History Final Exam Study Guide

The primary author of the Declaration of Independence was...

Thomas Jefferson

The colonists' rebellion against Britain became a full-scale revolution when...

opening shots were fired on the Lexington village green

On December 25, 1776, Washington and 2,400 Patriot soldiers surprised the enemy at Trenton by...

crossing the Delaware River at night.

Mary Ludwig Hays earned the nickname Molly Pitcher by...

loading cannons after her husband was killed in battle.

Thomas Paine reached a wider audience than most other pamphlet writers of his day because he...

wrote as a common man to common people

The national borders of the United States were laid out in...

the Treaty of Paris of 1783

The shot heard around the world" was fired at...


The Battle of Saratoga marked the...

greatest victory up to that point for the American forces.

The final major battle of the American Revolution was...


Supporters of the Constitution called themselves...


The Three-Fifths Compromise resolved the problem of how slaves would be counted...

as a part of each state's population when allotting representatives to the lower house

The Articles of Confederation...

created a central government with limited powers and no president

The Three-Fifths Compromise was designed to resolve remaining regional disagreements over...

the Great Compromise

The sharing of governmental power between a central authority and the states or provinces that make up a country is known as...


A type of government in which representatives are elected by the people is a...


Delegates from the smaller states strongly objected to the Virginia Plan because...

small states would have very few representatives in Congress while large states would have many

A system that prevents any branch of government from becoming too powerful is defined as...

checks and balances

The original purpose of the 1787 Constitutional Convention was to...

discuss revising the Articles of Confederation

James Madison agreed to...

adding a bill of rights to the Constitution

Powers retained by the state governments or by citizens are...

a. reserved powers

Voters in the United States must be...

at least 18 years old

The branch responsible for enforcing the laws approved by Congress is the...

executive branch

The duties of American citizens include...

obeying laws, paying taxes, protecting the nation, and serving on juries

The first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States are known as the...

Bill of Rights

The term that refers to voting rights is...


The leader who supported strict construction, meaning that the federal government should do only what the Constitution specifically says it can do, was...

Thomas Jefferson

The leader who supported loose construction, meaning that the federal government can take actions that the Constitution does not specifically forbid, was...

Alexander Hamilton

The Whiskey Rebellion was a protest led by small farmers against...

taxes on whiskey.