History chapter 3 test

Which European country was The leader in developing and applying 15th-century sailing innovations


Who were the first Europeans to arrive on Japanese soil

Shipwrecked Portugal sailors

Why was the Caravelle an important development in navigation?

It was able to sail against the wind

Korea was a vassal state of which country in the 1700s


During the 1500s what was China's official trade policy

Only the government was allowed to trade with foreign countries

Why did Lord McCartney give a letter from King George lll to qiAn- long

Great Britain wanted to increase trade with China

To captain the first European ship to sail around the tip of Africa? Now known as, the Of Goodhope

Bartholimew Diaz

What did hongwu do first to help China become a dominant power

He overthrew the Mongols and established the ming Dynasty

What type of policy did Japan institute to control forien ideas

A closed country policy

What type of poetry shows pictures instead of expressing ideas


What was the easternmost city da Gama reached


Which European country controlled trade in the east Indies

The Netherlands

Which European countries had the most trading post in India

Portugal and England

How many miles did a trader sail to go from Mombasa Africa and Calicut India


How many years after China became began voyages of exploration did portiogal conquered the city of cutA in North Africa

10 years

Where did Diaz route stopped

East of Cape Town

How many years did it take Europeans to reach Japan. After they conquered cutea


Which European nation have the tallest intery two Asian trade


How many years after Portugal gained control of the The straight of Malaca , Did the Netherlands sees the port


Which of the events happen before other event in China

The Mongols were driven out