Chap. 21.3 Worksheet

Thirty Years' War: Note 2 Causes

1) a conflict over religion and territory
2) power among European ruling families

Thirty Years' War: Note 4 consequences of the war and the Peace of Westphalia

1) Germany's population dropped from 20 million to 16 million
2) Both trade and agriculture were disrupted
3) It strengthened France by awarding it German territory
4) It ended religious wars in Europe

Central Europe: Note 2 differences between the economies of western and central Europe

1) Serfs is western Europe slowly won freedom and moved to towns. There they joined the middle-class townspeople and fell in line with the commercial revolution and the development of capitalism. By contrast, central Europeans passed laws restricting serf

Central Europe: Note 2 reasons why central European empires were weak

1)The central European landowners blocked the development of strong kings.
2) They allowed a king little income, no law courts, and no standing army.

Prussia & Austria: Note 3 steps the Hapsburgs took to become more powerful

1) reconquered Bohemia
2) wiped out Protestantism
3) created a new Czech nobility that pledged loyalty to them

Prussia & Austria: Note 3 steps the Hohenzollerns took to build up their state

1) created a standing army
2) introduced permanent taxation
3) weakened the representative assemblies of their territories

Thirty years' war

1) 1618
2)Lutheran & Catholic

Hapsburg Triumphs

3) Ferdinand II
4) He allowed them to plunder, or rob German villages

Hapsburg defeats

5) Gustavus Adolphus
6) They did not want other European rulers to have as much power as the French king.

Maria Theresa

7) One Hapsburg ruler wore the crowns of 3 different empires
8) Hapsburgs of Austria

Frederick the Great

9) Prussia
10) He felt that a ruler should be like a father to his people

Seven Years' War

11) Maria Theresa made an alliance with them when she decided that the French kings were no longer Austria's chief enemies. A treaty was signed pitting Britain and Prussia against others in Europe including France
12) The British