Age of Revolution test review

origin of American Revolution?


document that created first American government

articles of confederation

representative democracy

people voting government to represent them

causes of the French Revolution

1. Marie Antoinette s spending
2. enlightenment ideas
3. high taxes
4. success of American Revolution

why King Louis XVI weak

1. he didn't really make decisions
2. not a lot of experience
3. spending habits

absolute monarchy

king/ queen = complete control

3rd estates population percentage


why Louis XVI called the Estates General

failing economy & tax system

Tennis Court Oath

people don't leave until given a new constitution

what happened on Bastille Day

a mob broke into a prison to get gunpowder

Declaration of Rights of Man

document in France giving men equality, freedom, and trial rights

Country that tried to help Louis XVI escape?


What happened to Louis XVI and Mary Antoinette toward the end of the Revolution?

he got beheaded.


more radical group that took control of the national assembly

Position of Robespierre to gain power?

head of the committee on public safety.

What happened to Robespierre at end of reign of terror?

he got beheaded.

Government in France after revolution


Came to power after the failure of the government after the revolution


Two ideas that fueled age of revolution

Liberty and Freedom

Who controlled most of Latin America prior to rebellions?


1st Latin American nation to gain independence



American born spainers that led to military.

T/F most Latin American nations stabilized after their revolutions.



a military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force.

Why did the United States Revolution succeed and the French Revolution fail?

The American Revolution was a colonial revolt that only succeeded because the British neither wanted to keep the colony, nor did it want to dedicate the huge navy and army it possessed to a rebellious colony.