World History Chapter 22

Define Enlightenment.

new intellectual movement that stressed reason, thought, and the power of individuals to solve problems

Which two individuals started the Enlightenment movement?

1. Thomas Hobbes
2. John Locke

What did Thomas Hobbes believe about all humans?

humans are naturally selfish and wicked

What did Thomas Hobbes believe about governments?

governments are necessary to maintain order

What did Thomas Hobbes mean by a social contract?

1. people should hand over their rights to a strong ruler
2. people are given law and order in exchange

What did Thomas Hobbes believe a strong ruler needed to protect everyone's interests?

Total Power

Did Thomas Hobbes support democracy?

No, he supported Absolute Monarchs

What did John Locke believe people could learn from?

mistakes and improve themselves

What did John Locke believe people had the ability to do?

govern their own affairs to handle the welfare of society

Which idea did Locke favor?

idea of self-government

What did Locke believe about freedom?

All people are born free and equal with the natural rights of life, liberty, and property

What did Locke believe is the purpose of government?

protect natural rights

Which form of government did Locke support?

democracy where people select their leaders with the ability to remove ineffective leaders

What do philosophers believe?

people could apply reason to life

What are the 5 concepts of philosophers?

1. Reason
2. Nature
3. Happiness
4. Progress
5. Liberty

What did philosophers believe about reason?

truth is found in logical thinking

What did philosophers believe about nature?

nature was good and reasonable

What did philosophers believe about happiness?

people should work for the well-being of society

What did philosophers believe about progress?

society should work to improve

What did philosophers believe about liberty?

people should have freedom

Why was Voltaire sent to prison twice?

fighting for tolerance, reason, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech

What did Montesquieu support?

separation of powers

What did Montesquieu believe about the branches of government?

supported checks and balances where one branch checks the powers of another branch

What did Rousseau believe civilization did to people?

corrupted people's natural goodness

What form of government did Rousseau support?

direct democracy that favors the common good

What did Beccaria believe was the purpose of laws?

preserve social order

What did Beccaria believe people accused of a crime should have?

speedy trial and be free from torture

What did Beccaria believe punishment should be based on?

severity of crime

Did Beccaria support the death penalty?


What did philosophers believe women should be educated to do?

how to be a helpful wife and mother

Why were women scolded for reading novels?

reading novels would lead to idleness and individuality

What did Mary Astell speak out against?

lack of educational opportunities for women

What did Mary Astell challenge?

unequal relationship between a man and a woman in a marriage

What did Mary Wollstonecraft argue?

women need education to become virtuous and useful

What did Mary Wollstonecraft encourage women to do?

enter male-dominated fields of medicine and politics

What were the 3 main themes that occurred during the Enlightenment period?

1. belief in progress as noted by science
2. secular, nonreligious outlook on life
3. individualism