History Chapter 7 Sec. 3-4


sacred ritual of the Roman catholic church

Benedictine rule

rules made in 530 by Benedict, a monk, regulating monastic life, Emphasizes: obedience, poverty, and chastity and divides the day into periods of work, worship, and study


having to do with worldly, rather than religious, matter; nonreligious

papal supremacy

the claim of medieval popes that they had authority over all secular rulers

canon law

body of laws of a church


exclusion from the Roman Catholic church as a penalty for refusing to obey Church law


in the Roman Catholic Church, excommunication of an entire region, town, or kingdom


a medieval European monk who traveled from place to place preaching to the poor

St. Francis of Assisi

a wealthy Italian who founded the Franciscans


in the Middle Ages, a written document that set out the rights and privileges of a town


money or wealth used to invest in business or enterprise


a group of merchants who joined together to finance a large-scale venture that would have been too costly for any individual trader

tenant farmer

someone who would pay rent to a lord to farm part of a lord's land

middle class

a group of people (merchants, traders, and artisans) whose rank was between nobles and peasants


an association of merchants or artisans who cooperated to uphold standards of their trade and to protect their economic interest


a young person learning a trade from a master


a salaried worker employed by a guild master

Helped improve economy by developing better agricultural methods. Provided basic health and educational services.

How did the monks and nuns contribute to medieval life?

The Popes claimed authority over secular rulers including kings and emperors. Bishops were usually nobles. Most monasteries controlled a lot of land. Churchmen were usually very well educated. Riches and power lead to Church abuses and then to reforms bec

How did the Church increase its secular power and how did riches and power lead the church into abuses than reforms?

In the late 1000s, Western Europe started to become more Christianized. Christians often blamed Jews on illness or famines. They started persecuting Jews which is when the Jews moved to Eastern Europe, who were much more accepting of them.

Why did attitudes toward Jews change in medieval Europe?

Two effects of the agricultural revolution of the Middle Ages were technology improving farming and production and population growth. Peasants started using iron plows that carved deep into the heavy soil. A new type of harness for horses was also invente

What were two effects of the agricultural revolution of the Middle Ages?

The revival of trade was so important because it allowed for trade routes to expand and cities and towns to grow. Wealthy people desired goods that could not be produced on manors and peasants needed iron for farm tools.

Why was the revival of trade so important?

The emergence of a middle class affected European life. Merchants, traders, and artisans formed this middle class. Nobles and clergy despised this social class. Merchants and artisans formed guilds. They passed laws and levied taxes. They also decided how

How did the emergence of a middle class affect European life?