World History Chapter 24


Spanish colonial society


American born descendants of Europeans


of European and African ancestry

Simon Bolivar

liberator" lead many revolts against Spanish rule

Jos� de San Mart�n

patriot, helped Argentina, Chile and Peru revolt.

Miguel Hidalgo

mexican priest and revolutionary

Jos� Mar�a Morelos

mexican priest, lead the Mexican War of Independence

How was Spanish colonial
society structured?

In a caste system, peninsulas, creoles, mulattos

How was the Haitian
Revolution different from
revolutions in the rest of Latin

Latin American volutions were started by creoles born in the colonies

Which groups led the quest for
Mexican independence?

Indians and mestizos

Compare and contrast the leadership of the South American revolutions to the leadership of Mexico's revolution

The South American revolutions were successful, the Mexico one failed.


Europeans who wanted to keep monarchies


Europeans who wanted to grant power to parliament


Europeans who wanted drastic change


loyalty to the nation


independent unit sharing culture

the Balkans

regions of southeastern Europe


Napoleon's nephew, president of the second republic

Alexander II

Russian tsar, emancipated serfs

How were radicals different
from liberals?

Liberals were mostly middle-class business leaders and merchants. Radicals favored drastic change to extend democracy to all people.

Why did France's Third
Republic fail?

Because both sides wanted different things, political vs. economic

What was the driving force
behind Russia's industrial

Nationalism and the Crimean war loss

Why might liberals and radicals join
together in a nationalist cause?

They both want drastical change to parliament's power


policy forcing Russian culture on ethnic groups in the empire

Camillo di Cavour

Leader of the Italian unification

Giuseppe Garibaldi

Italian general and politician



Otto von Bismarck

German political leader


political realism based on power


German, Austrian emperor

Which aging empires suffered
from the forces of nationalism?

Austrian Empire, Russian Empire, and Ottoman Empire

What role did Garibaldi play in
the unification of Italy?

Agreed to unite southern areas he had conquered

What advantages did Prussia
have in leading the German
states to unify?

the army gained power

How can nationalism be both a unifying and
a disunifying force?

It unifies people with similar interests, but leaves people out


literary movement appealing to emotion


artistic movement showing life as it was


artistic movement portraying emotion

What was the key element of

deep interest in feelings and nature

What characteristics did
photography have that made it
the art of the industrial age?

photography was very precise, easy to print

What was the goal of
impressionist painters?

to show positive impressions

How are the movements
of romanticism and realism alike and different?

Romanticism is feelings, realism is facts.

Toussaint L'Ouverture

important leader of the Ha�tian Revolution