Chp 26 The Rise of Dictators and World War Two

Benito Mussolini

an italian dictator who spread a plotical movement, fascism


spread by dictators, an extreme form of patriotism and nationalism, advocating a strong nationalistic dictatorship

adolf hitler

leader of the national socialist german workers party, or the nazis, and the german dictator responsible for millions of deaths

Joseph Stalin

Communist dictator of the Soviet Union


alliance of the dictators initially called the romer-berlin axis, japan later joined, the main goal was to gain territory

Neville Chamberlain

British Prime Minister who met with hitler and formed the munich agreement


meeting demands of a hostile power in order to avoid war


germany style of war meaning lighting war, used to invade countries and defeat them, included the use of planes, tanks, troops, etc.

Lend-Lease Act

united states would send the allies materials and resources to the allies

Pearl Harbor

japan surprise attacked hawaiian island, causing mass destruction and killing thousands, america enters the war as a result

after germany violated the appeasement, they declared war on Germany

when did britain and france enter the war?

War Production Board

government agency that coordinated the production of military equipment

A. Phillip Randolph

African American labor leader who helped africans gain workplace rights during the war


mexican workers who were hired for farm work because of a shortage of workers, faced prejudice and violence

Tuskegee Airmen

an all african unit in the armed forces, faced prejudice

Rosie the Riveter

picture that served as a symbol of hardworking women making money and contributing to the war effort

Japanese-American Internment

because of hystreria roosevelt rounded up 110,000 japanese men, women, and children and put them in prisonlike camps


japanese americans born in america, made up 2/3's of people rounded up in the interment

1. war bonds
2. rationing
3. draft
4. WPB

how did americs prepare for war?


150,000 allie soldiers launched the amphibious invasion of normandy, france June 6th, 1944

General Erwin Rommel

German commander in North Africa known as "desert fox", eventually defeated by Allied forces in Africa

Suez Canal

valuable sea route to asian and gave access to middle eastern oil fields wanted by British troops

General Dwight D. Eisenhower

american general who controlled allied troops that pushed back the germans in Africa and eventually helped defeat them


russian city attacked by the germans, turning point of war, germans eventually surrendered

Battle of the Bulge

hitlers last big move, resulted in 200,000 casualties, pushed allied troops back to the Ardennes region and forced them to regroup

Yalta Conference

roosevelt stalin and churchill met in russia to discuss plans for after the war and europes future


nazis killed 6 million jews along with other ethnic groups resulting in 11 million dead, and put millions others in concentration camps treating them inhumanely

a month of fighting, then the italian government surrendered to the allies and kicked mussolini out of the government

Allies invaded Sicily, Italy and what happened?

1. stalin would declare war on Japan
2. would establish a postwar peace keeping org.
3. new types of gov. in Europe

what did the yalta conference decide?

battle of midway

battle between american and japanese navy, japan lost 250 planes and four carriers and they never recovered, turning point of war

island hopping

strategy to liberate japanese controlled islands , invaded weaker islands and then used those to attack stronger islands


first major american land victory that took six months of fighting, navajo code talkers were a huge help

Manhattan Project

secret american project during the war to build an atomic bomb


japanese city destroyed by an atomic bomb dropped by U.S.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

what cities were atomic bombs dropped on?

Marshall Plan

U.S. plan to help europe recover from economic crisis, gave $13 million to help

Potsdam Conference

world leaders met in germany to plan the end of the war

Nuremberg Trials

were held in germany to put war criminals on trial for there crimes against humanity

GI Bill of Rights

gave returning soldiers living allowance and payed for their schooling because of difficult job competition

United Nations

national peace keeping organization made up of 50 nations, never want history to repeat itself