Early European History

What type of government did the Greeks have?


What type of government did the Romans have?

Democratic Republic

According to the Greeks what were all citizens expected to do?

participate in government

How did the Roman attitude toward Christianity change over time?

Romans persecuted Christians at first, but later embraced and spread Christianity

What are two ways that the Roman's influenced America?

Legal System and Architecture

What groups were at the lowest level in Feudal society?

peasants and townspeople

Why is it called the Middle Ages?

it was the time period between Roman Empire and Modern Era

Why are the Middle Ages sometimes called the Dark Ages?

It was a time period when trade declined and growth slowed

What was the role of the church during the Middle Ages?

advised leaders. gave people hope in a dark time, provided education and supported the arts

What were some of the positive changes at the end of the Middle Ages?

population growing, food supply increasing, trade increasing, warfare decreasing

How many people died during the Bubonic plague?

25 million people

How did the plague change the labor market?

increased demand for labor and ended serfdom

Nicholas Copernicus

Developed that heliocentric (sun centered) theory of the solar system

Galileo Galilei

Improved the telescope and became known as the father of modern astronomy and physics

Johannes Kepler

Developed the three laws of planetary motion

Francis Bacon

developed the scientific method

Isaac Newton

Stated the three laws of motion and developed the theory of gravity

Scientific Revolution

A major change in European thought, starting in the mid-1500s, in which the study of the natural world began to be characterized by careful observation and the questioning of accepted beliefs


a new intellectual movement that stressed reason and thought and the power of individuals to solve problems

Natural Rights

Enlightenment idea that all people are born with certain rights. Used as central idea of Declaration of Independence

What was the main idea of the enlightenment?

People have the ability to reason

Enlightenment ideas influence revolution in

North America, Latin America and Europe


attempt to reform the Catholic Church

Martin Luther

16th century German monk and professor who is considered to be the person who started the Protestant Reformation; he began by criticizing Church practices (mainly indulgences) and ultimately broke with the Catholic Church to form his own new religious fai


Belief that no matter what a person does, the outcome of life is already determine by God


Selling of forgiveness by the Catholic Church. It was common practice when the church needed to raise money. The practice led to the Reformation. If you buy it- all sins relieved

Church Of England

Church created in England as a result of a political dispute between Henry VIII and the Pope, Pope would not let Henry divorce his wife

Printing Press

15th century invention which revolutionized the ability to print information which in turn affected the speed of the spread of information itself.

Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?


Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England?

England has an abundance of iron ore and coal and money to invest

factory system

A method of production that brought many workers and machines together into one building

What are some negative effects of the Industrial Revolution?

child labor, dangerous working conditions

How did the industrial revolution affect incomes?

they rose, creating more social classes


A Renaissance intellectual movement in which thinkers studied classical texts and focused on human potential and achievements

What were some of the characteristics of the Renaissance?

renewed interest in Greek and Rome, blending of secular ideas and religious, rebirth after the Middle Ages, emphasis on the individal

Where did the renaissance begin?


Who was the author of the Prince who advised leaders to use whatever means are necessary to achieve their goals?

Niccolo Machiavelli

What is perspective?

painting technique used to create 3d images

What artist painted the ceiling Sistine Chapel?


What artist was nicknamed the Renaissance man because of his expertise as a painter, inventor, sculptor and engineer?

Leonardo da Vinci

Who painted the Mona Lisa?

Leanardo da Vinci

Why did education spread during the Enlightenment?

books were read by the masses not just the educated elite