online us history final

31. In contrast to white settlers, Native Americans viewed nature as _______.


32. What were the areas set aside by the U.S. government for the exclusive use of Native Americans?


what effect did electricity have on americans lives

it extended the number of hours in a day that people worked or played

34. What was one main result of the completion of the transcontinental railroad?

it tied the nation together

35. Which of the following was featured in the middle-class lifestyle of the Gilded Age

a new emphasis on acquiring goods

why were chinese workers continually harrased and attacked

people thought they were taking jobs

after the civil war farmers debt


which invention made building and use of a skyscraper feasible


which of the following was a success of the womens rights movement achieved by the end of the 1800s

women attending college

how did the spoils system make political parties more powerful

filling important government positions with party supporters

41. How did the Supreme Court rule in cases affecting the rights of Chinese immigrants

amount of chinese immigrants should be limited in us ,but any chinese who already live here can stay

42. Which of the following best reflects the ideas of Progressives who promoted Americanization efforts?

progressives helped immigrants establish ethnic communities in urban areas

the square deal was a plan for fair government for which president

theodore roosevelt

44. How did President Wilson compensate for the reduced government income resulting from his lowering of tariffs?

creating an income tax

45. Why did Woodrow Wilson believe that the country needed his program, which was known as the New Freedom?

the countries law didnt prevent the strong from crushing the weak

what was the purpose of the federal reserve act

to create central authority to supervise banks

47. What caused leaders to push for child labor laws and shorter workweeks, as well as for a limit on the power of corporations and trusts?

the social gospel

48. Why did Governor Robert M. La Follete establish a direct primary in Wisconsin?

to allow citizens to select candidates for elections

49. Which reform resulted from the fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory?

a ban on child labor

social darwinism is the theory that

life exists of competitive struggles in which only the strong survive

51. After the Spanish-American War, what happened to Cubans & Puerto Ricans

puerto rico became a colony and cuba didnt

52. What American argued that overseas expansion was a "safety-valve" to keep ambitious Americans content?

frederick jackson turner

53. What was the immediate impact of John Hay's first note to foreign diplomats announcing the Open Door Policy?

little effect of the actions of japan of european powers

54. Which of the following is the belief that life is a competitive struggle in which only the fittest survive?

social darwinism

55. When Filipinos rebelled against U.S. rule, the U.S. found itself__________.

using some of the tactics that the spanish used on cuba

who were the rough riders

roosevelts army during the spanish american war

What tactic did Filipino insurgents use to undermine American power

guerilla warfare

58. What were some of the problems American soldiers faced at the beginning of the Spanish-American War?


59. What was the goal of the Philippine insurrection?

to gain independence of the us rule

60. Why did journalists call the Alaska purchase of 1867 "Seward's Folly

they wondered why the us would want a vast tundra of snow and ice far from the central borders

61. What name was given to the raids during the 1920s in which police arrested thousands of suspected radicals?

palmers raid

62. What nation was forced by Allied leaders to make reparations?


63. Why did African-Americans participate in the Great Migration?

to find better jobs and escape racism

64. What hastened the entry of the U.S. into World War I?

the sinking of lusitania

65. Which act authorized a draft of young men for military service in Europe

selective system act

66. What were the relationships between African-Americans and white Americans like after the war?

there were race riots in cities around the country

what did interventionists believe the U.S. should do about the war?

us should isolate itself from the hostilities and remain nuetral

68. What were convoys used for?

to protect the goods being transported especially long distance

69. How did the end of World War I affect women in the workplace?

gave them more of a say

which of the following statements reflects the abolitionists view on slavery

the abolitionists thought slavery was morally wrong and should be ended

what is the domestic institution that lincoln refers to in his inaugural address


over which issue did abraham lincoln and stephen douglas disagree during their debates

whether slavery should be allowed to expand to new territories

why did the publication of uncle toms cabin infuriate people in the south

southerns felt it was an inaccurate depiction of southern peoples lifes and the novel showed black people had important lives and didnt need slavery to survive

in the presidential election of 1860 which of the following candidates supported popular sovereignty

stephen douglas

what was stephen douglas's view on slavery

personally was for it but though the country had the right to vote if they want it in their region

which of the following is true about the fugitive slave act in 1850

declared all runaway slaves to be taken back to their owners

how did the fugitive slave act favor the south

it imposed fines for hiding runaway slaves

why did south carolina secede from the union

tensions with the north concerning tariffs and slavery views

what was true about the constitution of the conferderate states of america

it stressed the independence of each state and guaranteed to protect slavery

who were the copperheads

a group who opposed war and called for its imediate end

what was abraham lincolns strategy for keeping the border states in the union


how did president lincoln respond to the union retreat after the battle of bull run

called for additional troops and put general george b mcclellan in command

how did the north respond to the growing demand for fresh troops

created conscription laws in 1863

how did the civil war end

surrender of lee to grant in virginia at appomattox court in 1865

which of the following is an example of total war

vandalizing the enemys private home

how did abraham lincolns reelection affect the south

they feared he would end slavery which would cause big problems with slave owners

the agrarian south was at a disadvantage againt the

industrialized north

what factors helped the north to produce more arms and supplies than the south

mechanized factories and a steady supply of immigrants seeking work

which side had a more dificult time rebuilding

the south

what did the ten percent plan require

southern states to readmit into the union

how was the 15th amendment both a success and a failure

gave blacks the right to vote but not women

Which of the following best reflects the attitude of the Radical Republicans toward Reconstruction

south should be punished

How did the election of Rutherford B. Hayes effectively end Reconstruction

hayes removed federal troops from the south

How did scalawags change government in the South?

they brought republican ideas to the southern politics

26. What organization provided food, clothing, healthcare, and education for southern refugees?

the redeemers

27. Which of the following did steel make possible

upsurge of manufacturing methods

29. Which factor contributed the most to the destruction of the buffalo herds?

tourists playing for sport

in the late 1800s industrial workers

faced low wages and long hours of working conditions

what role did railroads play in southern economy

railroads shipped raw materials to the north where they would be manufactured

70. What aspect of the war was the greatest cause of casualties?

modern weapons

71. What part did bootleggers play in the failure of Prohibition?

sold illegal alcohol to consumers

72. Why is Louis Armstrong considered a jazz legend?

for his ability to play the trumpet and his subtle sense of improv

73. What is the largest cultural split in America in the 1920s?

young americans and elders

74. Which factor contributed to the spread of the Great Depression overseas?

us curtailed investment in europe

75. What happened on Black Tuesday?

stockmarket crashed

76. How was Henry Ford able to reduce the sale price of the Model T?

assembly line

77. At issue in the Scopes Trial of 1925 was whether a public school teacher could_______.

darwins theory of evolution

78. What is jazz?

style of improvisatinal instrumental music popular from the 1920s-1970s

79. What was the condition of America's economy following World War I?

there was a brief recession followed by economic growth

80. After the stock market crash, what happened to America's banking sector?

it collasped