Chapter 9 Prentice Hall World History: The Modern Era Vocab


a machine used to generate electricity

Interchangeable Parts

identical components that can be used in place of one another in manufacturing

Assembly Line

production method that breaks down a complex job into a series of smaller tasks


Shares in a company


business owned by many investors who buy shares of stock and risk only the amount of their investment


a group of companies that join together to control the production and price of a product

Germ Theory

the theory that infectious diseases are caused by certain microbes

Urban Renewal

the process of fixing up the poor areas of a city

Mutual Aid Society

self-help groups to aid sick or injured workers

Standard of Living

measures the quality and availability of necessities and comforts in a society

Cult of Domesticity

idealization of women and the home

Temperance Movement

campaign to limit or ban the use of alcoholic beverages

Women's Suffrage

right of women to vote


belief that one racial group is superior to another

Social Gospel

movement of the 1800s that urged Christians to do social service