World History Cultures Patterns Of Interaction Chapter 23 Sections1,2,3,4,5

Who made up the first state?

The clergy

Area purchased from France?


What is a coup d'etat

A suden zeus of political

What werecalled the nobles who left france and wanted the old regine to power?


Major problems in france before the revolution

Heavy taxes and weak leadership

Who was the leaderbof france during the rain of terror

Maximiliem Robespierre

What happened to the catholic church during the assembly?

Becomes part of the state

Social political system that happened before the revolution

Old regine

Series of meeting that reshaped europe after napoleon defeat

Congress of vienna

Term for the french middle class


The king of france that was excecuted

Louis XVI

Radical group of persian


Radical group involved in goverment changes


Goverment that run public schools in France


Conflict which spanish revolts fought over portugal

Penninsular war

Period in france when rospierre ruled france

Rain of terror

Mapoleon's policy between britan

Continental system

Policy that was practiced by the russian that destroyed crops and killed chickens

Schortch air policy

Series of alliences among the europeans

Concert of europe

1789 slaved africans of reveled in what colony


Who was the general of the armies in France


Which group in the legislated assembly promoted legist change


97% of the population belonged to which state

Third state

August 4 1789

Declaration rights of men

French citizens responded to a prussian invation with violence

September massacres

Delegants of third states came up with a new constitution

Tennis coral

Name of the machine where they killed people


On july 14 1789

Guns and arms stormed the Paris prisio

Direct vote of all members


How did napoleon become a hero so quickly

Destroy royalist nobs, napoleon is really young

How did he recieved goverment power

Declares himself the leader of the three counsils

What steps dis napoleon take to fix the economy

Stablished a tax system & national bank

What happened to the american territories

He gave them all up

Why couldnt the european allience defeat france

Revelt against then french claiming and became free because of the freebrevolution broke piece treaty

What were the effects of this only major military defeat

He stoped attacking france & britan insure british Naual dominants

Tennis court oath

A pledge to not leave until there was a new french goverment

National assembly

New political party for the third state make laws on behalf of citizens of france

Great fear

A mass panic among the peasants

First state


Second state


Third state


How did the state general cost their vote

Each state delegates met in a separate hall to vote and each state had one vote

Symbol of the french revolution

Stab people and put their head on a stick

Continental system


Peninsular war

Goals: get portugal to accept the continetal system
Events: revelt and go to war