Ch. 21 WH

T/F: In his novel, Don Quixote de la Mancha, MIGUEL DE CERVANTES wrote about the poor spanish nobleman who chases after windmills


T/F: The PORTUGUESE Armada was defeated in 1588 by stormy weather and the English navy

false, Spanish

T/F: The republic formed by the United Provinces of SPAIN was an unusual type of government for 16th century Europe.

false, the Netherlands

T/F: Philip II of Spain lived within the walls of his gray, granite palace called the ESCORIAL


T/F: ENGLAND failed to develop a middle class in the 1500s because the tax burden on the lower class prevented their ability to begin business.

false, Spain

______ became the first king of the Bourbon Dynasty

Henry IV (Henry of Navarre)

_______ is the magnificent palace built for Louis XIV


__________ were governed agents who collected taxes and administered justice


__________ was the minister of finance under Louis XIV whose policies of mercantilism caused France's economy to grow and prosper

Jean Baptist Colbert

____________ fought against Catholics in eight wars in France between 1562 and 1598


Frederick II came to power as the ______

King of Prussia

The War of the Austrian Succession was fought over the possession of lands belonging to _________

Maria Theresa

Most of the early battles of the Thirty Years' War were won by the ______________


Under Maria Theresa, Austria's greatest enemy was __________


In Europe, the Seven Years' War resulted in _________

no exchange of territories in Europe

Peter the Great's main reason for visiting the West was to _____________

learn about western customs and technology

In Russia, the boyars were _______

landowning nobles

The first Russian ruler to adopt the title czar meaning "caesar" was ________

Ivan the Terrible

Ivan the Terrible's cruelty was aimed mainly at _____


The site for St. Petersburg was chosen because it was near _________

water routes to Europe

This was being adopted to prevent disagreements between the monarchy and Parliament from bringing government to a standstill

cabinet system

This king of England lost the English Civil War

Charles I

This prevented monarchs from jailing people for purely political reasons and from indefinitely holding prisoners without trial

habeas corpus

This document made clear the limits on royal power after the Glorious Revolution

Bill of Rights

This Catholic king of England was replaced by William and Mary

James II

Philip II's castle

The Escorial

Who was known as the sun king?

Louis 14

Who was the first king of the Bourbon Dynasty?

Henry of Navarre

gov. agents who collected taxes and administered justice


Minister of finance under Louis 14

Jean Baptiste Colbert

Catholic Minister who Louis 14 appointed

Cardinal Richelieu

declaration of religious toleration that said the Huguenots could live in peace in France and set up their own houses of worship in some cities

Edict of Nantes

Austrian enemy when Maria Theresa ruled


This period began when Charles II crowned king


the concept that God created the monarchy and that the monarch acted as God's representative on earth

divine right

Philip II wanted to protect __________


War between french and spanish thrones

War of Spanish succession

The early battles of the 30 years' war were won by _______


War fought over lands of Maria Theresa

War of Austrian Succession

When Peter the Great (of Russia) came into power, the best part of the economy was the ______


The site chosen because of its waterways

St. Petersburg

This puritan leader abolished monarchy

Oliver Cromwell

Who came to power after Glorious Revolution

William and Mary

France king who said "I am the state

Louis 14

the cause of 8 civil wars

religion (catholics vs. huguenots)

This king of Scotland inherited English throne

James Stuart

Writer who became a skeptic and developed the essay

Michel de Montaigne

palace built by Louis


Richelieus successor, minister to Louis

Cardinal Mazarin

Parliament's financial power was a problem to the ________

absolute monarchy

By the 1600s what was England

constitutional monarchy