chapter 21

How did Charles I make Parliament


Philip II

Spanish king who took control of Portugal but failed in his invasion of England

absolute monarch

King or queen with complete control

divine right

Idea that a ruler receives the right to rule from God

Who was Philip II?

philipip II was the son of the Holy roman emperor charles the 5th he took control of portugal when the king of portugal died who was his uncle

Who were some of the artists and writers of Spain's golden age?

el greco , diego velasquez , Miguel de Cervantes

Why did Spain lose its power?

Spain lost its power due to political and economic these included unfair taxation ,they had to borrow money from foreign countries to fund the wars, which they were losing. Internal revolts , the protestants broke away from Spain and made their own

Give two reasons for the success of the
Dutch in trading.

2 reasons for the sucess of the dutch trading were that they had the largest fleet of merchant ships in the world, and they were the most important bnkers in euro[e

What did absolute monarchs believe?

absolute monarchs believed in holding all power , divine right and a ruler receives the idea to rule from god

Edict of Nantes

Order that gave Huguenots the right to live in peace in Catholic France

Cardinal Richelieu

Chief minister of France who reduced the power of the nobles


Belief that nothing could be known for certain

Louis XIV(14)

French king who was an absolute ruler


Official of the French government

Jean Baptiste Colbert

Chief Minister of Finance under Louis XIV

War of the Spanish Succession

War fought by other European nations against France
and Spain when those two states tried to unite their thrones

How did the monarchy get stronger in

monarchy got stronger in France due to the loss of power by the nobles. the king weakens the nobles by taking away their castles , so they had no protection, similarly the king orders the french protestants to knock down their wall.

How did Louis make sure he kept his power?

Louis made sure he kept his power by keeping the nobles out of his government , giving more power to government officials called intendants

How did Louis XIV bring disaster to France?

Louis XIV brought disaster to the France by being greedy and and trying to seize more land, he held many wars which were very costly, and poor harvests that also produced problems

war of spanish sucession

a conflict, lasting from 1701 to 1713, in which a number of European states fought to prevent the Bourbon family from controlling Spain as well as France.

what caused the 30 years war ?

demand for resources access to Geo strategic locations , internal conflict, religious conflict, some wars: Persian , Greek, crusades,carthaginian, hundred years war,Punic wars,

How did the monarchy get stronger in


How did Louis make sure he kept his


How did Louis XIV bring disaster to


Thirty Years' War

Conflict over religion, territory, and power among European ruling

Maria Theresa

a Empress of Austria whose main enemy was Prussia

Frederick the Great

Leader of Prussia who sought to increase his territory

Seven Years' War

Conflict from 1756 to 1763 in which the forces of Britain and
Prussia battled those of Austria, France, Russia, and other countries

What were three results of the Thirty
Years' War?

4 million people died , the economy was in ruins, and Germany took two centuries to recover.

Who were the Hapsburgs?

they were a family that ruled Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia they had a empire

What effect did fighting between
Austria and Prussia have on Britain?

britain gained economic

evaluate louis xvi


Ivan the Terrible

Ruler who added lands to Russia, gave it a code of laws, and also used
his secret police to execute "traitors


Russian noble who owned land

Peter the Great

Important leader of Russia who started westernization


Use of western Europe as a model of change

What good and bad did Ivan the
Terrible do?

good; Ivan the terrible

Why did Peter the Great visit Europe?

peter the great visited Europe because he wanted to learn about european customs and trade.

How did Peter the Great increase his

peter the great increased his power by gaining land along the shores of the Baltic.

Charles I

King of England who was executed

English Civil War

War fought from 1642 to 1649 between the Royalists, or Cavaliers,
and the Puritan supporters of Parliament

Oliver Cromwell

Leader of the Puritans


Period after the monarchy was restored in England

habeas corpus

Law giving prisoners the right to obtain a document saying that the
prisoner cannot go to jail without being brought before a judge

Glorious Revolution

Bloodless overthrow of King James II

constitutional monarchy

Government in which laws limit the monarch's power


A group of government ministers that was a link between the monarch and


book by Maiaveli,

What happened as a result of the
English Civil War?
