World History Final Review

Japanese trading 1500


Line of Demarcation

This was the line drawn by Alexander VI that gave Portugal most of Brazil and Spain the rest of South America

Dominating countries in the Asian trading market

Japan, China, Russia, Chile, and the US

De Gama

This man sailed from Portugal around Africa to India.


Communities of immigrants removed from their homeland


Italian navigator who discovered the New World in the service of Spain while looking for a route to China (1451-1506)

Qing Dynasty

the last imperial dynasty of China (from 1644 to 1912) which was overthrown by revolutionaries

Hernan Cortes

1485-1547, Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico

Mercantilist Policy

restricted colonial trade, benefited british more than colonies


An economic system based on private ownership of capital

Edict of Nantes

1598 - Granted the Huguenots liberty of conscience and worship.

Glorious Revolution

1688 overthrow of King James in England

Charles V

-gained a great amount of land very quickly at a young age from a series of death

Jean Baptiste Colbert

An economic advisor to Louis XIV; he supported mercantilism and tried to make France economically self-sufficient. Brought prosperity to France.

English Bill of Rights 1689 results

1689 laws protecting the rights of English subjects and Parliament;, Series of acts passed by the English Parliament in 1689 that limited the rights of the monarchy and ensured the superiority of the Parliament.

Thirty years war

This was the international war between the Protestants and Catholics that eventually ended religious conflicts in Europe

Estates-General Meetings

Louis XVI called meeting to solve financial crisis, reps from all 3 estates, third was double represented, 1789

Declaration of the Rights of Man

Statement of fundamental political rights adopted by the French National Assembly at the beginning of the French Revolution.

Country Napoleon didn't take over

Great Britain

Russian war tactics


Congress of Vienna

(1814-1815 CE) Meeting of representatives of European monarchs called to reestablish the old order after the defeat of Napoleon.

National Assembly

3rd estate declaration that it was the only true govt. in france

Tennis Court Oath

Declaration mainly by members of the Third Estate not to disband until they had drafted a constitution for France (June 20, 1789).

Committee of Public Safety

A government committee made during the Reign of Terror. It dealt with all foreign and international rebellions against the republic.

Reign of Terror

(1793-94) during the French Revolution when thousands were executed for "disloyalty


Form of government which followed the directory -established by Napoleon-ended when Napoleon was crowned emperor.

Napoleonic Code

A comprehensive and uniform system of laws established for France by Napoleon

Continental System

(1806-12)French economic plan to cripple Britain. Russia's refusal to conform led to the Russian campaign.

Battle of Waterloo

This was the battle that Napoleon lost after his return from Elba that ended his reign as French ruler

Beginning of World War I

Franz Ferdinand archduke of Austria, goes to Serbia the Black Hands murder him. Austrians demand the Serbians turn over the terrorists. Austria allies with Germany, Serbia allies with Russia. Russia allies with France.

Schlieffen Plan

A strategy drawn up before the outbreak of WWI by Germany to avoid fighting a war on two fronts.


A situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible

Western Front

In WWI, the region of Northern France where the forces of the Allies and the Central Powers battled each other.

The OE

The most controversial aspect of Freud'stheory is

Zimmerman Note

Message proposing an alliance between Germany and Mexico

US allies

France, Great Britain, and later Italy

Treaty of Versailles and Violations

the treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied powers in 1920 after the end of World War I which demanded exorbitant reparations from the Germans;, ended World War I; German reparations and war-guilt clause; League of Nations, U.S. does not sign


A group of revolutionary Russian Marxists who took control of Russia's government in November 1917

Triple Alliance

An alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy in the years before WWI.

Fourteen Points

A series of proposals in which U.S. president Woodrow Wilson outlined a plan for achieving a lasting peace after World War I.


Communist leaders of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Nuremberg Laws

1935 laws defining the status of Jews and withdrawing citizenship from persons of non-German blood.

Nazi-Soviet Pact

A secret agreement between the Germans and the Russians that said that they would not attack each other

Spanish Civil War

civil war in Spain in which General Franco succeeded in overthrowing the republican government

Munich Conference

1938 Conference between Western Democracies that gave Germany the Sudentanland from Czech. in an effort to "appease" Hitler. Hitler promised to stop making territorial gains but broke his promise soon after.


a german word for a lighting war which ment the war hit hard and fast.

Manhattan Project

A secret U.S. project for the construction of the atomic bomb.