Chapter 15 History 10th Grade

In what Italian city did the Renaissance begin?


What best characterizes the political situation of the Italian peninsula in the fifteenth century?

The peninsula had several city-states but no central authority

What important political concept did the Italian states pioneer in the fifteenth century?

Balance of power

Who is considered a Christian humanist?

Thomas More

What best describes the goal of humanist education?

Humanist education ultimately sought to benefit the public good

Who wrote The Education of a Christian Prince?

Desiderius Erasmus

How did printing influence common people in Europe?

Ideas spread more quickly through books and pamphlets

How widespread was knowledge and acceptance of Renaissance culture?

For the most part, only a small, educated elite had full knowledge and acceptance of Renaissance ideas

What European country had the largest black population, slave and free, living there?

Portugal and Spain

The so-called debate about women was

An argument about the status and place of women in society

The key to the development of nation-states in Europe was

strong monarchy

How did Charles VII of France strengthen his government economically?

His administrators organized a more lucrative tax structure

What was the War of the Roses?

A war that Ferdinand and Isabella launched against Muslim forces in Spain

How was Spain's relationship with the church similar to that of France and the church?

The rulers of both countries negotiated agreements that enabled them to appoint their own church officials.

What was the primary reason the Austrian Habsburgs increased their territory, power, and wealth?

They married well, acquiring money from Portugal and territory from Burgundy

For what reasons did Martin Luther attempt to reform the church?

He questioned church teachings on salvation and the use of indulgences

What two theological beliefs did early Protestants hold in common?

Protestants agreed that salvation came through faith and that the church is a priesthood of all believers

Why did Martin Luther initially support the German peasants and then switch his support to the German princes when war broke out?

Luther supported the complaints of the peasants but believed that it was wrong to challenge legal secular authority through conflict

How did Martin Luther view marriage?

The reformer saw marriage as a contract that could be broken