dollars.

What court case was used to strengthen the federal government's power over that of the states?

In the 'McCulloch v. Maryland' the court ruled that the states could not tax the federal government because the "power to tax includes the power to destroy".

Who was said to have made a "corrupt bargain" with John Quincy Adams?

Henry Clay

What was Andrew Jackson's political party?

Democratic Republican

Who was the incumbent presidential candidate in 1828?

John Quincy Adams

What state came into the Union as a free state as a result of the Missouri Compromise?


A current office holder.


A government led by one powerful leader.


The selling or transporting of goods from one state to another.

Interstate commerce

The making of malicious statements about opponents.


A statement that stated that Florida and all of America could not be settled by other European nations.

Monroe doctrine

Missouri Compromise

When Maine broke off from Massachusetts and was going to register as a free state. Since Missouri was going to be a slave state, the two states registered together to maintain the balance.

Two reasons the "Era of Good Feelings" was an appropriate name for this period?

Two reasons for the "Era of Good Feelings" is because there were no political wars during this period of time, and there were no current national crisis.

Acquiring of Florida

Since Florida was a safe haven for runaway slaves, Indian tribes and smugglers, Andrew Jackson warned Spain that if they could not control their own land, that the U.S. would act. When Spain did nothing, Secretary of war Calhoun gave Andrew Jackson contro

Two revolutionary leaders from south America.

1. Jose de San Martin
2. Simon Bolivar

What were three new basic principals the Monroe doctrine added to America's Foreign policy?

1. European nations could not set up new colonies in the Americas.
2. The U.S. would not interfere.
3. That America will militarily intervene will any European colonies that are set up in the Americas.
The European colonies could not set up new colonies i

Secretary of War

John C. Calhoun

What is a meeting of political party leaders who choose a candidate called?


A Spanish political leader who looked over the south part of Spanish territories?

Jose de San Martin

A Spanish political leader who looked over the northern territories for Spain?

Simon Bolivar

Accomplishments of Andrew Jackson?

Some accomplishments of Andrew Jackson are that he defeated the Creek Indians at horseshoe bend, he invaded Florida, got rid of the smugglers that were at Florida, and got rid of a Spanish Governor in Florida.

Who were the candidates in the Election of 1824?

1.John Quincy Adams
2.Henry Clay
3.William Crawford
4.Andrew Jackson

How was the Election of 1828 draw in lots of voters?

The expansion of suffrage and increase of states into the Union. Also mass campaigning was used (posters banners, editorials, testimonies, banquets, and torchlight parades.)

New independent republics in Latin America.

Many of the new republics that broke out of Spain modeled their constitutions after the U.S.. But poor economic conditions, the high illiteracy,the tradition of autocracy, and the power of the Roman Catholic Church weakened these new republics. Stronger m

States that entered the Union during The Missouri Compromise were?

Maine entered the union as a free state while Missouri entered as a slave state. Since there was going to have been a temporary imbalance of slave states and free states, Missouri and Maine both entered at the same time through the Missouri compromise.

House of Representatives vote in 1824

Andrew Jackson won more votes than anyone else in the electoral college and the popular vote; however, with so many candidates, no man won a majority of the electoral vote (131 votes). This meant that the election went to the House of Representatives. The

1st - 6th Presidents and years in office

1) George Washington (1789 - 1797)
2) John Adams (1797 - 1801)
3) Thomas Jefferson (1801 - 1809)
4) James Madison (1809 - 1817)
5) James Monroe (1817 - 1825)
6) John Quincy Adams (1825 - 1829)

Three similarities and differences between the elections of 1824 and 1828

1) John Q. Adams and Andrew Jackson tried to be president for both 1824 and 1828.
2) Mudslinging was in both 1824 and 1828 elections.
1) Election of 1828 - two political parties existed once again.
2) Many techniques of mass ca

Famous Duels

1) Burr and Hamilton - Burr killed Hamilton
2) Andrew Jackson and John Dickinson - Jackson killed Dickinson