french revolution

The Bastille

A royal armory filled with arms and ammunition. was also a prison

The Fall of Bastille

(july 14 1789) around 8000 men and women attacked bastille. Bastille was protected by Marquis de Launay who had a small army of 114 men. He surrendered and the attackers cut off his head. Royal authority had collapsed, Louis XVI could no longer enforce hi


Before the french revolution france had been separated into 3 different estates

1st Estate

consisted of the clergy and had about 130000 people. these people owned about 10 percent of the land

2nd estate

Consisted of around 350000 people. Nobles owned around 25 to 3o percent of land, played a crucial role in the society. held leading positions in the government, military, law courts and higher church offices.
(were excused from tallie) which was the natio

3rd estate

Known as the commanders of society. made up majority of population
unlike the other estates the third estate had vast differences in occupation, level of education and wealth.
peasants made up 75 -80 % of pop
owned 35 -40% of land

Relics Of Feudalism

aristocratic privileges, were obligations that survived from an earlier age.
Included: payment of fees for the use of village facilities. such as flour mills, community oven, wine press and contributions to the clergy were expected.


The third estate= Bourgeoise. This is the middle class (~8% or population, and ~20-25% of land was owned by them). The merchants, bankers, industrialists, lawyers, doctors, holders of public office, and writers. They were unhappy with nobel's privileges.

5. Louis XVI

King who declared he was in favor of the current system where each state had one vote
His power greatly decreased during the revolution
On oct 6 the royal family journeyed to paris by force of women protesters and were held prisoners in france `

Estates- General

French Parliament, composed of representatives from the three orders of french society. When on the verge of complete financial collapse, the government of Louis XVI was forced to call a meeting of the Estates-General to raise new taxes; they hadn't met s


Island that King louis XVI and his family escaped to during the revolution.
they held lavish and expensive paties here while the rest of the country was suffering

National assembly

Because the first estate could outvote the third estate 2 to 1, the 3rd estate demanded that instead of each estate getting one vote, each deputy gets one vote (this gives the voting majority to the 3rd estate-they have the advantage. (King was in favor o

Tennis Court Oath

When the National Assembly arrived at their meeting place, they found the doors locked. So they moved to an indoor tennis court, and swore they would continue to meet until they produced a French Constitution-this promise = the tennis court oath.


(Louis XVI planned to use force against the 3rd estate, but common people saved the 3rd estate from the kings forces.) On July 14th, a mob of Parisians stormed the Bastille- an armory and prison- in Paris. Paris was abandoned to the rebels.

Great Fear

A cast panic that spread quickly throughout France in the summer of 1789. Citizens feared invasions by foreign troops that would support the French monarchy, so the people formed militias. Popular revolutions broke out throughout France- there was growing

Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

Adopted aug 26th by the National Assembly
inspired by the American Declaration Of Independance
included basic liberties such as " Liberty,property,security,and resistance to oppression"
all citizens should take part in making laws

Olympe de Gouges

A woman who wrote plays and pamphlets, and refused to accept the exclusion of women from political rights. She wrote a "Declaration of WOman and the Female Citizen", and in it stated that women should have equal rights as men. The National Assembly ignore

Marie Antoinette

Queen of france, known for her extravagance. Married to Louis XVI. was guillotined

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

Document issued by the National Assembly ordering that all bishops and priests of the Catholic church be elected and paid by the state and that they must take an oath of allegiance to the Civil Constitution. The pope refused to the clergy to accept this a

Constitution Of 1791

The new constitution was a limited monarchy
there was still a king but legislative assembly was created

Austria And Prussia

Foreign countries saw Frances new govt as a threat and had the fear that their citizens would also begin to revolt.
When King Louis XVI was guillotined outraged surrounding countries and took arms against france.

Paris Commune

The Paris Commune during the French Revolution was the government of Paris from 1789 until 1795.
Established in the H�tel de Ville just after the storming of the Bastille, it consisted of 144 delegates elected by the 48 divisions of the city. The Paris Co


When power was passed from the national assembly to the Paris Commune who called themselves Sans-culottes
means without breeches (this stood for the working class and poor had the power instead of the rich and noble)

Georges Danton

Led the Paris Commune, dominating the french political scene. Longtime Jacobin and close associate of Robespierre who was executed after he began questioning the extremes to which Robespierre was going in the Reign of Terror

Jean Paul Marat

French revolutionary and radical journalist - he was murdered in his bath by Charlotte Corday

National Convention

In September 1792 National Convention began its sessions to draft the new constitution,
also served as the sovereign ruling body of France
National Assembly's first major step was to abolish the Monarchy. On sep 21st they established a republic


Members of the convention
could not agree on the fate of the king.
based on the opinion this group separated into factions
The two most common factions were Girondins or the mountain

The Jacobin Club

A large Network of political groups throughout france.
they represented the provinces areas outside the cities
feared the radical mobs of paris leaned towards keeping the king alive
in 1793 the mountain won and commended Louis XVi to death

committee of public safety

this committee had control for about a year from 1793 to 1794 and worked to protect france from foreign threats
committee of 12 people

Maximilien Robespierre

Jacobin leader who seized control of National Convention and Committee of Public Safety; later instituted Reign of Terror, targeting those whose philosophies differed from his own

Reign of Terror

An effort set in motion to prosecute internal enemies of the revolutionary republic while this was going on around 40000 people were killed.


