HIST Ch. 29

stepped up its own ICBM program

In response to increased US production of ICBMs and the American nuclear buildup in Europe, the Soviet Union

massacring more than 400 Vietnamese civilians, including women and children, in the hamlet of My Lai

Lieutenant William Calley dealt a blow to administration policy by

oust the government of Cuban nationalist Fidel Castro

The objective of the Bay of Pigs invasion was to

call a halt to the bombing of North Vietnam

One of the most important things that President Lyndon Johnson did in 1968 to boost the presidential campaign of fellow democrat Hubert Humphrey's was

the war in Vietnam had become America's war

the initiation of Operation Rolling Thunder in February 1965 was one sign that


The Pentagon Papers were

South Vietnamese under the direction of the North Vietnamese army

The National Liberation Front in Vietnam was a group of

Students for a Democratic Society

The first major protest in the United States against the Vietnam War was organized in 1965 by

left the Johnson Administration because he believed the North Vietnamese wouldn't quit even with more and more bombings by US forces

In 1968, Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara, a strong supporter of US involvement in Vietnam,

made refugees of nearly 30 percent of the South Vietnamese people

By 1968, the Vietnam War had

key cities and every major American base in South Vietnam were attacked by the Vietcong and North Vietnamese forces

During the Tet Offensive of January 1968,

disrupting its work and spreading false information about activists

During the Vietnam War, the FBI's role in the peace movement included

thwart communism by fostering economic growth in developing nations

President Kennedy's Alliance for Progress was created to

meant a truce that ended the direct involvement of the United States in the war

From 1969 to 1972, Nixon and Kissinger pursued a four-pronged approach, which

a new focus on discussions with the Soviet Union on arms control and trade

The US policy of d�tente with the Soviet Union meant

called for the nation to apply more force and win the war

During the Vietnam War, America's hawks

began in 1969 and resulted a historic agreement signed by President Nixon in Moscow in 1972

The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

protest, demonstrations, and riots

In the United States, President Nixon's decision to extend the Vietnam War to Cambodia was met with

the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was unveiled in Washington DC

In 1982, Vietnam veterans finally received a measure of public respect for their service when

met his demand for a "wider choice than humiliation or all-out nuclear action

President Kennedy's flexible-response strategy

contributed to internal disorder in the United States and the downfall of two presidents

In the end, the Vietnam War

Henry A. Kissinger

President Nixon's most important advisor on Vietnam and the Soviet Union was

South Vietnamese government and army proved to be ineffective, and their corruption and repression altered their own countrymen

In the early 1960s, General Maxwell Taylor believed that the United States should hold firm in Vietnam to show the Soviet Union that wars of national liberation were "costly, dangerous, and doomed to failure" They two major problems with Taylor's analysis


President Nixon and his national security advisor, Henry Kissinger, believed that the deterioration of Soviet-Chinese relations

to bomb North Vietnamese sanctuaries there

President Nixon's unilateral decision to expand the war in Southeast Asia to Cambodia was designed

felt betrayed by the government for not allowing them to win the war, and by their countrymen for its lack of support for the war

Returning veterans of the Vietnam war in large part

Senator Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated

Shortly after peace negotiations for the war in Southeast Asia began in Paris in May 1968

president to take "all necessary measures to repel any armed attacks against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution authorized the

an unmitigated disaster

The Bay of Pigs invasion was

instigated a violent demonstration during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago

In 1968, Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin

it was impossible to measure military success based on territory seized

In the Vietnam War, military officials began calculating their progress in body counts and kill ratios because

most served as nurses

Of the more than 7,500 American women who served in the Vietnam War,

it brought the war to the center of media attention and severely limited the Johnson administration's options

The movement in the United States to stop the Vietnam War was important primarily because

stop the mass exodus of East Germans to West Berlin

In 1961, East Germany erected a wall between East and West Berlin to

Americans who were outraged by assaults on traditional values by students and others

The presidential candidacy of George C. Wallace in 1968 appealed to

John F. Kennedy in his inaugural address in 1961

The words "we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty" were spoken by


The dire predictions of four presidents that a Communist victory in South Vietnam would cause all of Southeast Asia fall to Communism

work directly with the people in third world countries

The Peace Corps was launched by the Kennedy administration in 1961 to

the United States intervened in the internal affairs of the Dominican Republic without consulting the Dominican government or the Organization of American States

President Johnson's Latin American policy generated a new surge of anti-Americanism in that region in 1965 primarily because


The War Powers Act

limiting defense spending and relying too heavily on nuclear weapons

President Kennedy criticized the Eisenhower administration's foreign policy for


When Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, it based its action on

now hoped to achieve its objective of a non-Communist South Vietnam by relying more heavily on the South Vietnamese

The Vietnamization of the Vietnam War in 1968 meant that the United States

of the disproportionately high death rate among black soldiers who were serving in Vietnam

The US military adjusted its personnel assignments in 1966 because

poor and working-class Americans

The single largest group of US soldiers in Vietnam was made up of

support for Israel following the Yom Kippur War

Arab nations launched an oil embargo against the United States in 1973 in response to the Nixon administration's

advanced weapons were ill suited to the guerilla warfare practiced by those forces

American officials assumed that the US military's superior technology and power would defeat the Communist forces in South Vietnam. The key flaw in their thinking was the fact that

brought the world's two superpowers perilously close to nuclear war

The thirteen-day Cuban missile crisis of 1962

it underscored the credibility gap between official statements and the war's actual progress

The Tet Offensive was an important turning point for President Lyndon Johnson because

the war could not be won at a bearable cost

One of the practical reasons for protesting the Vietnam War was the belief that