Global Studies: The French Revolution


middle class, members of the third estate, educated professionals, possibly worked in banking or industry

Natural Rights

Liberty, Property, Security and resistance to oppression these natural rights were stated in the declaration of the Rights of mAn and of the Citizen


A form of government in which the people select representatives to govern them and make laws.

Deficit Spending

Government practice of spending more than it takes in from taxes


Long pants that French Revolutionaries wore. This dress represented the working class. They were a radical group made up of wage-earners, and small shopkeepers who wanted a greater voice in government, lower prices, and an end of food shortages


Radical republicans during the French Revolution. They were led by Maximilien Robespierre




A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country

Social Contract

A voluntary agreement among individuals to secure their rights and welfare by creating a government and abiding by its rules.


Join or merge territory into an existing political unit such as a country or state

Guerilla warfare

type of fighting in which soldiers use swift hit-and-run attacks against the enemy


to give up a position, right, or power




A person whose pol. views favor more local, limited govt, less govt regulations, conformity to social norms & values; rough on criminals


Person whose views are between conservative and liberal and may include some of both ideologies

Louis XVI

King of France (1774-1792). In 1789 he summoned the Estates-General, but he did not grant the reforms that were demanded and revolution followed. Louis and his queen, Marie Antoinette, were executed in 1793.

Marie Antoinette

Queen of France (as wife of Louis XVI) who was unpopular her extravagance and opposition to reform contributed to the overthrow of the monarchy; she was guillotined along with her husband (1755-1793)

Marquis de Lafayette

French aristocrat who played a leading role in 2 revolutions in France and the American Revolution. He served as a major-general in colonial army.

Maximillien Robespierre

Young provincial lawyer who led the most radical phases of the French Revolution. His execution ended the Reign of Terror. The Jacobins.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Overthrew French Directory in 1799 and became emperor of the French in 1804. Failed to defeat Great Britain and abdicated in 1814. Returned to power briefly in 1815 but was defeated and died in exile.

National Assembly

French Revolutionary assembly (1789-1791). Called first as the Estates General, the third estate decided to draw up a constitution and it was completed by 19791 which set up limited monarchy. It passed the Declaration of the Rights of Man in 1789.

Legislative Assembly

A French congress with the power to create laws and approve declarations of war, established by the constitution of 1791. It would contain 745 representatives chosen in such a way that only the more wealthy members of society would be elected, there was a

National Convention

Radical political groups in Paris organized a mob attack on the royal palace and Legislative Assembly. They took the king captive and forced the Legislative Assembly to suspend the monarchy and call for a National Convention, chosen on the basis of univer

The Directory

After Robespierre was guillotined, a new constitution was created in August 1795 that reflected the desire for more stability(conservative). Five man group. Corrupt and did not help the poor, not even during the suffering of the reign of terror, but remai

Explain social hierarchy of France under the ancient regime.

- First Estate - clergy and numbered about 130,000. They owned about 10% of the land. They were exempted from taille (taxes). (p. 104)
- Second Estate - nobility, composed of 350,000 people who owned about 30% of the land. They held many of the leading po

What were the causes of the French Revolution?

-The long range causes of the French Revolution are to be found in the condition of French Society.
- Immediate cause was the near collapse of government finances.
- Costly wars and court luxuries.
- Third Estate paid all of the taxes. INEQUALITY.

What was the Tennis Court Oath?

- when the Third Estate arrived to the meeting place, the doors were locked.
- They then moved to a nearby tennis court and swore (hence the name) that they would continue to meet until they had produced a French constitution.

What is the importance of the storming of the Bastille?

-Louis XVI prepared to use force against the Third Estate during the Tennis Court Oath.
-The common people, however, saved the Third Estate from the king's forces.
-On July 14, a mob of Parisians stormed the Bastille and proceeded to dismantle it, brick b

What was the Great Fear?

- Popular revolutions broke out throughout France, both in the cities and the countryside.
- A growing hatred to the entire landholding system, with its fees and obligations, led to a popular uprising.
- Peasants decided to take matters into their own han

What was the purpose of the Declaration of the Rights of Man? What did it do?

- This charter of basic liberties began with a ringing affirmation of "the natural and imprescriptible rights of man" to "liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression."
- It went on to affirm the destruction of aristocratic privileges by proc

Why did women march on Versailles in October of 1789?

- Deputies did not agree that women are equal to men.
- On October 5, thousands of Parisian women marched to Versailles and forced the King to accept the new decrees.

What was the effect of the Constitution of 1791?

- It set up a limited monarchy. Legislative Assembly made the laws.

Why did absolute monarchs of Europe support King Louis XVI?

- Over time, some European leaders began to fear that revolution would spread to their countries.
- The kings of Austria and Prussia even threatened to use force to restore Louis XVI to full power.
- Insulted by the threat, the Legislative Assembly declar

What was the Napoleonic Code and what was its lasting effect on France?

- This code preserved most of the revolutionary gains by recognizing the principle of:
the equality of all citizens before the law,
the right of the individual to choose a profession,
religions toleration, and
the abolition of serfdom and feudalism.
- Div

What areas of Europe did Napoleon take over during his reign?

- French Empire - inner core of Grand Empire
- Dependent States - kingdoms under the rule of Napoleon's relatives - Spain, Holland, Italy, Swiss, Warsaw, German states
- Allied States - Russia, Prussia, Austria and Sweden.

Was nationalism a positive or negative force for Napoleon during his time as emperor? Why?

- It was a negative force.
- Britain had control of the ocean
- Nationalism - the spread of French nationalism had made possible the mass armies of the revolutionary and Napoleonic eras. However, Napoleon's spread of the principles of the French Revolutio

Why was Napoleon defeated in Russia?

- Russia was a big country.
- Napoleon attacked with a Grand Army of 600,000.
- Russia would not engage and kept retreating for hundreds of miles.
- Kept burning their own villages and countryside to keep Napoleon's army from finding FOOD.
- When they arr

What battle finally forced Napoleon to abdicate his throne forever and sent him into exile?

- At the battle of Waterloo, Napoleon's One Hundred Days ended in bloody defeat. He was exiled to St. Helena, a small and forsaken island in the south Atlantic. Only his memory would continue to haunt French political life.

What were some of Napoleon's lasting effects on the world?

� The Code Napol�on: Reorganize the entire legal structure. By the time he was done, France had a unified, progressive legal system, which Napoleon then gave to other parts of his empire. Today, the Code Napol�on is the basis of law in France and a number

What was the main purpose of the Congress of Vienna?

After the defeat of Napoleon, European rulers moved to restore much of the old order. This was the goal of the great powers - Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia - when the Congress of Vienna met in September 1814 to arrange a final peace settleme

What were the accomplishments of the Congress of Vienna?

-The peace arrangements worked out at the Congress of Vienna were a victory for conservative rulers, who wanted to contain the forces of change unleashed by the French Revolution. Believed in conservatism. Favored obedience to political authority and beli

What were some of the immediate effects of the French Revolution?

� End of the Old Regime - Immediate
� Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was adopted.
� First Constitution was written.
� Execution of the Monarch - Immediate
� Reign of Terror - Immediate
� Rise of Napoleon - Immediate
� Napoleonic Code was wri

What were some of the long term effects of the French Revolution?

� Decline in French Power - Long Term
� Conservative Reaction - Long Term
� Growth of Nationalism - Long Term
� Revolutions in Latin America- Long Term
� Spread of Enlightenment Ideas - Long Term