A national city used as an example to others by being brought under the control of the National Convention.


where victims were executed by being drowned in barged the loire river.

Republic of Virtue

(Proposed by Robespierre?) One of the Committee of Public Safety's steps to control france and create a new order. A democratic republic of good citizens. (A move away from the morals of Christianity and into a new set of values??- NOT SURE ABOUT THIS PAR

French revolutionary army

An important step in the creation of modern nationalism. It was the creation of a people's government/army-the war's were people's wars and were therefore more destructive

Constitution of 1795

September 3, 1971. An effort to keep one government group from gaining control. The Constitution established a national Legislative assembly consisting of 2 chambers: Lower house= Council of 500-initiated legislation. Upper house= Council of Elders- accep


Chose the 750 members of the two legislative bodies (^UP ONE^). Individuals qualified to vote in an election. They were owners/renters of property with a certain amount (limited # to 30,000)


Selected by the Council of Elders. Use: To act as the executive committee (AKA the Directory).
Together with the Legislature, they ruled.
Period of government under the directory: era of corruption and graft, people reacted against suffering and sacrifice

coup d' etat

1799: meaning a sudden overthrow of the government. Overthrew the directory. Led by successful and popular general Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon seized power.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Took control of France after the coup d'etat.
Dominated the French and European history from 1799-1815. The revolution made his rise in military and then to supreme power possible.
First was a military captain, then was made the brigadier general.
Good wi


New government (with the coup d'etat). Theoretically a republic-Napoleon had absolute power
1st consul: Napoleon controlled the entire government, appointed members of bureaucracy, controlled the army, conducted foreign affairs, and influenced the legisla

Catholic Church

Napoleon established peace with the Catholic Church (he had no religious faith). He saw the need to restore civility in France, and most of the French were Catholic. 1801: Agreement with the pope which recognised Catholicism as the religion of the majorit

Civil Code/ Napoleonic Code

Codification of the laws. During the revolution, there were efforts to make/have a single law code for a whole nation-Napoleon brought the work to completion in the 7 Codes of Law. The most important code: The Civil/Napoleonic Code.
preserved most gains o


Powerful, centralized administrative machine. Bureaucracy of capable officials-little came to expertise. Promotions based on ability=jobs opened to middle class. Napoleon created a new aristocracy based on merit in the state service (bureaucracy). created

Anne-Louise-Germaine de Stael

A writer
protested against Napoleon's despotism replacing liberty
established a salon for the powerful (1790-1804).
During Reign of Terror: helped friends escape france-she left too, but returned in 1795.
She first supported Napoleon but they clashed, and

Napoleon's Grand Empire

3 major parts:
the French Empire
inner core of the Grand Empire
consisted of an enlarged France-Rhine to the East, west half of Italy, and north of rome
Dependent states
kingdoms under rule of Napoleon's relatives
Spain, Holland, Kingdom of Italy Swiss Re

Battle of Trafalgar

Napoleon hoped to invade Britain and collected ships for the invasion. The British navy defeated the combined French-Spanish fleet at Trafalgar in 1805.

Continental System

After the defeat at Trafalgar, Napoleon turned to the Continental system in order to defeat Great Britain. Tried to stop British goods from reaching the European continent to be sold there to weaken British economy, which would destroy their ability to wa


unique, cultural identity of a people based on common language, religion, and national symbols.
spirit of French nationalism had made possible the mass armies that Napoleon used in his conquests
spread of revolutionary ideals led to increased nationalism

Invasion of Russia

Beginning of Napoleon's fall. Russia challenged the Continental System and he therefore felt the need to invade.
Napoleon knew the risks but invaded anyway because he did not want to risk other countries rebelling against the Continental System.
June 1812


Military disaster in Russia led to other European states to rise up and fight against the crippled French army.
Paris was captured in 1814
Napoleon was exiled to the Island of Elba, off the coast of Tuscany, Italy
Bourbon monarchy=restored in France, Loui

Battle of Waterloo

At Waterloo, 1815, Napoleon met combined Prussian and British army, led by Duke of Wellington, and suffered a bloody and terrible defeat

St. Helena

Because/After/as a result of loss at Waterloo: Napoleon was exiled to St. Helena, a small island in the South Atlantic off the coast of Africa
Napoleon's reign=over, but his impact was felt for centuries.